God's religion which God - be glorified - revealed to all His prophets and messengers (apostles) is essentially the First Commandment that the religion should exclusively be devoted to Him alone, and that all the rest of creatures are only His servants whether they are righteous prophets or evil devils
And that the glorification should be only to God alone and not to other creatures
Then God's religion suffered distortion all over history .. and that was by the swindlers and charlatans: the political and the religious .. the rulers and the religious leaders who preferred their personal advantages to telling people the truth
Now, in the community: the Eastern and the Western community, there are many swindlers who profit themselves with such enthusiasm about Jesus and the saints, and about the imams and sheikhs and the religious Jewish men and their tombs
Yesterday, I took a bus and I sat beside the driver: there was none in the bus other than me and the driver
The driver said to me: "You are indebted of a visit to the tomb of Kazim in Baghdad!"
I said: "How do you know this?"
He said: "I tell you: You are indebted and you should pay such a visit to the shrine of this imam!"
I said: "I did visit this tomb when I was child; now I don't go to such visit!"
He said: "Why is that"
I said: "The righteous imam being a monotheist and a righteous one went to Paradise in heaven following his death, and nothing remained in the grave but only the rotten bones and decayed bodies."
He said: "But these are the imams among the respected family of the Prophet and they are infallible"
I said: "None is infallible other than God alone, and it may be that I will visit this righteous imam in the Next Life and greet him"
He said: "He and the other imams may not accept you"
I said: "God's acceptance will be enough for me"
He said: "I bind the wrist of the patient with a green piece of cloth, and the patient will be cured, even if he has cancer"
I said: "None can cure the patient but only God alone; don't you know that Prophet Mohammed wrapped his head with a cloth band because of the headache"
He said: "This is not true"
I said: "It is true and I add: Ali son of Hussein was ill and because of his illness he was saved of the massacre, and Kazim himself was poisoned, so if he cures the patient, why didn't he save himself from the poisoning"
So he insisted on his words: "You are indebted of a visit, so be wise enough to go there!"
I said: "Such words may please you, while to me I don't go and will never go to visit the graves and tombs"
Comment: Such tombs have become like idols: people go to visit such tombs and pray their needs and seek blessings from them
This in fact is common to all people: Jews, Christians, Muslims and others
Afterwards, I told others about this story, and one of them said: This is a charlatan or swindler; he traps people and takes their money on this pretext that: if they do not pay their debt then Kazim and others will take revenge on them, and they have cheated a large number of people by this way
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