Proved there is the green glow of the oxygen in the atmosphere of Mars similar to that on Earth (like the Aurora Borealis); it indicates the existence of oxygen in considerable amounts at different altitudes in the atmosphere of Mars
So this is a step in advance to acknowledging the oxygen, water and life on Mars
If oxygen exists in sufficient amounts, then water also exists and in turn life also is there on Mars
Few days ago, I saw in the National Geographic Abu Dabi, a team of scientists searching about ancient archaeological remnants of some drowned cities in the bottom of the White Sea; they said: we use a technology that enables us to view the bottom of the sea without water.
I thought it may be the same trick NASA and the American government use to hide the existence of seas and oceans and rivers on the planet Mars, and they view it without water
Or it maybe God has blinded them and they don't see the real truth: of the O2, water and life on Mars