in Arabic by
Hassan al-Hilly
A. Nassir
Hassan Al-Hilly,
interpreter of the Quran and the Bible,
his elderly, with the mark [: the mole] appearing evidently on
his right cheek.
Man has a free will to choose his
picture of the chicken and the
of the soul inside the body
The fetus neither
hears nor sees
example of the egg and the chicken
observations proving the existence of the soul
Functions of the body
and the soul
hour of death (the death appointment)
How to Attain Success and prosperity in the
Next Life
Next Life is better and more enduring
ghost enters while doors are closed
Evocation of Spirits (or Spiritism)
Punishment and prosperity in the Barzakh world
[How to live a happy life in your afterlife]
[The afterlife of believers and monotheists: the pious, martyrs,
the righteous and saints]
[The afterlife of disbelievers, associaters and hypocrites]
[ The punishrment in the Barzakh world [in summary]
Prosperity for believers in the Next Life
The Judgment will be for souls not for bodies
The Gathering Together of the Next Life
The Gathering-Together Is for Souls
The body will not be resurrected
will be no revival of dead bodies and then formation of souls better than the
first souls
No reincarnation or transmigration of souls
[The reason for the decline of Muslims, and their future glory]
The Detainment and the Judgment
[Judgment of the prophets and apostles]
Description of the Gardens (or the Paradises)
The eating [and drinking] in the ether world
An imaginary drawing of an ethereal date-palm
Jesus was not crucified, then he died normally
and his spirit ascended to heaven
The night journey of Prophet Mohammed and his ascension
to heaven
[The religion should exclusively be devoted to God alone]
[The association : sharing or polytheism]
Expending and offering in God's way
The glorification, exaltation and
sanctification of God
Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9 Q10 Q11 Q12 Q13 Q14 Q15 Q16 Q17
Q19 Q20
Q21 Q22
Q23 Q24
Q25 Q26
Q27 Q28
Q29 Q30
Q31 Q32
Q33 Q34
اللهِ الرحْمانِ الرحيم
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
Praise is due to God;
Glory be to God; Best names are of God; The kingdom, ownership and possession
belong to God. The absolute knowledge, power, wisdom are exclusively His own.
To Him belong the present World and the world of the Next Life. The genie-kind
and man-kind are His servants.
I hope for His mercy and
forgiveness; He is my Master and Guide.
Certainly the Quran, the
last heavenly scripture, was revealed in Arabic; it is the authentic word of God,
which cannot be imitated. It is a concise book, of which are derived different
knowledge disciplines. It includes the law, the admonition, the description of
the Next Life, Paradise, Hell and the afterlife in the world of souls, the
telling about the fore-future and the telling about the past nations.
Its phrases and words
are in Arabic; the Quran cannot be
translated; because it is the word
of God; any translator will translate according to his own understanding and
desire; the translation is not the Quran; the Quranic revelations are in Arabic
only. Only the explanation and
meaning may be translated, which in fact is not
the Quran.
Therefore, I preserved
the Quranic revelations as they are in Arabic, and explained them in English;
and that is according to the instruction of the late Mohammed-Ali Hassan
Al-Hilly, the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible.
So the Quran is in Arabic and the explanation is
in English.
The English words are
not at all the Quran, but only the meaning and the explanation of the Quran.
The Quran is the
Arabic word of God, while the explanation is the words of the translator, according to the interpretation of the Late
Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible, and
according to the understanding and the linguistic capability of the translator.
The Arabic Quran is a
miracle including marvelous jewels that cannot at all be translated; because
the believer may have, from listening to the Quran and from reading it:
a psychological cure,
a protection from the devil and evil creatures,
and a wide range of knowledge and wisdom.
By the way, many
'foreign non-Arab people' know the Quran by heart without even knowing its
The Quran [in comparison
to the Bible] is a concise book, which thousands of people know by heart; yet
the knowledge and details – that stem, branch and rebranch from it – are tremendous.
I have used
the Rectangular brackets [] for words essential for explaining the
meaning but are not found in the original text.
I may answer any
question about the subject and the book, in case I know the answer; but
certainly God is the All-Knowing, and the Guide to the standard way of
monotheism and the exclusive devotion to Him alone without associate, equal or
اللهِ الرحْمانِ الرحيم
كَذّبُوا بِما لَمْ يُحيطُوا بِعِلْمِهِ ولَمّا يَأْتِهِمْ تَأْوِيلُهُ ، كَذلِكَ كَذّبَ
الّذِينَ مِنْ قَبْلِهِمْ
I.e. (In the name of
God, Most Gracious[1], Most Merciful[2]
Nay, but they charge
with falsehood that[3] whose knowledge they cannot compass, and even
when the elucidation thereof reaches them[4] [, also they will charge with falsehood.]
So did those before them charge with falsehood.)
Quran 10: 40
The interpretation:
The people of Prophet
Mohammed denied [and cried lies] the words of the Quran – and in particular the
mysterious Quranic revelations – the exact meaning of which they did not
understand; because it was beyond the knowledge of their time.
In the same way, those
coming after them in the future will deny [and cry lies] the interpretation of
the mysterious Quranic revelations explained to them by the Mahdi (or the
As such had the past
nations before them denied [and cried lies to] their apostles.
اللهِ الرحْمانِ الرحيم
(In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful)
Praise be to God, Who
created man, and taught him the speech [: the expression and intelligence], and
prepared for him the plant, subjected the animal to him, and made his life lasting
all the time and ages; and salam to the master of the Arab: Mohammed, to whom
the Quran was revealed [i.e. sent down from heaven with the angel Gabriel], so
that it came to be the best guide and the best explanation.
However, I asked God’s
surplus and mercy; so He offered to me knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, praise
is due to Him; for that He has honored me, and thanks to Him for His surplus.
Mohammed-Ali Hassan
(died in 1991)
Dear reader, know that man in fact is the ethereal soul, i.e.
the spiritual spirit; and man is not the material body which will disintegrate
after death and become soil.
Really, the material body is not more than a mold in
which the soul is formed, so that when its
formation is completed and it comes of age [or attains the adulthood], then no
need for the body after the separation of the soul from it. While as regards
the body: it is not more than flesh and bones; so the body, from which the soul
has separated, will be like a laid board: does not think, does not understand
and does not feel the pleasure and pain.
Therefore, the true man is the soul.
[This also is the
meaning of the word نفس , i.e. soul, in the Arab poetry, some of which is mentioned by
Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible, in
his Arabic book.]
