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A call to Iran - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
  • اثبات عدم وجود ناسخ ومنسوخ في القران الكريم
  • وقت الافطار الحقيقي في شهر رمضان على ضوء القران الكريم
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المشاهدات : 33948 الردود: 2 الموضوع: A call to Iran

  1. #1
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195

    A call to Iran

    A call to the Iranian government

    A plight is obviously made by Tel Aviv in cooperation of their ally the US government

    How can Iran be safe of such evil plight
    By relying on God alon
    By refraining from the glorification of the imams and sheikhs and their tombs
    By observing God's commandments in the Quran

    Therefore, I invite the Iran government to stop supporting the ignorant men who glorify the imam shrines and tomb
    to stop supporting the shrines and tombs of the imams, but instead to support the mosques of God
    and to keep glorifying God alone .. seeking His help alone

    If the Iran government observes this subject, then they will escape the plight and evil of the Zionists and the Imperialists .. or else the Iran government will lose

    توقيع إبن سينا

  2. #2
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    Some practical steps against such 'shirk' or association with God

    To cut the financial support to the shrines and tombs of the imams .. and to direct such expenditure to the mosques
    To remove all the signboards from streets that invite to the glorification of the imams apart from God alone
    To stop every tradition or act, not written in the Quran, and which imply the glorification and sanctifying the imams and religious men apart from God alone
    توقيع إبن سينا

  3. #3
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    A call to the Iranian people
    The Iranin Muslim people should be alert to the plot of the Zionists and Imperialists : Tel Aviv and Washington
    The way to become triumphant is to hold fast with God alone
    To abandon the idolatry in the form of glorifying the imam shrines and tombs, and instead to glorify God alone seeking His help
    To abandon every tradition not written in the Quran
    To be alert to the impostors and religious men who invite to the enthusiasm about the
    imams and sheikhs


    توقيع إبن سينا

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