The European Space Agency ESA has produced some pictures about Mars .. the pictures are picked by their satellite the Mars Express which orbits the planet
One of such images is this interesting one
The European Space Agency ESA has produced some pictures about Mars .. the pictures are picked by their satellite the Mars Express which orbits the planet
One of such images is this interesting one
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة selfsame ; 02-24-2019 الساعة 02:01 PM
Suppose they are right concerning the rivers in the upper part of the picture (they say these are only the remnants of river basins and are now dry
but if you look to the lower part of the picture, you will not see dry basins [encrypted in the ground]: it is a lake and it is full with waterMoreover, the picture is taken from the satellite perpendicular to the surface, as they say in the description of the picture
So it is not a matter of light reflection: compare the ?LAKE? with the ?CRATER? on the left side of the picture, you will see the light reflection obviously
In addition, God has not created anything vainly and without purpose .. so Mars and the planets beyond it are full with various forms of life in addition to profuse amounts of water proved on some moons .. then what about the planets of these moons
Another point: almost these are not dry rivers, why? Compare all these rivers with the old rivers on earth that have become dry, will you see the same? No, they will appear faint and not well demarcated
Therefore, it can't be that all these are the dry basins of rivers, and all of them are kept as they are without been covered with dust and become under the ground [and they claim before millions of years
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة selfsame ; 02-24-2019 الساعة 02:07 PM
Another point of view about this nice picture of Mars
Some areas are shining, while another area is shadowed: like the sky has some scattered clouds, and the shadow of such cloud is in the center of the picture and to the right
So the crater is shining, the Rt border is shining; the shadow behind it. Then see the next mountain: one side (the eastern is shining), while the shadow is on the next slope .. we may estimate the time as about 10-11 o'clock at morning before noon
Now if we study the lake: it is in the shadow of a cloud; it is flat without reflecting any border light and there is no encrypted valley or basin of such a lake, which indicates there is a true lake full of water .. this is what I think, and God is the All-Knowing
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة selfsame ; 02-24-2019 الساعة 02:06 PM
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