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Wicked Zionists beware of harming the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem - منتديات الهدى
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المشاهدات : 37759 الردود: 9 الموضوع: Wicked Zionists beware of harming the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem

  1. #1
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195

    Wicked Zionists beware of harming the Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem

    The Aqsa mosque is the House of God's worship at Jerusalem, to which millions of
    Muslims used to go following the conclusion of the pilgrimage to visit and pray there; it is the Holy House of God for worship in which God's name was rehearsed and
    prayers in it performed day and night

    Now, and following its occupation in the year 1967 by the Wicked Zionists, the brutal and devilish work of the Wicked Zionists prevented people from worshiping in the House of God: the Aqsa mosque at Jerusalem: by intimidation, arresting, preventing people which took place in gradual steps until people cannot get there to pray and worship God

    What's going on? these devils the Wicked Zionists intends evil to the Holy God's House: the Aqsa mosque

    Therefore, AWAY from God's Holy House: the Aqsa mosque, or God will terminate you, as in the prophecies

    Now, you are puffed up with self-conceit and are tipsy with your present temporary power, wealth and the support of the imperialist states of America and the West, and the Wicked Zionists have burnt and devastated the Muslim countries round about them .. for this purpose that is to subject the Arab and Muslims in order to transgress on the Aqsa mosque and impose on the world their plans .. by force and deceit

    Therefore, when they transgress on Muslims it may pass temporarily without immediate punishment, but when they transgress on God's House: the Aqsa .. their end will be imminent

    توقيع إبن سينا

  2. #2
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The worst crime is to prevent people from God's worship in His Holy House

    God - be glorified - said in the Quran 2: 229

    { And "who is worse , with his wrong-doing", than he who bars the mosques of God, so that His Name be not rehearsed in them a, and strives to desert them b?}
    .................................................. ....................

    114 a He means by that the pagan Arabs who barred the Prophet and those with him from pilgrimage and entering Mecca in the year of the Hudaybiyah at 6 AH.

    114 b To desert the mosque: to make little number of people go to it; therefore, because they barred the believers from entering and worshipping God in the mosque, they did strive to desert the mosque.
    Similarly, anyone who prevents people from prayer and worship in any mosque or is a factor in preventing people, then he too has worked to desert the mosque.

    توقيع إبن سينا

  3. #3
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The Aqsa mosque is the Holy God's House of worship; therefore, what's the point: to harm the House of God so that a temple of God may be there instead

    If the Wicked Zionists had truly known God Almighty, they would have dreaded Him and dared not harm His House where God is worshiped, His name is glorified and celebrated day and night

    In addition, most of the Wicked Zionists are atheists, homosexuals, and evil-livers who do not follow any commandments of God
    توقيع إبن سينا

  4. #4
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The Holy Aqsa mosque is the same God's House built by David and Solomon

    Many mosques present nowadays had been mosques in the past hundreds of years and now have been renewed

    Explanation: When mosques become old, they will be renewed every now and then, but they are the same mosques built before

    Example: A mosque in the center of Baghdad, called the Mosque of the caliphs where the Abbasid caliphs used to pray about one thousand years ago, and it is renewed every period of time and it has been recently rebuilt, in spite of that it is the same mosque where the caliphs used to pray

    A picture of the Mosque of Caliphs in the center of Baghdad

    توقيع إبن سينا

  5. #5
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The Wicked Zionists disbelieve in both Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed

    When God sends a new messenger, and people do not respond and do not believe the messenger .. it means they rebel against God's will, and so they deserve the punishment.

    So when God sent Jesus Christ to guide people to worship God Who sent him, and the Children of Israel denied him in spite of all the miracles done by God for the behalf of Jesus Christ .. and in spite of that the Israelite disbelieved in Jesus Christ and designed to kill him .. and so God took revenge on the disbelievers by the hand of Titus the Roman general who devastated and destroyed them utterly at 71 AD (after they denied the apostles of the Christ)

    Therefore, the Wicked Zionists now disbelieve in either of Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed (and even they disbelieve in God and in all the prophets including their prophet Moses.)
    توقيع إبن سينا

  6. #6
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The illusion of some Christians:

    Some Christians have been cheated by the Zionist propaganda; so they imagine that building the temple once again will prepare the way for the coming of Jesus Christ and then all Jews and Muslims will be Christians, when Jesus will come and rule in Jerusalem as the king of Israel!!

    This in fact is an illusion .. Jesus Christ did not say they should harm the Aqsa mosque and build a temple in stead of it, but they follow their desire in this respect.

    Moreover, some religious zealots among Christians wish the Aqsa mosque be removed .. because the program of the Islam is opposite to the program of the Trinity, and the Islam is the program of the true monotheism and the Islam does not agree that Jesus Christ is a son of God or is God Himself: Muslims believe Jesus Christ was only an apostle or messenger like the rest of God's prophets and messengers, and he is only the son of man not the son of God.

    توقيع إبن سينا

  7. #7
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The transgression on the Aqsa mosque is very serious:

    The transgression on the Aqsa mosque means the invalidation of the Islam religion, so that the mosque which is the holy house of God is discarded, and in stead of it a temple of Jews is built.

    Therefore, a seventy years period is enough for these Wicked Zionists.
    توقيع إبن سينا

  8. #8
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The significance of the seventy years:

    Seventy years Jews remained captives in Iraq in Babylon.
    Seventy years following Jesus Christ the Jews were destroyed by Titus.
    Now it has been about seventy years since the establishment of the state of Israel, and the affliction of Muslims of seventy years of suffering is now about to end.

    And now it is the last chance for the Zionists to convert to the Islam religion and then will be saved and the Palestinians may then allow them to live with them in Palestine, or else their end will be imminent.

    This is in spite of the circumstances seem now to be to the advantage of the Zionists of Tel Aviv. But God's decree may pass in one minute according to His will.

    توقيع إبن سينا

  9. #9
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    Muslims believe in all God's prophets, and so Prophets David and Solomon are our prophets, and Muslims are more worthy of David and Solomon than the Wicked Zionists.

    In addition, God has given the Aqsa mosque and the entire land of Palestine as inheritance to Muslims and Palestinians, and God is the Owner of all possessions and He gives out of His kingdom to whomever He likes.

    And the land of Palestine is not the possession of Zionists nor of others like the English so as to dispose in it as they like, but the land of Palestine is for the Palestinians and Muslims.
    توقيع إبن سينا

  10. #10
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The Muslim nation (not the Jews) now are the Chosen of God

    The Chosen People of God: they were chosen in the past to believe in God alone without associate, but they betrayed the trust and worshiped other gods like the Baal, Astaroth, the sky star: Sirius, in addition to gold calf statue in the time of Moses and the two calf statues made by Jeroboam son of Nebet.

    In addition, these 'chosen people of God' disobeyed the prophets of God and killed some of those prophets.

    So God discarded them and chose the Muslim nation in stead of them to worship Him alone without associate and Muslims believe in all the prophets of God: so the chosen people now are the Muslim nation not the Children of Israel who disbelieved in Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.

    The Conflict between the Torah and the Quran
    توقيع إبن سينا

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