بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of God the Merciful
Book (the difference between the Torah and the Koran) to author the Qur'an interpreter inspiring (Mohamed Ali Hassan Jewellery) Almighty God's mercy.
Is a book small in size a great victory for the interest is subject to the unarmed Palestinian people and the defense of the Koran and the prophets and the clear hostility towards the Jews, Christians and Muslims. This book is not about Istffine researchers in such topics.
A Forward by the Translator
The Torah: the Hebrew Bible
The Torah [or Hebrew Bible] of Ezra
The Ten Commandments in the Torah of Ezra
(:In The Hebrew Bible)
The Ten Commandments In The Quran
The Admonition in the Quran
Some Books, Of The Hebrew Bible, Are Lost
The Lies Of Ezra About The Prophets
The First Lie: About Prophet Aaron
The Second Lie: About Prophet Lot
The Third Lie: About Solomon
Another Lie: About Abraham
The Mistakes In The Torah Of Ezra
The First Mistake: The Story of the Angels with Abraham
The Second mistake: The Story Of Adam And Eve
(The Difference Between the Hebrew Bible And the Quran About It)
The Chosen People of God
Israel Is Divorced
According To The Words Of The Hebrew Bible Itself
(: God Divorced Her And Chose The Islamic Nation Instead Of Her)
The Dispraise of Jews in the Psalms
The Dispraise of Jews in the Gospel
The death of Moses and Aaron
Prophet Elia (Elijah)
The Dispraise of Jews in the Quran
Their Rebellion against Their Prophet
Their Hearts Were Hardened
A Call from God to the People of the Scripture
[: Jews and Christians]
Some of the laws of the Torah, concealed by Jews
The Washing after Copulation
The Drinking of Wine
Taking the Usury
A Call to Contemporary Jews
In The Last Days
Making Religious Laws Hard for Jews and Easy for Muslims
The Prohibition of Some of the Cattle and Animals for Them
Woman in the postnatal period
The Woman in Her Monthly Cycle According to the Hebrew Bible of Ezra
About the Prohibition of Fat for Them
They Killed the Prophets
Urias the son of Semei
Prophet Isaiah
Prophet Zachariah
Prophet John Baptist
They intended to kill Prophet Elia (Elijah)
They intended to kill Jesus Christ
They tried to kill Prophet Mohammed
They struck Jeremiah the prophet
They Worshiped the Idols
Their Stand Against the Christ
A Call to Christians
[By:] Apostle of the Christ
Balfour’s Declaration—November, 2, 1917
England Aimed From This Declaration to Two Goals
The Role of the American Imperialism
A Warning to Jews of Perishing, If they do not believe in the Quran
The saying of Imam Ali
The saying of Jesus Christ
Objection of the People of the Scripture to the Quran
A. The “Abrogation”
B. Why did God order Mohammed to ask the People of the Bible?
Is the Hebrew Bible then correct and authentic?
C. If Mohammed is truthful in his prophet-hood, then why did he use war and fighting in his mission?
[: the Jihad or Holy War]
Prophet Ahmed as Mentioned in the Gospel
Jews Work According to Their Illusions
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