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 35: 22
يَسْتَوي الأحياءُ ولا الأمواتُ ، إنّ اللهَ يُسْمِعُ مَنْ يَشاءُ ، وما أنتَ
بِمُسْمِعٍ مَنْ في القُبُورِ
I.e. (Nor are the living
equal nor are the dead.
God makes to hear
whomsoever He will, but you cannot make those in the graves to hear.)
Here, God – celebrated
be His praise – says to His prophet Mohammed – salam to him: These disbelievers
do not hear what you say; because of their extreme stubbornness, just as that
dead [bodies buried] in graves: do not hear anyone that talks with them. Hence,
this Quranic revelation confirms that the dead [body], from which the
soul is separated, does not hear anyone that talks with it; because no life
in it.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 27: 80
إنَّكَ لا
تُسْمِعُ الْمَوتى ولا تُسْمِعُ الصُّمَّ الدُّعاءَ إذا وَلَّوا مُدْبِرِين
I.e. (Truly, you
[Mohammed] cannot cause the dead to hear, nor can you cause the deaf to hear
the call [especially] when they turn back [away from you.])
Therefore, these Quranic
revelations declare that dead bodies neither hear nor understand;
because they are dead bodies having not any life, and will vanish after some
years and become soil. Therefore, one who claims that the soul will return to
the body in the grave and the dead will become alive and will be judged, I say
to him: These are not more than imaginary untrue words, having no reality.
However, the Judgment, Reward and Punishment in the
“Barzakh” world [i.e. the afterlife]; it is special for the soul only, not for
the body; because the body does
not perceive anything of that; while the soul survives and does not
God – be glorified- said
in the Quran 2: 154
تَقولوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ في سبيلِ اللهِ أمْواتٌ ، بَلْ أحياءٌ ولكن لا
I.e. (And say not of
those who are slain in God’s way: ‘They are dead.’ No, they are alive [by their
souls], though you perceive [them] not.)
The interpretation:
Do not think about those
killed in the way of God [i.e. while struggling and fighting for the sake of
God], that their life has ended; because you see their bodies cast on the
ground, and their blood coming out; in fact they are alive, but you cannot
perceive them; because you see the bodies and do not see the souls; and in fact
the true man is the
soul, not the body.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 3: 169
تَحْسَبَنَّ الّذينَ قُتِلُوا في سَبيلِ اللهِ أمْواتاً ، بَلْ أحْياءٌ عِندَ
ربِّهِم يُرْزَقُون
I.e. (Think not of those
who are slain in the way of God as dead. Not so, but they are living, in the
neighborhood of their Lord [in the ethereal paradises], having their provision
[of the fruit of these paradises, and drinking from their rivers.])
Therefore, (in the
neighborhood of their Lord) means: in the ethereal layers, i.e. in the
paradises, provided of its fruits and drinking of its rivers.
If God – be glorified –
meant by that their bodies, then He would say: They are living in the graves,
finding their provision.
Also, God – be glorified
– said in the Quran 36: 26-27
ادْخُل الجَنّةَ قالَ يا لَيْتَ قَوْمي يَعْلَمُون . بِما غَفَرَ لِي رَبِّي
وجَعَلَنِي مِنَ الْمُكْرَمِينَ
I.e. ([And when Gamaliel
died] it was said [to him by the angels]: "Enter Paradise"; [and when
he entered it] he said: "Would that my people knew, that my Lord has forgiven me and made me one of
Then, while this man was
killed; how could it be said to him: “Enter Paradise”? But the addressing was
to his soul, not to his body; because the soul survives and does not
disintegrate; therefore, when his ethereal soul entered into Paradise, at
that time his soul said: (“Would that my people knew.”)
God – be glorified –
said, talking about the people of Noah, in the Quran 71: 25
خَطِيئاتِهِمْ أغْرِقُوا فَأُدْخِلُوا ناراً
I.e. (Because of their
sins, they were drowned, and they were made to enter into a fire.)
So, in case their bodies
were drowned, then how were they admitted into the Fire? In fact, the meaning
is: Their bodies were drowned in the water, and their souls were admitted into
the Fire.
Moreover, you should
know that the admission into
Paradise in the “Barzakh [or the afterlife] world” is special for some souls,
and the same is true about the admission into Fire.
The Glorious Lord said
in the Quran 22: 58
هاجَرُوا في سَبيلِ اللهِ ثُمَّ قُتِلُوا أوْ ماتُوا لَيَرْزُقَنَّهُمُ اللهُ
رِزْقاً حَسَناً ، وإنَّ اللهَ لَهُوَ خَيْرُ الرّازِقِين
I.e. (And those who
emigrated [from Mecca to Medina, and joined Prophet Mohammed] for the sake of
God [and His good pleasure] and then were slain, or they died, God will provide
for them a good provision [with the fruit of Paradise]; for, surely, God is the
Best of providers.)
Therefore, (God will
provide for them a good provision [with the fruit of Paradise]) means: He will
provide their souls; because the soul survives and does not disintegrate [or
The ‘soul’ [or the ‘ghost’]
is that which we call the ‘spirit’, but this is wrong; because the
Spirit is Gabriel, the Honest and Trustworthy. And every word روح
i.e. ‘spirit’, mentioned
in the Quran, means Gabriel, like His saying – be glorified – in the Quran
17: 85
عَن الرُّوحِ ، قُل الرُّوحُ مِنْ أمْرِ رَبِّي وما أُوتِيتُم مِنَ العِلْمِ إلاّ
I.e. (They ask you
[Mohammed] about [Gabriel:] the Spirit [of revelation]; say: “[Gabriel] the Spirit
[of revelation] is [one] of my Lord’s Am`r [: or ethereal creatures.] And, of
the knowledge, you [people] have only been given so little.”)
That was because the
idolaters, among the Meccan, asked Prophet Mohammed: “Who brings the revelation
to you?”
The prophet answered:
“Gabriel brings it to me.”
They said: “Who is
Gabriel, and why don’t we see him; can you describe him [to us]?”
So, this aya was
revealed, the meaning of which is: They ask you about Gabriel; say to them:
Gabriel is one of my Lord’s ethereal creatures whom you don’t see, at present,
because you are in a material world, but when you will go to the ethereal world
after your death; at that time you will see them; because you will be ethereal
beings like them. Therefore, God said after that:
أُوتِيتُم مِنَ العِلْمِ إلاّ قَلِيلاً
I.e. (And, of the
knowledge, you [people] have only been given so little.”)
