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Isn't the Aqsa Mosque, the House of God - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
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المشاهدات : 17978 الردود: 1 الموضوع: Isn't the Aqsa Mosque, the House of God

  1. #1
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195

    Isn't the Aqsa Mosque, the House of God

    Once I said: The Aqsa Mosque is God's house of worship; God has given it to Muslims as inheritance. So beware of transgressing on the Aqsa Mosque
    A Zionist replied: "Your mosque lies on top of our Temple
    The answer
    The House is God's house, not yours or anyone else's
    Muslims worship God the Creator day and night glorifying Him in their prayers and Quran recitation
    Now, Zionists came and prevented people: Muslims from praying.. preventing them by all means: by intimidation, by prisoning by killing.. until now relatively a little number of worshipers worship God Almighty in His House of wo
    So this is the greatest wrong-doing: to prevent people worship God in His House
    Therefore, Zionists claim to build their temple .. for what? according to their claim: to worship God inside it
    But isn't God worshiped inside the Aqsa Mosque? While most of Zionists are atheists and idolaters and Satanists
    So they claim to build their temple to worship God.. and to do this they prevent people from worshiping God
    I tell you: Your Zionist work is the invalidation of the Christianity and the Islam
    God warns you in the Quran: Do not transgress on HIs Holy House: the Aqsa Mosque! Or He will terminate the transgressors: even if all Muslims become silent and even if all of them agree.. God does not agree, for He is a Zealous God

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة إبن سينا ; 07-20-2021 الساعة 01:18 AM
    توقيع إبن سينا

  2. #2
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    I add also
    Zionists have prevented and impeded Muslims from worshiping God in the Aqsa Mosque
    This is obvious, and for anyone who does not understand this, I say: Muslims used to visit the Aqsa Mosque from every country in the world, by thousands every day
    See now the Zionist occupation, what is has done: so that only a relatively little number of Palestinians who perform prayers in the Aqsa Mosque: the House of God's worship
    Therefore, according to Jesus Christ words, I say: Woe to you, Zionists and atheists and Satanists
    God Himself will cut you off, as did He in the past so many time
    توقيع إبن سينا

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