A fireball crossed the dark night sky of China province of Yunnan in the southwestern part of the county, and it made a bright light and exploded and disappeared
A fireball crossed the dark night sky of China province of Yunnan in the southwestern part of the county, and it made a bright light and exploded and disappeared
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة إبن سينا ; 06-02-2018 الساعة 11:40 PM
They said it was a meteorite, but I think it was almost a comet which was drawn to the ice capped mountains in this province , like the knownThe comet has a predilection for the cold regions like these ice-covered mountain tops, or Siberia or Alaska ..etc
Bala Gezong Snow Mountain, with an elevation of 5,545 meters, which is the highest snow mountain in Shangri-La, Diqing in #Yunnan
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