The Aqsa mosque is the House of God's worship at Jerusalem, to which millions of
Muslims used to go following the conclusion of the pilgrimage to visit and pray there; it is the Holy House of God for worship in which God's name was rehearsed and
prayers in it performed day and night
Now, and following its occupation in the year 1967 by the Wicked Zionists, the brutal and devilish work of the Wicked Zionists prevented people from worshiping in the House of God: the Aqsa mosque at Jerusalem: by intimidation, arresting, preventing people which took place in gradual steps until people cannot get there to pray and worship God
What's going on? these devils the Wicked Zionists intends evil to the Holy God's House: the Aqsa mosque
Therefore, AWAY from God's Holy House: the Aqsa mosque, or God will terminate you, as in the prophecies
Now, you are puffed up with self-conceit and are tipsy with your present temporary power, wealth and the support of the imperialist states of America and the West, and the Wicked Zionists have burnt and devastated the Muslim countries round about them .. for this purpose that is to subject the Arab and Muslims in order to transgress on the Aqsa mosque and impose on the world their plans .. by force and deceit
Therefore, when they transgress on Muslims it may pass temporarily without immediate punishment, but when they transgress on God's House: the Aqsa .. their end will be imminent