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USA is the reason for the suffering of the Arab and Palestinians - منتديات الهدى
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المشاهدات : 67901 الردود: 8 الموضوع: USA is the reason for the suffering of the Arab and Palestinians

  1. #1
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10

    USA is the reason for the suffering of the Arab and Palestinians

    America caused the suffering and torment of Muslims, the Arab and Palestinians.

    USA is always biased to the side of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv .. always say Veto to any resolution to the advantage of Palestinians

    America supports the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv with money, and weapon against the Arab and Palestinians.

    USA gives the weapon to the Zionists to kill the civilians among the Palestinians and the Arab.

    توقيع John Wassov

  2. #2
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    The Arab and Muslims want to befriend with the American people
    And in spite of this, the USA government chooses to incline to the side of the enemy of the Arab and Palestinians .. those who have plundered the rights of the Palestinian people and occupied its homeland.

    Moreover, Jesus Christ cursed the Wicked Zionists in the Gospel with many "woe to you"

    So the Wicked Zionists deny Jesus Christ and say he was impostor and liar, and they speak badly about the honor of his mother Virgin Mary.
    While Muslims believe in Jesus Christ and love him, and Muslims honor his mother Virgin Mary.

    توقيع John Wassov

  3. #3
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    The Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv are the invalidation of Christianity and Islam

    The existence of the Wicked Zionists in Palestine and in Jerusalem is in fact an invalidation of the Christ and of Moahmmed (and even of God initially.)

    Many Christians have been deluded and confused by the propaganda of the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv and their media.

    So as to let them forget about the enmity of the Wicked Zionists to Jesus Christ.
    توقيع John Wassov

  4. #4
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    Their rebellion against their prophet Moses:

    People who rebelled against their own prophet Moses who saved them from the slavery of Pharaoh .. how can they be expected to believe in a prophet: Mohammed out of the Arab?

    توقيع John Wassov

  5. #5
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    A Call to Christians: by the Apostle of the Christ

    The American people is other than the government; most people believe in God Almighty and in the prophets of God; so in a survey: Most Christians don't mind that anyone may worship God although giving Him another name.

    توقيع John Wassov

  6. #6
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    So the Wicked Zionists have committed the greatest crime by shutting the House of God: the Aqsa mosque before Muslims to worship God inside it.

    {And who is worse , with his wrong-doing, than he who bars the mosques of God, so that His Name be not rehearsed in them , and strives to desert them?}

    توقيع John Wassov

  7. #7
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    The American people are responsible about the suffering of Palestinians and Muslims:

    That is because the US government support the Wicked Zionists of Tel Aviv with wealth, weapon and media support .. so consequently this will fortify the strategic enemy of the Arab and Muslims.

    توقيع John Wassov

  8. #8
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    The Englo American are to be blamed for allowing the Zionist to come to Palestine.

    توقيع John Wassov

  9. #9
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    Jews in Palestine have one of these choices

    They convert and become Muslims .. they will then be saved .. this will be their best choice
    Or they fled Palestine now and only now and return back to where they came from.. or they will have no other opportunity
    To be just and humane with the Palestinian .. then the Palestinian may allow them to live with them in their country
    Or stay stuck to their haughtiness, rancor and transgression .. and then God's promise of their end will be fulfilled

    توقيع John Wassov

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