Some Amazing images of Mars
NASA - Late Afternoon Shadows at Endeavour Crater on Mars
NASA - Dark Shadows on Mars : Scene from Durable NASA Rover
Some Amazing images of Mars
NASA - Late Afternoon Shadows at Endeavour Crater on Mars
NASA - Dark Shadows on Mars : Scene from Durable NASA Rover
<br><br><img id="vbattach_185" class="previewthumb" alt="" src="" attachmentid="185"><br><br>sunset on Mars<br>
In this new image taken by the Mars rover Opportunity at the crater known as Endeavour Crater, some rocks with geometric shapes have been observed:
The two moons of Mars Phobos and Deimos have been pictured by Curiosity, when they made transition across the disc of the Sun.
This is the image with animation (from NASA) of Phobos transitting the Sun disc.
The place where some sample has been taken by Curiosity for sampling and investigation:
The deeper part is deeper in color than the surface part: is there water or moisture?
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة إبن سينا ; 10-09-2012 الساعة 05:57 PM
Thank you very much
Thank you, Ammar.
Recently, they have found a bright small object, which they think almost to be a plastic piece coming from one of their curiosity parts or the parachute.
The object is seen in the center of this image, and a little bit to the left
Mostly that piece is of organic origin ........ In case if they will find other piece similar or not with the first one they will must be sure that it is from the vehicle or its Parashute or then it will become clear evidence of the the existence of organic material on the surface of Mars , plant or animal origin, or other organic materials, which can not be there without the existence of water and air containing oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and other elements as it is on earth .......... and if they will find that, then it will be a sure sign of the presence of plants and animals and then humans on Mars. ... and we are waiting for surprises in the coming days with God will
Important note : how this piece came to this place ... Is it fallen from the top or is it rolled to this place or is it an Organic Waste residues left by organic live body in that place
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ابو صالح ; 10-13-2012 الساعة 02:25 AM
أؤيد قولك يا أبو صالح ، مع وجود احتمالات . ولننظر الصورة التي أوردها عبد العليم .. مدهشة .
This image from NASA is about a strange bright piece found amid the pebbles and sand on Mars where Curiosity is moving now.
I think, this is most probably as
Abu Salih said in the post #9: it is of organic origin, and if so it should be studied and investigated: is there protein or cellulose or any substance derived from animal or plant origin: like a piece of skin of a snake or shell or plant ...etc
I agree with you, aurora, and this strange piece looks as tissue-like structure with some longitudinal lines .
Comment about the pebbles and sand observed by Curiosity on Mars
The pebbles are covered completely by a dust covering, and not like the bright pebbles usually on Earth.The region appears rich in silicate, which appears bright usually, and whitish.
Moreover, the sand looks as if it is not completely dry; there is almost some moisture in the sand, and obviously there is difference between the outer surface and the under surface sand which is somewhat wet!!?
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة إبن سينا ; 10-20-2012 الساعة 01:23 PM
These are a group of images from NASA where there are seasonal changes
indicating the increase of the flow of water in the hot season on Mars
Such images were taken since about one year ago, but since then there was silence about such a discovery; why is that?
The sites where such seasonal changes were found, indicating increased liquid water flow in the hot season on Mars:
1- at Newton Crater
2- at Horowitz Crater
3- at Terra Cimmeria
4- at Terra Sirenum
5- at Horowitz Crater
6- in a Gully in a Mars Crater
This is the link where such images of NASA are displayed.
Another image of Newton Crater slopes
And this is in the same crater:
And this is also in Newton Crater
This is also at Newton Crater
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