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A supposed ancient Northern Ocean of Mars - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
  • اثبات عدم وجود ناسخ ومنسوخ في القران الكريم
  • وقت الافطار الحقيقي في شهر رمضان على ضوء القران الكريم
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المشاهدات : 16863 الردود: 0 الموضوع: A supposed ancient Northern Ocean of Mars

  1. #1
    ضيف نشيط
    رقم العضوية : 437
    تاريخ التسجيل : Oct 2011
    المشاركات : 34
    التقييم: 10

    A supposed ancient Northern Ocean of Mars

    A supposed former ocean may turn to be a present ocean on Mars

    Mars Express radar and a supposed ancient northern ocean on Mars!!
    Why not it is now existing on Mars: the northern ocean of Mars.

    And it has been mentioned in the book (The Universe and the Quran) that :there is
    "Mars is inhabited and contains plant, trees, animals, human beings, mountains, rivers, seas and other things. Hence, the dwelling in Mars is suitable; because the traveler to Mars will find the water there available; he, too, will find ample food and much fruit, but we don’t know whether the weather, the temperature, and air-constituents there are suitable or not for the man of Earth; but we think that man can overcome these difficulties, or at least he can adapt himself to them."

    The journey to Mars is successful

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Joseph Romanin ; 02-06-2012 الساعة 10:46 PM
    توقيع Joseph Romanin

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