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Summary of many important notes in the book of The Universe and the Quran - منتديات الهدى
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المشاهدات : 52966 الردود: 5 الموضوع: Summary of many important notes in the book of The Universe and the Quran

  1. #1
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10

    Summary of many important notes in the book of The Universe and the Quran

    1- The stratosphere is steady, stable and relatively calm, so its constituent gases have been separated into seven gaseous layers .. according to the specific weight of each gas.
    It is stable because its lower part is colder (about - 60 centigrade) and it gets hotter as one goes up until it is hottest (about zero centigrade) in its top sub-layer.

    2- The Global Warmth is almost because the earth has become somewhat nearer to the sun ... and therefore, the heat has increased all over the earth .. the cold regions became less cold and the hot regions became more hot.
    Other factors like the greenhouse effect may be of less importance.

    3- There is life on Mars:
    Mars and the planets farther than it bear life in all its forms including man-kind and genie-kind, in addition to plants and animals.

    4- Origin of the earth and the planets:
    The planets together with the earth had been one sun which then converted into an earth with thin crust then burst into nine pieces -> leading to the formation of the earth and the planets which circled around the nearest sun to them, which was our present sun --> so that a new solar system: the present one issued.
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  2. #2
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10
    The planets are arranged around the sun according to their sizes: the smallest Mercury is the nearest to the sun, the biggest Neptune the biggest is the farthest from the sun.

    Therefore, Mars is bigger than Earth, and Jupiter is not the biggest planet
    quran-ayat.com/universe/new_page_2.htm#Why_the_planet_is_near_or_far_from_ the_s

    quran-ayat.com/universe/new_page_3.htm#The_Wrong_Calculations_of_Astronome rs_Co

    quran-ayat.com/universe/new_page_3.htm#The_Wrong_Calculations_of_Astronome rs_Ju
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  3. #3
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10
    The earth core has become colder than before; it will gradually slow down until it will stop its axial rotation after about one thousand years.

    Venus stopped its axial rotation as had Mercury stopped to rotate around itself before .. that is after the coldness of their cores. The earth will follow them in this respect after 1000 years.

    quran-ayat.com/universe/new_page_4.htm#Mercury_Has_Stopped_Its_Axial_Rotat ion

    ================================================== =====


    The Doomsday is inevitable: it will happen after about 2000 years: the earth will stop spinning around itself and keep one face towards the sun which will be in lasting day, and the opposite face will be in darkness of a lasting night. So after stopping for 1000 years, Doomsday will occur and the earth together with the planets and the sun will burst and break up into pieces.

    The reason for the occurring of Doomsday and its portents are discussed in details in many links of the book: The Universe and the Quran.

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  4. #4
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10

    Sunspots are due to some meteorites attracted by the sun and then immersed inside it
    This is why
    Sunspots are darker than the surrounding sun surface
    They are cooler than the surrounding sun surface
    They indicate a saucer-shaped depression with a bottom surrounded by a sloping periphery




    Comets are fire masses emitted out of the sun at high speed; they are fire oblong objects which do not spin around themselves; they are fire objects from the start, and are attracted by the frozen and cold regions of the planets and moons. They are not ice surrounded by dirt

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  5. #5
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10

    Life is transmigrant; it migrates from one destroyed planet to another newly formed planets; life came to Earth and the rest of planets embedded in the meteorites which fell on the planets forming the mountains on the earth and the other planets




    There is life with all its forms on Mars and the planets beyond it
    There are people on Mars: people of Mars, created by God there and reproduced there
    There will be a meeting between the people of Earth and people of Mars in this life of the World


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  6. #6
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10
    The rain comes down from the sky, not from the cloud... but it may come from
    within the cloud or through it.. It is the molten snow particles that exist high up in the atmosphere, then when it melts, it will come through the cloud and draw more water with it


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