However, people call it
‘spirit’, but God calls it ‘soul’; like His saying –
be glorified – in the Quran 3: 30
تَجِدُ كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ما عَمِلَتْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ مُحْضَراً ، وَما عَمِلَتْ مِنْ
I.e. (On the day [of
death] when every soul will find itself confronted [in the afterlife]
with all the [good] it has done, and all the [evil] it has done.)
The soul has a constitution like the body constitution;
for it is a true copy of
the body; because it forms
inside the body, and takes its shape; so that if the body is long, then the
soul will also be long; and if the body is short, the soul will also be short;
and as such its organs and special senses [organs] will be like the
special senses [organs] of the body. Hence, if the mouth of the body is large,
then the ‘spiritual mouth’ of the soul will also be large; and if the eye of
the body is small, the eye of the soul will be small, too.
Afterwards, if the soul
separates from the body, by death, it will remain as it is, according to its
shape and size: neither will it become bigger nor smaller; so that the child
remains as a child forever, and will never get older; and a young man will
remain a young one, and will never become older.
The spirit: it can be called a ‘spirit’ before it enters
the body; because it is an amount of ethereal particles, but after it goes
inside the body, those ethereal particles arrange inside the body forming an
ethereal structure that hears, sees, speaks and thinks; then it cannot be
called ‘spirit’; but it should be called ‘soul’.
Therefore, we use the
word ‘spirit’ for the ethereal particles at their entrance into the body of the
embryo or the fetus, and also while the fetus is inside his mother’s womb.
[The synonymous Arabic
word روح ‘ruoh’ is used,
in this way, in the Arab poetry. The interpreter Mohammed-Ali Hassan mentioned,
in his Arabic book, some Arabic poetry to confirm his interpretation of this
[Man has a free will to
choose his way]
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 91: 7-10
وَما سَوّاها . فَأَلْهَمَها فُجُورَها وَتَقْواها . قَدْ أفْلَحَ مَنْ زَكّاها
وَقَدْ خابَ مَنْ دَسّاها
I.e. (And [I swear by]
the soul and [the body] that shaped it!
And [the body] inspired
into the [soul, by means of accompanying and friendship] its lewdness and its
He will be successful,
who purifies it.
And he will be disappointed
[about the Next Life], who corrupts it.)
The meaning: And [I
swear] by the body which formed and fashioned the soul!
Which is an oath of
threatening for the future; it indicates that: it is the soul that will be taken to account, according to his work and will be punished according to his
deeds. While the body – which formed it – will die,
disintegrate after death, and become soil.
Whereas that
– which inspired into it its lewdness and its God-fearing – it is the
friend whom he accompanied in the life of the World; so that if the friend is
God-fearing, he will teach him the God-fearing; but if the friend is evil, he
will teach him the wickedness and the infidelity that he acquires.
Therefore, the human
body confers to the soul the behavior and conduct; so that if a child
accompanies some bad persons, he will become bad like them; and if he
accompanies the righteous, he will become like them; and it is not God that imposes on them to be evil
or good, but He lets them choose which of that they like.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 76: 3
هَدَيْناهُ السّبيلَ إمّا شاكِراً وَإمّا كَفُوراً
I.e. (We have shown to
him the [correct] way; [and have given to him the free choice] whether to be
grateful[5] or
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 39: 42
يَتَوَفّى الأنْفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِها وَالّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ في مَنامِها
I.e. (It is God That
receives [in His capture] the souls [of men] at the time of their death,
and those [souls] that separate not [from their bodies] during their sleep
Therefore, He – be
glorified – called it a ‘soul’; that is at its departure from the body; He also
called it a ‘soul’ while it is inside the body; that is His saying – be
glorified – in the Quran 12: 53
أُبَرِّئُ نَفْسِي ، إنَّ النّفْسَ لأمّارَةٌ بِالسُّوءِ إلاّ ما رَحِمَ رَبِّي ،
إنَّ رَبِّي غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ
I.e. (Yet I do not clear
myself [of the sexual desire]; for the [human] soul incites to evil, except
that whereon my Lord had shown mercy; for surely my Lord is Most Forgiving,
Most Merciful [to those who repent.])
Moreover, God – be
glorified – said in the Quran 10: 54
أنَّ لِكُلِّ نَفْسٍ ظَلَمَتْ ما في الأرْضِ لافْتَدَتْ بِهِ
I.e. (Every soul that
has oppressed [in the life of the World]; if it possessed all that is in the
earth, it would [seek to] ransom itself therewith [from the chastisement, but
such ransom will not be accepted].)
In addition, God – be glorified
– said in the Quran 16: 111
تَأْتِي كُلُّ نَفْسٍ تُجادِلُ عَنْ نَفْسِها ، وَتُوَفَّى كُلُّ نَفْسٍ ما
عَمِلَتْ وَهُمْ لا يُظْلَمُون
I.e. (On the day [of
man’s death] when every soul will come [to the world of souls] disputing
in its own behalf, and every soul will be [fully] recompensed for all [the
righteous or evil work] that it did, and they will not be wronged [by any
increase or decrease of the requital or reward.])
In summary, I say: the soul is the true man, while the body is
not more than a mold in which the soul is formed, and there will be no need for the
mold [: the body] after the soul gets out of it.
A picture of the chicken and the egg
soul of man gets out of the body [by death], as does the chicken get out of the
the soul will remain
alive in the world of souls: eating, drinking, seeing, hearing, perceiving and
feeling the pleasure and pain.
There will be no return
of the soul to the body [after its departure from the body by death]; because
the purpose from creating the egg is to form the chicken; and it is not logical
that the chicken will return again to its egg, after it has been fully created
and has cracked the egg shell.
Every word روح i.e. ‘spirit’,
mentioned in the Quran, means Gabriel, like His saying – be glorified – in the Quran
19: 17
إلَيْها رُوحَنا فَتَمَثَّلَ لَها بَشَراً سَوِيّاً
I.e. (And We sent to her[6] [Gabriel] Our 'spirit', who assumed
before her the likeness of a well-made man.)
The interpretation: We sent Gabriel, to her; and he appeared
before her in the shape of a man.
Moreover, God – be
glorified – said in the Quran 2: 87
عِيسَى بْنَ مَرْيَمَ البَيِّناتِ وَأيّدْناهُ بِرُوحِ القُدُسِ
I.e. (And We gave to
Jesus, the son of Mary, the evident miracles, and aided him with [Gabriel] the
Holy Ghost [or Spirit.])
