If the ship goes into wrong direction, it will lose its way
When the scientific search and work moves in the wrong direction, people will not reach to the correct result, but will keep staggering in futile effort and loss of precious time
While in case scientists and researchers know what to do, and how to make research in the correct way, the truth will be achieved
E.g. when people were ignorant about the antibiotics, they staggered in their attempts to cure many infectious diseases .. e.g. what they used to do in treating
Syphilis: they used
poisonous chemical substances and horrid surgical measures.. the same is what they
do in treating
Cancer also
What I say is: Let the book
The Universe and the Quran be the light of your scientific research and scientific work, and then scientists will achieve great advances and reach to great discoveries .. like the ship captain who knows very well his way in the sea, and then he will be safe and reach to the land in shorter time with no losses
But if scientists disdain to follow such wisdom and main lines of knowledge, then they will keep staggering and straying in the sea of ignorance and vain haughtiness