Ismael Jassim from Samarra in Iraq eats scorpions finding them delicious; he is used to this, and becomes furious if he does not eat scorpions, then when he eats scorpions he will be satisfied and
Ismael Jassim from Samarra in Iraq eats scorpions finding them delicious; he is used to this, and becomes furious if he does not eat scorpions, then when he eats scorpions he will be satisfied and
The strange thing is this man says he will be upset and get nervous if he does not eat scorpions!
Explanation: the poison of the scorpion contains a substance called Acetyl Choline which is a neurotransmitter, and it may be the reason for the very painful sting of the scorpion
So this neurotransmitter may be the reason why he becomes nervous, because his body has become used to this substance coming to it by this way: by eating scorpions
By the way: the spirits of scorpions and snakes may be set on the souls of disbelievers, idolaters, atheists
and wrong-doers to sting and bite them in the Afterlife
:The punishment in the Barzakh world is not in Hell, but
o either God may give some of the evil souls [and devils] a power over him, so that they will hurt him
o or God may give some devils or genies a power over him
o He may set the spirits of some snakes or scorpions on him
o he may be imprisoned in the grave
o or become poor and lowly among souls
o may become hungry, thirsty and cannot satisfy his thirst
o or other things that make him sad, unhappy and miserable
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