The ‘Holy Spirit’ or the
‘Holy Ghost’ means Gabriel.
And God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 40: 15
الرُّوحَ مِنْ أمْرِهِ عَلَى مَنْ يَشاءُ مِنْ عِبادِهِ لِيُنْذِرَ يَوْمَ
I.e. (He casts
[Gabriel:] the ‘Ghost’ [who is one] of His ‘am`r’ [: ‘spiritual creatures’]
upon whom of His servants [God] likes [to be an apostle], that the [apostle]
may warn [people] of the day of meeting [of the past and the later
In addition, God – be
glorified – said in the Quran 16: 2
المَلائكَةَ بِالرُّوحِ مِنْ أمْرِهِ عَلَى مَنْ يَشاءُ مِنْ عِبادِهِ أنْ
أنْذِرُوا أنّهُ لا إله إلاّ أنا فَاتّقُونِ
I.e. (He [: God] sends
down the angels [under the leadership] of [Gabriel] the [Honest] Spirit: [who
is one] of [God’s] Am'r to whomever of His servants He will, [saying]: “Warn
[people] that there is no god but I, so ward off My [punishment.]”)
The interpretation: He makes the angels to come down [from heaven]
by the leadership of Gabriel, upon the one whom He likes to be an apostle, in
order to warn people to abandon the idolatry and the worship of idols.
The Quranic revelations
are so many, but we have mentioned some of them as an indication that the word روح i.e. 'spirit' mentioned in the Quran means Gabriel
You have to know that the
soul is composed of ethereal particles that collect or gather to each other
inside the body, and there will be an attraction between them, so that they
build a structure like the body structure; so the material eye builds an
ethereal eye inside it; the material ear builds inside it an ethereal ear; and
the material hand builds inside it an ethereal hand; and as such each material
organ builds inside it an ethereal organ; so that there will be an ethereal
structure inside the material structure, i.e. inside the body, which will be a
true copy of it; but only the first one is material, whereas the other one is
Afterwards, the ethereal
structure continues to grow as long as the body is growing and enlarging, until
the growth of the body will stop; that is when he becomes an adult; or by his
death before attaining his adulthood so that he dies as a child or lad and the
soul will stop growing: because of its separation from the body so that it
becomes of the same size as the body from which it has separated. Hence, if the
body is a child, then it will be a child, too; and if it is a youth then the
soul will be a youth, too; and if the body is thin, then the soul will also be
thin; and if the body is fat, the soul will similarly be fat.
In summary, the soul is a true copy that is identical with
the body in which it is formed.
It is narrated from some
Imams [i.e. saints] that "the soul is an image similar to the body".
And in another narration
that "when God takes the soul of a righteous man, after death, He makes
his soul in a mold [or shape] like his mold [or shape] in this life of the
World: so that they eat and drink, and if anyone comes to them, they recognize
him by his image in the life of the World."
Another narration is
that "the souls of the righteous in Paradise are identical with the shapes
[and details] of their bodies; so that if you see anyone of them you recognize
Actually, the soul does not become old, does not regress
or disintegrate, and no defect can afflict him [or her], and he lives for
millions of years.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 44: 56; describing the people of Paradise:
يَذُوقُونَ فِيهَا الْمَوْتَ إِلاَّ الْمَوْتَةَ الأُولَى وَوَقَاهُمْ عَذَابَ
I.e. (They taste not
[the pain of] death therein, save only the first death. And [their Lord will]
save them from the doom of Hell [fire.])
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 35: 36, describing the people of Hell:
كَفَرُواْ لَهُمْ نَارُ جَهَنَّمَ لاَ يُقْضَى عَلَيْهِمْ فَيَمُوتُواْ وَلاَ
يُخَفَّفُ عَنْهُمْ مِّنْ عَذَابِهَا كَذَلِكَ نَجْزِي كُلَّ كَفُورٍ
I.e. (But those who
disbelieve, for them [in the Next Life] will be the fire of Hell; it shall not
be decreed for them to die, nor shall its torment be lessened for them. Thus do
We reward every disbeliever.)
The soul does not become
emaciated, e.g. in case the body was fat during his youth, then became ill and
lost weight and became emaciated and thin, then his soul will not become thin,
but it will remain as it was in his youth. Similarly, if the body becomes
old, at his elderly, then his soul will not become old but it will remain as it
was during his youth. Likewise, if one of the body organs is lost, like one of
his legs or one of his hands is cut off or amputated, then his soul will not
lose any of its organs; because it is an ethereal structure, and the ether does
not perish and no defect may afflict it[i].
E.g. if a man becomes
blind when he is young or afterwards, then his soul will not become blind, but
will remain seeing, so that if it separates from the body at the time of death,
then it will be seeing; so that it will see the objects as it was seeing when
it was inside the body during his youth; moreover, its sight will be sharper
than when it was inside the body.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 22: 46
لاَ تَعْمَى الأَبْصَارُ وَلَـكِن تَعْمَى الْقُلُوبُ الَّتِي فِي الصُّدُور
I.e. (For, indeed, it is
not the ‘sights’ out of the [special senses] that become blind, but it is the hearts
which are within the chests [of bodies] that become blind [by non-perception
and non-discerning.])
Therefore, the soul's
sight does not become blind, but will be sharper when it separates from the
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 50: 22
كُنْتَ في غَفْلَةٍ مِنْ هذا فَكَشَفْنا عَنْكَ غِطاءَكَ فَبَصَرُكَ اليَوْمَ
I.e. ([It will be said:]
"You used to be oblivious to this;
but We have now [by death] removed from you your cover[ii],
so today keen is your sight.")
It means: he will be
sharp-sighted or keen-sighted, so that, in the life of the World, he could only
see material things; while after his death, he will become able to see both material and
ethereal objects: he will become able to see souls,
genies, angels and other ethereal creatures; he
will be able to hear them if they talk to him, and they hear him if he speaks
to them.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 25: 22
يَرَوْنَ المَلائكَةَ لا بُشْرى يَوْمَئذٍ لِلْمُجْرِمِينَ ويَقُولُونَ حِجْراً مَحْجُوراً
I.e. (On the day [of
their death] when they will see the angels [of death seizing their souls] – no
glad news on that day be for the guilty, and [the angels] shall say [to them]:
"An arrest [and detainment for you by devils] enclosed [on you till
But if one is born, from
his mother's womb, with congenital defect of some of his body organs, and he
remains as such until he dies, then the soul will have the same defective
organs like the body inside which it was formed.
