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God refutes the argument of the Jews - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
  • اثبات عدم وجود ناسخ ومنسوخ في القران الكريم
  • وقت الافطار الحقيقي في شهر رمضان على ضوء القران الكريم
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المشاهدات : 54841 الردود: 3 الموضوع: God refutes the argument of the Jews

  1. #1
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10

    God refutes the argument of the Jews

    God disproves the claim of the Jews against Prophet Mohammed:

    Quran 2: 88, which means:
    (And [Jews] say: "Our hearts are enveloped [so that we don't understand what you, Mohammed, say]. a"

    Not so, but God has cursed them for their blasphemy b , so it is only a few [of them] who will believe [in you, Mohammed.] c)
    .................................................. ............................

    88 a i.e. there is a cover on our hearts so that we don't understand what you, Mohammed, say.
    In fact that was because of their haughtiness and stubbornness.

    88 b i.e. they in fact understand and know well, but it is only according to their stubbornness and haughtiness; therefore, they don't comply to the truth; so the curse is their reward for their blasphemy, and there will be an evil outcome for them.

    88 c [As such will the situation be of the stubborn deniers of the Mahdi on his advent: They (Muslims and non-Muslims) will deny him, in spite of that they see the description in their books applicable to him, although they are the first and most zealous than others to foretell about his coming.– the commentator.]
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  2. #2
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10
    God disproves another claim of the Jews

    Quran 2: 91-92, which mean
    (91. And when it is said to the [Jews]:"Believe in [the Quran] that God has revealed [to Mohammed]", they say: "We only believe [exclusively] in [the Torah] that was revealed to us
    And they disbelieve in [the Gospel and the Quran] that came after it, though it is the true [word of God] confirming [the Torah]
    a that they already have

    Say [Mohammed, to them]: 'Why then had you slain the prophets of God [like John Baptist, Zachariah and others] before [the Quran has been revealed], if truly you are believers [in the Torah as do you claim b ?'

    92. And Moses came to you with the profound miracles [indicating his truthfulness], then you took the calf [as an idol to worship] after his [going to the Hor Mount to receive the tablets] and [by worshiping the calf] you were wrongdoers [of yourselves
    .................................................. ......................

    91 a i.e. God revealed the Quran confirming the statements that they have in the Torah, and complementing the religious rites.

    91 b Because the Torah forbids the killing of living man, so why do you kill the prophets of God?

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  3. #3
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10
    The Israelite killed the prophets of God

    God sent them many apostles and Jews killed some of them, and denied the others

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  4. #4
    رقم العضوية : 2241
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2015
    المشاركات : 245
    التقييم: 10
    No wonder the Zionist hate the Quran interpreter, as had they hated Prophet Mohammed, Jesus Christ and even they are the enemy of God

    So what's the fault of Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, that God inspired to him the interpretation and explanation of the Quran ayat or revelations... so as to explain its mysterious ayat in a clear way to prove the Quran was revealed by God, and that Mohammed - salam to him - did not forge or invent it of his own accord

    توقيع selfsame

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