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ًWill Muslims be better in outcome - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
  • اثبات عدم وجود ناسخ ومنسوخ في القران الكريم
  • وقت الافطار الحقيقي في شهر رمضان على ضوء القران الكريم
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المشاهدات : 37459 الردود: 4 الموضوع: ًWill Muslims be better in outcome

  1. #1
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195

    ًWill Muslims be better in outcome

    Jews say: We are the 'Chosen People of God': He loves us and prefers us to others, so He will not punish us in Hell, save maybe only several days, and Hell will be to others who do not follow our religion

    Christians say: God loves us like the father loves his children, so He will not punish us in the Next Life: only mild purgatory then we will go to Heaven and prosper there, because we believe in Jesus Christ and he is our redeemer; he sacrificed himself in order to bear our sins and rid us from the primary sin of our father Adam

    Muslims say: we will certainly go to Paradise in the Next Life, and that will be by the intercession of Prophet Mohammed the Beloved Servant of God; God will give him the great intercession, which no other prophet has been given

    Even some of the Shiaa sect say: Ali will decide who will enter into Hell and who may go to Paradise: so he is the distributer of Paradise and Hell

    So who among these will be successful in the Next Life
    By God's will, I will explain who may be the successful among all people

    All the present Jews will lose (in the Next Life
    All the present Christians will lose
    Most of present Muslims will lose
    توقيع إبن سينا

  2. #2
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    Today one of my relatives or kindred came to visit me, and there was some argument, and I told him: Don't be enthusiastic about Imam Ali, or you will lose in the Next Life
    Because God did not reveal the religion that you should sanctify Ali or others, but He revealed the Quran so that people may glorify God and none else
    He cited some traditions and explained some ayat of the Quran, but that was not correct; and I said to him: Nothing of such enthusiasm is enjoined in the Quran
    توقيع إبن سينا

  3. #3
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    Once I went to visit one of my friends: a Christian doctor in his clinic: he had time: was not busy at that time
    Then some discussion was between us, so he said in friendly way: No difference between Christians and Muslims: we are all the same
    I said: What? Of course in citizenship: ok there is no difference. In the court, in the salary .. etc. : of course no difference; but you will lose in the Next Life unless you believe in the Quran revealed to Mohammed the messenger of God
    So he was angry, and could not withstand that, and said to me: Go out of my clinic
    I said: Ok, then farewell. And I left
    Then some months later I asked some of his relatives about him; he said: That doctor died
    So I thanked God and said: Praise and gratitude to God, that I was not any hypocrite in telling him the truth

    Why is this? Because he will say in the Next Life defending himself: They told me no difference and we all are the same
    توقيع إبن سينا

  4. #4
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    That is because when God sends a messenger or apostle, He wants people to believe in him and to follow him in his monotheism and in his righteousness and to believe in the book which He reveals to him and to study the revealed book

    So why do they believe in Moses, but disbelieve in Jesus? And why do they believe in Moses, David and Solomon but they deny Jesus and Mohammed
    And why do they believe in Jesus and the past prophets but they deny the new prophet: Mohammed? Unless they follow their traditions in fact and they do not believe in God as One God without associate

    Therefore, anyone who denies the new prophet, will be like the one who denies the past prophets
    توقيع إبن سينا

  5. #5
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    God sent the apostles to invite people to refrain from the idolatry and to devote themselves to God
    This will be the consequence of their good conduct: so they have to be kind-hearted and should not transgress on the weak and should aid the poor with some of their wealth
    Therefore, the denier of God is usually the stingy: who withholds from expending on the poor and he is usually unjust
    The consequence: he will not be guided to the 'exclusive devotion to God alone'
    So the inmate of Hell are the disbelievers and idolaters: they in fact were the wrong-doers in the life of the World

    Quran 4: 64, which means
    We did never send [before you, Mohammed,] any messenger [to his people] but only that he should be obeyed g with God's permission h
    .................................................. ............

    g Concerning his bidding and forbidding them

    h i.e. God has permitted you to obey him, listen to his words, and never disobey his commands

    Jews before the coming of Jesus .. they would succeed in the Next Life: on condition they devoted themselves to God alone and they did not associate with Him the idols, the stars and the graves of their leaders
    Jews after the coming of Jesus, who kept to their religion would lose in the Next Life: because they denied the new messenger Jesus

    Christians before the coming of Mohammed who devoted themselves to God alone, and they did not exaggerated in the matter of Jesus, and did not say he was the son of God or he was God Himself or part of Trinity, and they had no patrons besides God ... they would succeed and prosper
    Christians after Mohammed who kept to their Christianity and did not believe in Mohammed the new apostle .. they would lose in the Next Life and would go to Hell

    Muslims who associate with God their imams, sheikhs and even the prophet himself .. they would lose

    The only party or group that may prosper in the Next Life are
    those Muslims who devote themselves to God alone + they work righteousness and charity + they do not commit the transgression and the wrong-doing... these may succeed and prosper and go to Paradise in Heaven in the Next Life

    Quran 3: 85, which means
    Anyone seeks any religion, other than the Islam, [his righteous work] will not be accepted from him [because the past religions were altered] g],
    and he shall, in the Next Life, be of those who lose [the prosperity of Paradise.]
    .................................................. .........

    g By the hand of the ‘chiefs of sects’ and by the ‘scholars of error and misguidance’; so that they changed and altered with their desires, and then said: This is what God commanded and instructed in His Torah; but they were liars against God, for the purpose of their personal advantages and for the wealth and position

    While the Islam religion is the true religion which God commanded people to follow in the past and at the present time, because it is the standard religion till Doomsday; and its followers do not worship idols as did you, Jews, worship, and as did you, Christians, claim about the Trinity, while Muslims exclusively devote themselves to God alone

    h So that anyone who seeks any religion other than the Islam, will lose the prosperity of Paradise

    The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly
    توقيع إبن سينا

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