Therefore, the body is not more than a mold for
constructing and forming the soul.
The example of that is
the cement-made things: like pillars, skeletons or flower vases and other
things: if we intend to make a statue of cement or a flower vase or anything
else, then – at first – we should make a mold of wood with the required design,
then we bring the cement and mix it with [pebbles and] water, then we pour it
inside the mold, which is made of wood, and we leave it at least for twelve
hours in order that the cement particles will compact with the pebbles, so that
it will become a hard construction that will not break up afterwards. Then we
remove the mold from the cement-construction and throw it away, and we keep the
cement-construction; for it is our aim.
Now, suppose we remove
the mold from the construction before elapsing of the required period, then we
shall find the cement particles not compacted, and the construction will be
crumbled with the least force.
As such is the rule
about the soul inside the body: Now let us consider the body as the mold which
is made of wood, and the ethereal particles as the cement: So just as that the
cement particles do not hold together unless after the required period,
similarly the spirit particles do
not hold together inside the body until forty days after the
birth of the fetus, when those ethereal
particles – after the fortieth day – become a hearing, seeing, conscious and
immortal soul.
But if the fetus dies in
his mother's womb, then those ethereal particles of the spirit will vanish and
go the ways of winds [i.e. will scatter away]; because they have not held
together completely during this short period, just as that the cement particles
will not hold together if the required period does not elapse, while it is
inside the wood mold. For this reason, we should not call the spirit of the
fetus – in his mother's womb – a 'soul'; because it will vanish if the fetus
dies; and because it does not hear, see or understand; while the soul is
opposite of that.
Therefore, the aim from this material body is the soul;
because it is the true man,
just as that the aim from making the wood mold is the cement construction; so
that when the ethereal construction is completed and formed, then no need to the body afterwards, but its fait will be the putrefaction after
Hussein – salam to him –
said in this subject a poetry, that means:
"Bodies are created for death; therefore, it is better
for man to die by the sword in the way of God."
The indication of that
the soul is the true man is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 6:
جاءَكم بصائرُ مِنْ ربِّكمْ فَمَنْ أبْصرَ فَلِنفسِهِ ومَنْ عَمِيَ فَعَلَيْها
I.e. (Now have [remarkable]
insights come to you [people] from your Lord;
then whoso sees
[therewith, the way of the truth, the advantage] will be for himself;
and whoso is blind [to
the way of the truth, the punishment and evil consequences], will be against
Therefore, if the body
was the true man, then He – be glorified – would say: 'But he who is blind, it
is against his body.' But the case is not so; because the soul is the true man.
We said that the soul
has special senses and organs just like the body, but they are ethereal;
moreover, I say that the special senses of the soul have special names other
than the names of the body senses:
e.g. the mouth of the
body is called 'mouth', but the mouth of the soul is calledفوه in
Arabic, [Let us call it the 'spiritual mouth' in English];
and the eye of the body
is called the 'eye', but the eye of the soul is called the 'sight';
and the ear of the body
is called the 'ear', but the ear of the soul is called the 'hearing';
and the heart of the
body is called the 'heart', but the heart of the soul is called فؤاد ;
[Let us call it the 'spiritual-heart' in English.]
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 32: 9
ثُمَّ سوّاهُ
ونَفَخَ فِيهِ مِنْ رُوحِهِ وجَعَلَ لَكمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ والأفْئِدَةَ
قَليلاً ما تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (Then He perfected
[the creation of Adam from mud], and breathed into him from His ‘spirit’ [:
Gabriel], and made for you[r souls] hearing, sight and '[spiritual] hearts';
yet a small number of you who thank God [for His bounties.])
The interpretation:
>> (Then He perfected [the creation of Adam from
mud]) means: He fashioned his body, and completed its creation.
>> (and breathed into him from His ‘spirit’ [:
Gabriel]) means: The blowing or breathing was from Gabriel; for he is the
Honest Ghost or Spirit.
>> (and made for you[r souls] hearing, sight and '[spiritual] hearts'.)
Consider, therefore, how
God – be celebrated His praise – did not say: 'And made for you ears, eyes and
hearts'; because He created him with complete organs; as it is
indicated from His saying [in the beginning of this aya:]
I.e. (Then He perfected
[the creation of Adam from mud])
The exact meaning is: He
made for his soul ears, eyes and a heart; just as did He make for his body;
similarly when He created your bodies and formed the souls inside them, He made
for the [souls] ears, eyes and hearts just as did He make for the bodies.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 23: 78
الّذي أنشَأَ لَكُمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ والأفْئدةَ ، قليلاً ما تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (And it is [God]
Who has formed for you[r souls] the hearing, the sight and [spiritual] hearts:
[but] small number of you who thank [God.])
Therefore, His saying –
be glorified – أنشَأَ لَكُمُ i.e. (has formed for you) means: He has formed
for your souls; because the second person is the soul; because it is the true man,
while the 'hearing' is the ear of the soul, the 'sight' is the eye of the soul,
and what we term as the '[spiritual] heart' is the heart of the soul.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 67: 23
قُلْ هُوَ
الّذي أنْشَأَكُمْ وجَعَلَ لَكمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ والأفْئِدَةَ قَليلاً
ما تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (Say: "It is
[God] Who has formed your [souls from the ether], and assigned for you hearing,
sight and [spiritual] hearts; [but] only a small number of you show gratitude
[to God.]")
His saying – be
glorified – أنْشَأَكُمْ i.e. (has
formed you) means: He has formed your souls and made for them hearing, sight
and [spiritual] hearts. The indication of that is that He – be glorified –
said أنْشَأَكُمْ i.e. (has
formed you), but He did not say: has created you; because the creation means
the creation of the bodies, whereas the formation means compiling the soul from
ethereal particles.
The Glorious Lord said
also in the Quran 16: 78
أخْرجَكم مِنْ بُطونِ أُمّهاتِكم لا تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئاً ، وجَعَلَ لَكمُ السّمْعَ
والأبْصارَ والأفْئِدَةَ لَعَلّكم تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (And God has
brought you, [people], out of the wombs of your mothers while you knew nothing;
and He assigned to you the hearings and eye-sights and [spiritual] hearts: that
you may be grateful [to God.])
