The layers of the gaseous heaven (or the sky or the upper atmosphere) :
1- The sky is constructed in layers one above another, and compacted in reciprocal manner, exactly like the building.
If we watch the builder or the mason, we shall see him put the bricks in order and systematic way: He puts a brick and another one parallel to it, then he put another brick perpendicular to the first two, then another brick parallel to it.
Then he repeats this manner until he finishes the first raw, then he put the bricks of the second layer opposite to the bricks of the first raw. He binds all that with the cement.
This is in the Quran 79: 27-33
أ أنتم أشدُّ خَلقاً أم السماءُ بناها ؟ رَفَعَ سَمكَها فَسوّاها .
The explanation:
(Are you [ idolaters and associaters, that deny the sending to the afterlife] the harder to [re-]create, or is the sky that He did construct?
He raised its high [layers and lowered its low layers according to their different densities], and arranged it [in seven layers.])
Moreover, God said –be exalted –in the Quran 40: 64
اللهُ الّذي جَعَلَ لكمُ الأرضَ قَراراً و السّماءَ بِناءً
The explanation:
(It is God Who has made for you the earth for a dwelling- place, and the sky (or heaven) for a structure [of gaseous layers one above another.] )
The “heaven” or “sky”, here, means the firmament or the gaseous heavens.
2- The firmament or the gaseous heavens are erected up without any visible pillars (but indicates there are such invisible pillars, about which they will know in the future.
This is in the Quran 31: 10
خَلَقَ السّماواتِ بِغيرِ عَمَدٍ تَرَونَها، و ألقى في الأرضِ رواسيَ أنْ تَميدَ بِكم ...
The explanation:
(He created the [gaseous] heavens without pillars you can see, and He cast on the earth firm [mountains], lest it sway irregularly with you …)
3- The cloud belongs to the air or the troposphere; it is the boundary above which is the gaseous layers of the upper atmosphere.
God –be exalted –says in the Quran 2: 164
وتصريفِ الرّياحِ و السّحابِ المُسخَّرِ بينَ السّماءِ و الأرضِ لآياتٍ لِقومٍ يَعقِلون
The explanation:
(And in the changing of winds, and in clouds that are subjected [into His service] between the sky [or heaven] and the earth, are signs to people who have sense.)
Here, God –be exalted – explained that the cloud is between the sky and the earth. So, the position of the sky is from the cloud up, while the position of the air is from the cloud down.
Therefore, the wind [and the cloud] belongs or is related to the earth, not to the sky.