exaggeration in loving the Christ, the Christian saints, Jewish sages, Muslim imams
leads to --> the
enthusiasm which leads --> to
glorifying these persons like God's glorifying, which will lead to --> the
idolatry (or associating these figures with God in the glorification and worship
which is contrary to the first and the most important commandment: that is to worship God alone and to take none apart of God in the worship and glorification
Quran 4: 171, which means
[God – be glorified – addressed Christians]
171. People of the Book [: the Gospel], do not exaggerate in your religion nor say aught concerning God save the truth
The Messiah: Jesus the son of Mary was but a messenger of God, and His "word", that He cast to Mary and a "spirit" [coming] from His [neighborhood
so believe in God and [all] His messeng
Say not "Trinity"; desist [from such words], it will be better for you; for God is One God; Far Exalted is He above having any son
To Him belong all the [cosmic destructive factors] in the [gaseous] heavens, and [the sudden destructive factors] on earth
God suffices for a One Who records your acts
More explanation of this great aya is in the link