The interpretation:
>> (And God has brought you, [people], out of the
wombs of your mothers.) Their creation should have been perfect or complete:
having eyes, ears and hearts; because the baby gets out of his mother's womb
without any defect, then why does God – be glorified – say after his delivery:
و جَعَلَ لَكمُ السّمْعَ و الأبْصارَ و
I.e. (and He assigned to
you the hearings and eye-sights and [spiritual] hearts.) Therefore, He means by
that the special senses of the soul.
The meaning will be like
After your getting out
of the wombs of your mothers, He made for your souls: hearing, sight and
[spiritual] hearts; that you may thank or show gratitude to your Lord.
The Glorious Lord said
also in the Quran 46: 26
ولَقدْ مَكَنَاهُمْ فِيما إنْ
مَكَنَاكم فيهِ وجَعَلْنا لَهُمْ سَمْعاً و أبْصاراً وأفْئدَةً ، فَما أغْنَى
عَنْهُمْ سَمْعُهُمْ ولا أبْصارُهُمْ ولا أفْئدَتُهُمْ مِنْ شَيْءٍ
I.e. (And We had
established them[7] [: the tribe of Aad: the people of Prophet
Hood, in the earth] in that wherein We have not established you [: Meccans],
and We appointed for them hearing, and sight, and [spiritual] hearts; yet their
hearing, sight and [spiritual] hearts availed them nothing …)
Among the Quranic
revelations, in which the
body organs are mentioned:
1. His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 22: 46
أفَلَمْ يَسِيرُوا في الأرضِ
فَتَكونَ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ يَعْقِلُونَ بِها أو آذانٌ يَسْمَعُونَ بِها
I.e. (Have they not
journeyed throughout the earth, so they might have hearts with which they
understand [what befell the deniers], or ears with which they hear [the tales
of the ancient?])
So notice that here God
– be glorified – called them the hearts and the ears, whereas there He called
them the hearings and the [spiritual] hearts; because there He meant the
ethereal special senses of the soul, whereas here He meant the material special
senses of the body, and the meaning is: They are like the dead: having hearts
which do not understand, and having ears that do not hear.
2. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 7: 179
ولقد ذَرَأْنا لِجَهَنّمَ كثيراً
مِنَ الجِنِّ والإنْسِ لَهُمْ قُلُوبٌ لا يَفْقَهُونَ بِها ولَهُم أعيُنٌ لا
يُبْصِرُونَ بِها ولَهم آذانٌ لا يَسْمَعُونَ بِها أولئكَ كالأنعامِ بَلْ هُمْ
أضَلّ أولئك هُمُ الغافِلون
I.e. (We have spread
out, for Hell, a large number of the genie-kind and of the mankind; they have
hearts but understand not with them; they have eyes but see not with them; they
have ears but hear not with them; they are like the cattle; indeed, they rather
go more astray! Such are the heedless [of Our signs of revelation.])
3. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 71: 7,
expressing Noah talking:
وإنّي كُلّما دَعَوْتُهُمْ
لِتَغْفِرَ لَهُمْ جَعَلُوا أصابِعَهُمْ في آذانِهِمْ
I.e. (And whenever I
called them [to believe], that You might forgive them [their sins], they thrust
their fingers in their ears …etc.)
So He mentioned, here,
the word آذان I.e.
'ears', and did not call them 'hearings' because He meant the material ears
into which they thrust their fingers.
4. And He – be glorified – said in the Quran 5: 45
وكَتَبْنا عَلَيْهِمْ فيها أنّ
النّفسَ بالنّفْسِ والعَيْنَ بِالعَيْنِ والأنْفَ بِالأنفِ والسِّنَّ بِالسِّنِّ
والجُرُوحَ قِصاصٌ
I.e. (And We prescribed
for the [Children of Israel] in the [Torah, Book of Deuteronomy, chapter 19, to
require] 'life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, tooth for tooth, and the
retaliation for wounds.' …)
Here, God – be glorified
– called them: eyes and ears; and did not call them sight and hearing; because
He meant the material organs of the body; because no defect may afflict the
ethereal [organs and] special senses so that there would be any retaliation.
5. And God – be glorified – said in the Quran 33:
أشِحّةً علَيْكُمْ فَإذا جاءَ
الخَوْفُ رَأَيْتَهُمْ يَنْظُرُونَ إلَيْكَ تَدُورُ أعْيُنُهُمْ كَالّذي يُغْشَى
عَلَيْهِ مِنَ المَوْتِ
I.e. (Being niggardly
towards you[r help.] When fear [of the war] comes, you [Mohammed] see them
looking at you [with pleading looks], their eyes rolling [from side to side]
like one who swoons of death …etc.)
Here, God – be glorified
– said تَدُورُ أعْيُنُهُمْ I.e. (their eyes rolling [from side to
side] ), and He did not say: Their sights rolling [from side to side] ; because
He meant their material eyes of the bodies.
6. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 41: 5
وقالوا قُلُوبُنا في أكِنّةٍ
مِمّا تَدْعُونا إلَيْهِ وفي آذانِنا وَقْرٌ ومِنْ بَيْنِنا وبَيْنِكَ حِجابٌ
I.e. (And they say [to
Our messenger]: 'Our hearts are inside shells, [concealed] from such
[monotheism] to which you invite us, and in our ears is deafness, and between
us and you is a barrier …etc.)
7. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 2: 19
يَجْعَلُونَ أصابِعَهُمْ في
آذانِهِم مِنَ الصّواعِقِ حَذَرّ المَوْتِ
I.e. (They thrust their
fingers in their ears because of the [blast of the] thunder-claps, for the
fearing of death.)
So, here too, God called
them the ears and did not call them the hearings; for He meant, by that, the
body organs.
A man named
"Di'lib" asked Imam Ali – salam to him – "Have you ever seen
your Lord?"
The Imam answered him:
"The eye cannot see God, by the looking of the [eye-] sight …"
This indicates that the
sight is different from the eye; for the eye cannot see unless by the looking
of the sight: the looking is that of the sight and not of the eye.
The names of (the soul
special senses) and (the body special senses) are common for both [the body and
the soul] – in the living man – so that you can say: "John looks by his eyes", as can
you say: "John sees by his sight"; also you can say that "John
hears by his ears", as can you say that "John hears by his
Similarly, you can say
that John has a good heart, or you can say that John has a good ‘[spiritual]
heart’ [فؤاد in Arabic.] That is because the living
man has eyes and has sights; has ears and hearings; and has a heart and a
‘spiritual heart’ [i.e. ethereal heart.]
