- ((book ((The Universe and the Quran
- The Sky or Heaven
- The Heavens
- [ The Gaseous Heavens [the Firmament
- The role of the Moon in protecting the Earth
- Are the rings of Saturn merely a rainbow phenomenon?
- Jupiter is not gaseous planet
- The layered gaseous heavens (The Stratosphere)
- Most mountains are not from Earth in origin
- The Quran interpreter said Mars is inhabited
- Pluto is not a planet but a moon of Neptune
- The mystery of Mercury
- The mistakes of astronomers
- There is a large number of Near Earth Objects
- The explanation of the serious changes that happened on Venus
- The mistake of Astronomers about the asteroids
- Does the rain come down from the cloud?
- The dark matter is the ether
- The mistake of astronomers about comets
- A supposed ancient Northern Ocean of Mars
- Lake Vostok under the ice of the Antarctica
- The Indian Ocean 2012 earthquake
- Life on Mars Found by NASA's Viking Mission?
- Japan plan to evacuate 40 millions of its citizens
- The fireball of California
- The mistake of astronomers about sunspots
- The atmosphere of Mars is not thin
- Some amazing images of Mars
- The dark matter and the Higg's boson may be manifestation of the aether
- Mars is inhabited with all forms of life
- The explosion of the sun on Doomsday
- Curious about Curiosity
- NASA | Mars Landing Sites
- Curiosity lands on Mars
- Mars is full of its people
- Virtual Tour on Mars
- Comments on the Gale Crater and Sharp Mountain of Mars
- Earth 100 Million Years From Now
- The Search For Earth-Like Planets
- Jupiter is recently impacted by a new comet
- The scale of the universe
- Solving the puzzle of the Sun mystery
- The mistake of astronomers about Mars atmsophere
- The mistakes of NASA about Mars
- Mars is full of flowing water and people
- The constituents of the soil of Mars
- The origin of the atmosphere and water of Earth
- An asteroid or a big meteoritic rock expected to pass near the earth
- The origin of meteorites
- The fireballs of Chelyabinsk
- The lesson behind the recent fireballs and meteorites
- Images of Mars
- The recent impact of Moon was due to a flaming comet
- The Recent Solar Cycle 24 is the Weakest in 100 Years
- Comet Ison detected by Hubble telescope
- Typhoon Haiyan made its catastrophic fall on the Philippines
- Nasa finds evidences of current rivers on mars
- The Fireball of Murmansk Russia
- The fireball of Thailand
- Flowing Water now on Mars, announced NASA
- New Eruption of Etna Volcano
- A letter to Stephen Hawking
- Who can tell about the time of Doomsday?
- What is there on Moon
- NASA launches a probe to the Asteroid Bennu
- ?ًWhat does the word "heavens'' in plural means in the Quran
- Europa the moon of Jupiter may bear life because of its much water
- Mount Aso volcano erupts in Japan
- Etna volcano erupts in Sicily
- The fireball of Appleton
- Comets, what are they
- A comet impacting Moon
- Ptolemy theory proved wrong
- The Quran interpreter corrects about the formation of the planets
- The planets are inhabited
- Cassini spacecraft reaches to Saturn
- Big hailstone falling in Mexico
- Summary of many important notes in the book of The Universe and the Quran
- The fireball of Michigan
- NASA concept about Chelyabinsk fireball
- The fireball of China
- A horrible volcano erupts in Guatemala
- A river flowing with lava in Hawaii in America
- Today at 10 pm GMT, it is planned that the InSight will land on Mars
- The deceit of NASA and the US government
- The UN Climate debate in Poland
- The Asteroid Oumuamua
- The fireball of Cuba
- What is the significance of the recent increased rain in the Arab region
- Correct the direction of your scientific research and work
- New Mars images from ESA
- About Doomsday
- Dorian will almost attack the land of the blasphemy and tyranny
- There is oxygen on Mars
- Mars is viable with human, animal and plant
- Utah monolith