The mistake of Astronomers about the asteroids
Astronomers think that the asteroids (which once had been one planet then it broke up into many pieces: the asteroids) ... so astronomers think that the asteroids circle around the sun between Mars and Jupiter, while the truth is that the asteroids circle around Mars while other asteroids circle around Jupiter .[_The_Mistake_of_Astronomers_about_the_Asteroids_1]
Astronomers have mistaken as regards Pluto, and as regards the Asteroids too; for they said they are planets revolving around the sun. Yes, the Asteroids were one planet, and it was broken up, and those pieces of the destroyed planet became satellites, and the satellites revolve around the planets, not around the sun. Therefore, some of them revolve around Mars, and the rest revolve around Jupiter."
"Astronomers claim that the Asteroids are small planets or planetoids that revolve around the Sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and most of them complete their revolution in three and a half years, while some others complete that in six years. However, most of them cannot be seen with the unaided eye except Vesta.
I say that the Asteroids are not small planets, but are satellites of the planets, just like the meteorites and moons. The asteroid, that completes its revolution around the sun in a short period, is a satellite of Mars; whereas that which completes it in a longer period is a satellite of Jupiter. Or they may be some flaming objects just like the comets. If they were some planets, then they should be [very] near to the sun; because of their small volumes, according to the rule of the pulling force and the repelling force."
However, that planet was inhabited, but its inhabitants were infidels and disbelievers; they disbelieved, rebelled and oppressed; so God destroyed their planet and took revenge on them. God –be exalted –said in the Quran 67: 16
أَأَمِنتُم مَّن فِي السَّمَاء أَن يَخْسِفَ بِكُمُ الأَرْضَ فَإِذَا هِيَ تَمُورُ