Therefore, these names
are common in the living man, but are of one type in the souls; so that
we cannot say that the soul looks by his eye, but we can say that the soul sees [by his
sight]; and we cannot say that the soul hears by his ear, but we can say that
the soul hears by his hearing.
[N.B. These
names may be more distinct in Arabic – The translator.]
The ‘speaking’ is what man says, so that the second person will understand,
whether it is with a loud or a low
voice, or with mere signals;
as one of the Arab poets said:
“Our eyebrows expressed our mutual feelings:
we were silent, but the love was speaking!"
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 36: 65
اليَوْمَ نَخْتِمُ على أفْواهِهِم
وتُكَلِّمُنا أيْديهِمْ وتَشْهَدُ أرْجُلُهُمْ بِما كانُوا يَكْسِبُون
I.e. (Today, We set a
seal on their mouths [lest they should give excuses]; and their hands speak to
Us [about their acts], and their feet bear witness as to what [crimes] they were
The aim of the 'speech'
is to let the second person understand what the speaker wants.
While the 'uttering' is the speaking with
sound so that the second
person will understand. And if it has no sound, then it is not called an
utterance. However, we can say that the man speaks, as can we say that the man
utters; but we cannot say the souls utter; because their speech hasn't any
audible sound, but we can say that the soul speaks.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 53: 3-5
وما يَنْطِقُ عَن الْهَوى . إنْ
هُوَ إلاّ وَحْيٌ يُوحَى . عَلّمَهُ شَدِيدُ القُوَى
I.e. (Nor
does [Mohammed] speak[iii] out of [his own] desire.
It is only a revelation
[from God], revealed [to him by means of Gabriel.]
[Mohammed] is taught by
[Gabriel: an angel] mighty in power.)
The meaning:
>> (Nor does [Mohammed] speak out of [his own] desire) means:
Whatever Prophet
Mohammed – salam to him – speaks with clear speech, and lets you hear eloquent
utterance [and good style], then all that is not from his own, but is from God
– be glorified – which He has sent to the Prophet with Gabriel who taught
[Mohammed] the Quran; as it is evident from His saying – be glorified
إنْ هُوَ إلاّ وَحْيٌ يُوحَى .
عَلّّمَهُ شَدِيدُ القُوَى
I.e. (It is only a
revelation [from God], revealed [to him by means of Gabriel.]
[Mohammed] is taught by
[Gabriel: an angel] mighty in power)
God – be glorified –
said also in the Quran 77: 35-36
هذا يَوْمُ لا يَنْطِقُون . ولا يُؤْذَنُ
لَهُمْ فَيَعْتَذِرُون
I.e. (This is the day
when they cannot utter [any audible word,]
Nor are they permitted
[to talk] so they may apologize.)
They haven't the ability
of utterance and articulation because they are ethereal souls; moreover, they
are not allowed to do so in order that they may then apologize.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 27: 85
ووَقَعَ القَوْلُ عَلَيْهِمْ
بِما ظَلَمُوا فَهُمْ لا يَنْطِقُون
I.e. (And the word [of
punishment] will be sentenced against them, because of their wrong-doing; and
they will not utter [any audible word.])
Formation of the Soul inside the Body
We have said – in the
preceding pages – that the soul forms inside the material body, and grows as
long as the body grows; it gets bigger gradually until it becomes a hearing, seeing, 'conscious and thinking'
soul that cannot be affected
by any defect or disturbance; because the body consists of a viable growing
matter and a viable liquid.
[Constituents of
the body]:
The viable (or living)
matter is attractive to the
ether as long as it is growing; but if it stops growing, it cannot anymore
attract the ether to it: that is at the end of the youth of man [i.e. when he
attains his adulthood], when the soul reaches its limit and will not grow
afterwards; for this reason, the souls of old men and old women will be young and will not become
elderly. Therefore, there isn't – among souls – any old
man or old woman.
While as regard: the viable liquid, it is a communicating medium between the ether and the
body; i.e. it is a communicating medium between souls and bodies; so that when
the body is depleted of the viable liquid, or the viable liquid is oxidized,
then the soul will separate from the body, and will not have any contact with
it, and death will take place.
Therefore, the material
– from which bodies are composed – consists of two things: a viable matter and
a viable liquid.
The viable
matter is that of which the body of the fetus is formed in his
mother's womb; for it is a collection of minute cells.
While the viable
liquid: it is the reason for the contact between the soul and the body.
If the semen was not
alive and was not a viable matter, then it would not grow and increase. One of
the Arab poets said:
"Preserve your semen as much as you can;
for it is the liquid of life, poured in the womb."
[The Example of the
car battery]
E.g. the battery of the car consists of three
First – a black box
made of plastic, and has [several] boards of lead.
Second – sulfuric acid
diluted with water.
Third – an electric
So let us consider the human body as
the box, the viable liquid to resemble the sulfuric acid, and the soul to
resemble the electric current.
Here, the sulfuric acid is the
reason for the communication between the electric current and the battery; so
without the acid, the current will not communicate with the battery.
Suppose that we evacuate the battery
of the acid, then it will not accept the current; because the acid is the
communicating medium between the current and the battery. And as such will the
rule be about the viable liquid between the soul and the body; so that the soul
will communicate with the body, as long as the viable liquid is present in it;
and if the viable liquid is oxidized then the soul will separate from the body
and there will be no communication between the soul and the body, and that is
the death.
Therefore, death is nothing more than separation of the soul
from the body:
to the oxidation of the viable fluid inside
the body,
due to any other catastrophe like murder, burn, drowning or what is like
When the
body of the fetus is formed inside his mother's womb, it will start to
attract to it the ether particles and construct inside it[s body] an ethereal
structure, that will be a true copy of it, and will go on attracting the ether to it from the time of
its birth till the end of its youth, when it
will not be able anymore to attract the ether to it, and the soul reaches its
limits and afterwards it will not become older anymore.
While as regards the viable fluid inside the body; its capabilities do not regress
at the end of the youth, but it keeps up communicating between the soul and the body till death.
