The reason why Jews and Christians have been set on Muslims
Muslims have the Quran, yet they do not work according to its teachings .. particularly as regards to the true monotheism
(the devotion to God alone: glorifying Him alone apart from the imams and religious figures)
In fact Muslims have fallen in the idolatry: the enthusiasm about the imams and the companions of the prophet .. Muslims started to construct the tombs of the imams and to glorify these graves .. they seek help of imams rather than God's help, they give charity not for God alone, but for the love of the Prophet and the sons of Imam Ali
Yes, indeed, we should love these imams and take them as examples in piety and righteousness.. but we should not magnify and glorify their persons and graves .. we love them, but our love to God must be more than loving others even though they are the Prophet family and Ali and his sons
So this is the idolatry or the
associating of these imams with God
Therefore, when Muslims understand this and believe in God alone .. God then will be with them .. Muslims will then be dignified and united while their enemy: the idolaters, disbelievers and blasphemers will deteriorate and divide among themselves, and
God's hand will be with Muslims who devote themselves to God alone without associate