المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Astronomy &The Quran

  1. ((book ((The Universe and the Quran
  2. The Sky or Heaven
  3. The Heavens
  4. [ The Gaseous Heavens [the Firmament
  5. The role of the Moon in protecting the Earth
  6. Are the rings of Saturn merely a rainbow phenomenon?
  7. Jupiter is not gaseous planet
  8. The layered gaseous heavens (The Stratosphere)
  9. Most mountains are not from Earth in origin
  10. The Quran interpreter said Mars is inhabited
  11. Pluto is not a planet but a moon of Neptune
  12. The mystery of Mercury
  13. The mistakes of astronomers
  14. There is a large number of Near Earth Objects
  15. The explanation of the serious changes that happened on Venus
  16. The mistake of Astronomers about the asteroids
  17. Does the rain come down from the cloud?
  18. The dark matter is the ether
  19. The mistake of astronomers about comets
  20. A supposed ancient Northern Ocean of Mars
  21. Lake Vostok under the ice of the Antarctica
  22. The Indian Ocean 2012 earthquake
  23. Life on Mars Found by NASA's Viking Mission?
  24. Japan plan to evacuate 40 millions of its citizens
  25. The fireball of California
  26. The mistake of astronomers about sunspots
  27. The atmosphere of Mars is not thin
  28. Some amazing images of Mars
  29. The dark matter and the Higg's boson may be manifestation of the aether
  30. Mars is inhabited with all forms of life
  31. The explosion of the sun on Doomsday
  32. Curious about Curiosity
  33. NASA | Mars Landing Sites
  34. Curiosity lands on Mars
  35. Mars is full of its people
  36. Virtual Tour on Mars
  37. Comments on the Gale Crater and Sharp Mountain of Mars
  38. Earth 100 Million Years From Now
  39. The Search For Earth-Like Planets
  40. Jupiter is recently impacted by a new comet
  41. The scale of the universe
  42. Solving the puzzle of the Sun mystery
  43. The mistake of astronomers about Mars atmsophere
  44. The mistakes of NASA about Mars
  45. Mars is full of flowing water and people
  46. The constituents of the soil of Mars
  47. The origin of the atmosphere and water of Earth
  48. An asteroid or a big meteoritic rock expected to pass near the earth
  49. The origin of meteorites
  50. The fireballs of Chelyabinsk
  51. The lesson behind the recent fireballs and meteorites
  52. Images of Mars
  53. The recent impact of Moon was due to a flaming comet
  54. The Recent Solar Cycle 24 is the Weakest in 100 Years
  55. Comet Ison detected by Hubble telescope
  56. Typhoon Haiyan made its catastrophic fall on the Philippines
  57. Nasa finds evidences of current rivers on mars
  58. The Fireball of Murmansk Russia
  59. The fireball of Thailand
  60. Flowing Water now on Mars, announced NASA
  61. New Eruption of Etna Volcano
  62. A letter to Stephen Hawking
  63. Who can tell about the time of Doomsday?
  64. What is there on Moon
  65. NASA launches a probe to the Asteroid Bennu
  66. ?ًWhat does the word "heavens'' in plural means in the Quran
  67. Europa the moon of Jupiter may bear life because of its much water
  68. Mount Aso volcano erupts in Japan
  69. Etna volcano erupts in Sicily
  70. The fireball of Appleton
  71. Comets, what are they
  72. A comet impacting Moon
  73. Ptolemy theory proved wrong
  74. The Quran interpreter corrects about the formation of the planets
  75. The planets are inhabited
  76. Cassini spacecraft reaches to Saturn
  77. Big hailstone falling in Mexico
  78. Summary of many important notes in the book of The Universe and the Quran
  79. The fireball of Michigan
  80. NASA concept about Chelyabinsk fireball
  81. The fireball of China
  82. A horrible volcano erupts in Guatemala
  83. A river flowing with lava in Hawaii in America
  84. Today at 10 pm GMT, it is planned that the InSight will land on Mars
  85. The deceit of NASA and the US government
  86. The UN Climate debate in Poland
  87. The Asteroid Oumuamua
  88. The fireball of Cuba
  89. What is the significance of the recent increased rain in the Arab region
  90. Correct the direction of your scientific research and work
  91. New Mars images from ESA
  92. About Doomsday
  93. Dorian will almost attack the land of the blasphemy and tyranny
  94. There is oxygen on Mars
  95. Mars is viable with human, animal and plant
  96. Utah monolith