Covid 19 is a seriously dangerous disease, but the people livelihood is also important.. and it can't be that people will stay imprisoned in their homes for considerably long time
A plan for moderate easing of the lock-down
I suggest this plan for the remaining months of this year (and maybe more if required.) And it is very dangerous that the lock-down is removed completely
General measures to be maintained
Wearing the mask, (and gloves when needed <<
Sterilizing hands by spirit every time one returns to house <<
Then washing hands thoroughly with soap and water <<
Avoiding crowds <<
Keeping a good social distance <<
If possible letting sun rays reach every room and ward of houses, hospitals and offices <<
Working in farms is allowed with keeping the social distance and wearing the mask
Allowing some businesses
Such businesses with social distance usually observed in common circumstances
like car factories
car exhibitions for selling
factories and industries with similar structure: the workers are usually distancing from each other in the normal situation: like tailoring, and similar industries
shops with expected clients not crowded like the shops selling some mechanical or electrical or computer equipment
shops that work with mending shoes or selling shoes, clothes and dresses (on condition they are not crowded: every time one or two clients come to buy
shops of goldsmith, watch selling and mending (they are not crowded usually
Mosques solitary individual prayers can be performed (with observing the general measures like the mask, sterilizing and washing the hand, and keeping the social distance
Parks and public gardens
should be allowed and encouraged on condition of keeping social distance
Take away can be allowed <<
Eating and dining inside the restaurant <<
Social distance is essential and not allowing the crowding
Each table for two persons only
Masks is mandatory before and after eating
Sterilizing and washing hands before and after meal is mandatory
Decreasing the number of tables (for the owner of the restaurant it is better than closing the restaurant
If possible letting sun rays enter inside the restaurant hall
Sports particularly the solitary sport is to be encouraged specially in the fresh air and sun light, but no audience allowed in stadium
Audience and crowds must be obligatorily banned
Buses cannot be banned: but social distances is to be observed in seats.. and the number of riders must be lessened (this is better than completely banning the buses and the like
Schools and institutes: can be allowed with observing the mask, the washing and the important social distance by decreasing the number of students in each class
Official departments of the government, civil companies and the like: social distance is observed and the mask and washing mandatory
Obligatory banning of the following
bars and night clubs: it is a must to be banned
sea shore and beaches: must be banned
brothels must be banned
cinemas and theaters are better to be banned
For there is the extreme danger of contracting and spreading the infection in these places inevitably
Such plan is to be implemented for all the months of this year for all countries.. it may then give benefit against the expected coming second wave of the Covid 19
God is the All-Knowing and Almighty