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Comet Ison detected by Hubble telescope - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
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المشاهدات : 18034 الردود: 1 الموضوع: Comet Ison detected by Hubble telescope

  1. #1
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195

    Comet Ison detected by Hubble telescope

    Comet Ison has been detected by Hubble telescope

    This picture of Comet Ison has been picked by Hubble telescope on October 9

    I have to say the following points about comets

    Comets come from the sun following some local explosions in the sun
    So they are like big sparks hurled out of the sun at extreme speeds
    Comets in fact are fire oblong objects moving forwards and roaming in the space: they do not circle around themselves neither around the sun.
    They do not consist of ice and dirt, but they are fire objects with a tail of hot gases benind them, the tail is always
    away from the sun; because of a repulsion between the hot sun and the hot comet
    Comets have a predilection to the frozen regions of the earth and the moons and the other cold regions of the planets
    I say this to correct the mistakes of astronomers about comets, such correction is explained in the
    The Universe and the Quran


    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة إبن سينا ; 11-30-2013 الساعة 12:29 PM
    توقيع إبن سينا

  2. #2
    مشرف عام
    رقم العضوية : 4
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2010
    المشاركات : 1,581
    التقييم: 195
    The mistake of some astronomers about Comet Ison

    This may be obvious in this link from NASA
    Comet ISON May Have Survived | NASA

    So at the start they said this comet Ison has been destroyed by the sun, then later on they saw it again and said: it has survived
    This is because of their misconception about comets in general

    Comments on the recent video of NASA
    First: the comet appears so large in comparison to the disc of the sun, which indicates it is nearer to us than the sun is to us
    Second: they have wrong theory which is completely contrary to the truth; because they have no distinction between the comet and the asteroid or the meteoritic rock

    See our idea about comets and the correction about the misconception of astronomers about comets

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة إبن سينا ; 11-30-2013 الساعة 11:27 AM
    توقيع إبن سينا

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