Mars is inhabited
Water on Mars:
If water exists on Mars, there should be life there.
Water on Mars exists in the form of:
Ice: on the two polar caps, and on the top of high mountains.
Cloud: and it has been seen drifted by the wind.
Water Drops on the leg of the Lander near the polar region of Mars.
Flowing Water: On some of the images, there has been an obvious seasonal variation between winter and summer: indicating the water is now flowing on the planet.
So in case there is water in the form of ice on the two polar caps, in large amounts: that it is manifest to us from the earth; then when this ice melts in the Spring and Summer: where will the huge amounts of molten ice converting into liquid ice: where will it go? It should be like Earth: will go to rivers, lakes, and finally to seas and oceans.
In addition, the ice on the tops of high mountains: will melt and percolate: where will it go? Certainly it will come on the slopes and in the valleys in the form of water-springs, then water-streams and rivers.
Second: if we study Mars, we shall see it has
equatorial and polar regions and other intermediate moderate regions just like Earth; therefore, not all its regions are cold or frozen; and if we see the ice on the tops of the high mountains just like earth mountains, then certainly the slopes and valleys are less in coldness and more warm.
The atmosphere is like that of Earth: there is the troposphere --> holding the
sunset afterglaw, and the
Venus Belt manifestation .. which is more extensive and lasts more that of the Earth.
the cloud drifted by the wind like the cloud of Earth, and
the dust storms indicate an atmosphere more extensive than that of Earth.
Other indications:
Mars rotates around its axis, and has its d
ay and night succession, and has its
4 seasons, in its year which is longer than Earth's year.
Mars has its
two moons, just like Earth has its Moon, which serve people to count their time and years.
So a wise man should think seriously that there is life on Mars, and it is created like Earth to bear life and people who serve God and glorify Him.