- ((Book ((The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran
- Introduction
- The Torah :The Hebrew Bible
- The Torah [or Hebrew Bible] of Ezra
- The Ten Commandments In The Quran
- The Ten Commandments in the Torah of Ezra
- Studying the Bible and the Quran : complement to each other
- Studying the Bible and the Quran : complement to each other
- The deluge or flood of Noah
- The Quran is more correct than the Bible
- Those who do not believe in the Islam will lose in the afterlife
- The liberation of Palestine
- Tel Aviv stirs the hatred between Muslims and America
- Prophet Mohammed in the Bible
- Prophet Mohammed in the Gospel
- The truthfulness of Prophet Mohammed
- Most of Jews, Christians and idolaters will become Muslims
- The Israelites play with fire
- Horror of the Zionists of Israel of a probable chemical attack
- The brutality of Tel Aviv will be bad for the future
- Tel Aviv extremists are hard-hearted
- UN Official Chris Gunnes cries and weeps for Israel brutality against Gaza school
- The Aqsa mosque at Jerusalem is a house of God's worship
- Israelites transgress more and more on Palestinians
- No flaws in the Quran
- A Jew from Israel tells the truth
- Solomon and the Queen of Sheba
- Jerusalem before Titus
- The wrangling of Prophet Abraham with the angels
- The Quran statements abrogate the statements of the Bible
- A clergy of one of Moscow churches plauds the Muslims and the Islam
- Ugly Zionists, away from God's House: the Aqsa mosque
- Jesus cursed the Zionists
- This man bravely tells the truth about Palestine and Israel of the Zionists
- The problem of Palestine
- The secret about Palestine and the Zionism
- The Greatest Bribe in History
- The Ten Commandments in the Quran
- The admonition in the Quran
- Exposing the trick of Ezra
- A call to the American people
- Wicked Zionists beware of harming the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem
- God may now answer the prayer of people
- USA is the reason for the suffering of the Arab and Palestinians
- Unifying the three religions
- In the coming days, God may punish the USA government with severe punishment
- USA cheated the Arab and Palestinians
- The enthusiasm leads to the idolatry
- Those who know and those who don't know
- Warning the USA of imminent God's punishing
- God refutes the argument of the Jews
- The patience of Tobias [or Tobit]: Loqman
- New horizons for science and humanity
- What God said to His messenger about people
- Once again the USA transgresses on the rights of the Palestinian People
- The Occupied West Bank
- The Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their allies are never chosen by God
- Prophet Joseph: a messenger to Egyptians before Moses
- Isn't the Aqsa Mosque, the House of God
- The Ukraine war