Quran 31: 12, which means
We did give wisdom a to Luqman b [: Tobias
[We revealed to him:] "Give thanks to God c
for whosoever gives thanks, he only gives thanks for [the advantage of] his own soul d but whosoever is ungrateful, then surely God is Absolute [in independence of the thanksgiving e ], [and] Worthy of Praise [for His bounties
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a That is the knowledge and admonition which God gave him on account of his righteousness and piety
b Luqman [: Tobias] was one of the Children of Israel, of the tribe of Naphtali; he resided in Palestine in Galilee, in the time of Rehoboam son of Solomon
His name was Tobias, and in fact God surnamed him in the Quran as Loqman, because [as the word in Arabic implies] he used to feed the poor and needy and to put the 'loqma' or the morsel in their mouths, and that was according to his kind heart and good conduct
The name of his wife was Anna who bore for him a son whom he named in his same name [Tobias] also
He was pious and righteous, enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong, and commanding his people to obey God
His story is mentioned in details in the Torah collection [the Bible: the Old Testament], the Book of Tobias (or Tobiah) according to his name
c For that He guided you, and gave to you the wisdom and the righteous son.
d It means: the reward of his gratitude will be for himself, and he will get more blessings of God.
The indication of this is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 14: 7, which means:
"If you are thankful, I will surely increase you[r blessing.])
It means: I will increase your bounties, in addition to what bounties you already have.
e Of the grateful.