God sent the apostles to invite people to refrain from the idolatry and to devote themselves to God
This will be the consequence of their good conduct: so they have to be kind-hearted and should not transgress on the weak and should aid the poor with some of their wealth
Therefore, the denier of God is usually the stingy: who withholds from expending on the poor and he is usually unjust
The consequence: he will not be guided to the 'exclusive devotion to God alone'
So the inmate of Hell are the disbelievers and idolaters: they in fact were the wrong-doers in the life of the World
Quran 4: 64, which means
We did never send [before you, Mohammed,] any messenger [to his people] but only that he should be obeyed g with God's permission h
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g Concerning his bidding and forbidding them
h i.e. God has permitted you to obey him, listen to his words, and never disobey his commands
Jews before the coming of Jesus .. they would succeed in the Next Life: on condition they devoted themselves to God alone and they did not associate with Him the idols, the stars and the graves of their leaders
Jews after the coming of Jesus, who kept to their religion would lose in the Next Life: because they denied the new messenger Jesus
Christians before the coming of Mohammed who devoted themselves to God alone, and they did not exaggerated in the matter of Jesus, and did not say he was the son of God or he was God Himself or part of Trinity, and they had no patrons besides God ... they would succeed and prosper
Christians after Mohammed who kept to their Christianity and did not believe in Mohammed the new apostle .. they would lose in the Next Life and would go to Hell
Muslims who associate with God their imams, sheikhs and even the prophet himself .. they would lose
The only party or group that may prosper in the Next Life are
those Muslims who devote themselves to God alone + they work righteousness and charity + they do not commit the transgression and the wrong-doing... these may succeed and prosper and go to Paradise in Heaven in the Next Life
Quran 3: 85, which means
Anyone seeks any religion, other than the Islam, [his righteous work] will not be accepted from him [because the past religions were altered] g],
and he shall, in the Next Life, be of those who lose [the prosperity of Paradise.] h
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g By the hand of the ‘chiefs of sects’ and by the ‘scholars of error and misguidance’; so that they changed and altered with their desires, and then said: This is what God commanded and instructed in His Torah; but they were liars against God, for the purpose of their personal advantages and for the wealth and position
While the Islam religion is the true religion which God commanded people to follow in the past and at the present time, because it is the standard religion till Doomsday; and its followers do not worship idols as did you, Jews, worship, and as did you, Christians, claim about the Trinity, while Muslims exclusively devote themselves to God alone
h So that anyone who seeks any religion other than the Islam, will lose the prosperity of Paradise
The interpretation is by Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly