Recently, a metallic object has been discovered in the Utah desert in the USA
When the Americans sent their probes to Mars, they chose a remote desolated area near Sharp mount on Mars... why? Why didn't they go to regions more prone to have life and intelligent beings? Why didn't they go to the high mountains of Mars northern hemisphere: such mountains have ice on their tops... so water springs may almost be existent on the slopes and in valleys? Or why didn't they go to regions where some pictures showed tops of trees in the very cold regions (like Alaska and Siberia on Earth
They went to the desolated regions: because they wanted to make colonies there on Mars, and if they go to regions probably inhabited, then their probes and their projects will be destroyed by people there
So it may be, and I say maybe, and not insisting... it may be from another planet like Saturn or Jupiter or even Mars where good atmosphere and ample water and oxygen available
This monolith is pyramidal with a triangular base; it may be erected vertically for some purpose we don't know... God is the All-Knowing
Another probability is someone wanted to make a movie and came to that region and erected this metallic pyramid 10-12 feet high, perpendicular!!?? I see this a weak probability