Hence, formation
of the soul inside the body is because the body attracts the ether particles;
and as such any viable material is attractive to the ether, and it builds –
inside it – an ethereal model which exactly simulates the material model or
identical with it, whether it is an animal, a human or a
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 23: 12-14
ولَقَدْ خَلَقْنا الإنْسانَ مِنْ
سُلالَةٍ مِنْ طِينٍ . ثُمَّ جَعَلْناهُ نُطْفَةً في قَرارٍ مَكِينٍ . ثُمَّ
خَلَقْنا النُّطْفَةَ عَلَقَةً فَخَلَقْنا العَلَقَةَ مُضْغَةً فَخَلَقْنا
المُضْغَةً عِظاماً فَكَسَوْنا العِظامَ لَحْماً ثُمَّ أنْشَأْناهُ خَلْقاً آخَرَ
، فَتَبارَكَ اللهُ رَبُّ العالَمِينَ
I.e. (We created man,
from [his] ancestors, from clay.
Then We made his [seed]
from a scanty liquid [: the semen, to settle] in a sure [or safe] lodging.
Then We made the scanty
liquid [: the semen] a ‘structure shaped like the mosquito larva’,
and made ‘the
larva[-like structure]’ a morsel[-like lump],
then made ‘the
morsel[-like lump]’ bones,
and clothed the bones
with flesh,
then We formed it
another creation;
so blessed be God: the
Best To Create.)
So His saying – be
glorified –
ثُمَّ أنْشَأْناهُ خَلْقاً آخَر
i.e. (then We formed it
another creation) means other than what He has created initially: that He
created it of mud then of semen …etc.
Hence, the first creation is material, and the 'other
creation' is ethereal; He means by that the
soul. The indication of that, is His saying – be glorified – ثُمَّ
أنْشَأْناهُ i.e. (then We formed it),
but He did not say: then We created it; because the 'creation' is for material things, and the 'formation' is for the ethereal, i.e. souls.
Therefore, the word
'formation' [and its synonym in Arabic: إنْشاء] means the collection,
gathering and attraction.
The Fetus neither Hears nor Sees
We have just said that
the ‘soul’ has organs and special senses just like the body; therefore, in this
respect, it differs from the ‘spirit’: for the spirit has neither special
senses nor organs, but it is like the air.
I say that we see the
things and recognize their colors by our sights not by our eyes, i.e. we see by the ethereal eye of the soul, not by
the material eye of the body. The
material eye is blind and does not see anything, and the seeing is only by the
ethereal eye. The material eye, actually, is not more than a mold for the
formation of the ethereal eye.
As such is the hearing;
for we don't hear by our material ears,
but the hearing is that of the ethereal ear.
The speaking, too, is
originally from the mouth of the soul; so that if the soul's spiritual mouth moves with speech, it will
move the body mouth with it so that the sound issues from it. Therefore, the material mouth is not more than a
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 20: 108
وخَشَعَتِ الأصْواتُ لِلرّحْمنِ
فَلا تَسْمَعُ إلاّ هَمْساً
I.e. (And voices will be
hushed before [God] Most Gracious, so that you will not hear anything more than
It means that, in the afterlife, their speaking will be by
whispering, i.e. with a low voice.
That is because they are ethereal souls, having no material bodies so as to
make the voice louder. This hushing of voices will be general for disbelievers
and believers altogether.
As such is also the
material heart; for it does not realize or understand, but in fact the 'understanding and realization' is that of
the spiritual heart, i.e. the soul's heart.
In other words, I say: It is the soul that hears, sees, speaks,
'realizes and understands';
while as regard the body: it does not hear, does not see and does not
understand; and the body in fact is not more than a mold in which the soul is
example of the egg and the chicken]
An example of that is an egg in which
a chicken has been formed; the body can be considered as the egg shell, and the
soul can be considered like the chicken which has been completely created
inside the shell then will get out of it.
[see A
picture of the chicken and the
egg ]
[Some observations proving
the existence of the soul]
These are some experiments to let
you know that this is true:
First – Approach to a sleeping
man, and talk to him as you like; he
is not going to hear anything of that, then open one of his eyes with your
finger and say to him: 'Who am I?'; he will neither see nor answer you
with any word, on condition that he will not awake from sleep, and if you take
anything from him, he will not see you.
Second – If you ask a blind man: 'Do
you see any dreams during your sleep?' He will answer you: 'I can see during
sleep, but I am blind on awaking!' This is because the blind sees during his
sleep just as can the seer see during awaking; so the blind sees, during sleep,
the things and colors as they are. Such seeing is only with the eye of the
soul; because his material eye is blind and cannot see anything.
In addition, if you ask a dumb man, then he will answer you: 'I can speak during
sleep, but I am dumb while awaking.'
Third – Approach
to an infant,
and sit near to him, on condition that his age does not exceed ten days,
then shout near his head, you will see that the baby does not move or cry; for
he is deaf and cannot hear any bit of your voice. Then make another examination
of this baby: that is to pass your hand in front of his eyes and you will see
that he does not close his eyes and that his eyelids do not blink; that is
because he is blind and cannot see anything. Then, carefully, watch his eyes
and look at his pupils, you will see that his gaze does not direct to a certain
object but he is like the blind. Then watch him when he sucks his mother's
breast; he does not see the nipple in order to engulf it directly, but he will
move his head left and right until it will come into his mouth, then he will
engulf it.
As regards to his consciousness; the
baby does not understand or realize till three months following his birth; that
is because the baby, at his birth, has no hearing, sight or spiritual heart,
but these will gradually form; that is after the compaction of the ethereal
particles from which the soul has been constructed; so that, after a short
period of time: when those ethereal particles will adhere to each other, you
will see that he hears, sees and becomes conscious; because, during this
period, the ethereal special senses have been formed for his soul.
Now do another test to confirm this:
Approach the baby with whom you did the first experiment, and sit near him, on
condition that he has exceeded forty days of age, then shout near him with a
low shout; it is enough to sneeze near his head, then you will see him awake
and cry because your voice has annoyed him; as if you have stricken him with a
stick; for he has started to hear. Then pass your hand in front on his eyes,
and you will see him close his eyes and blink his eyelids; for he has started
to see. Then observe his pupils: you will see his gaze directing towards
objects especially to the light. Then watch him when his mother suckles him,
you will see him engulf the nipple of her breast directly and does not move his
head as was he doing at the beginning.
From these observations, you will
know that, during this short period of time, the hearing, sight and spiritual
heart have been formed for the baby; after he was not hearing, not seeing, and
after being unable to understand.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 16: 78
واللهُ أخْرَجَكُمْ مِنْ بُطُونِ
أُمّهاتِكُمْ لا تَعْلَمُونَ شَيْئاً وجَعََلَ لَكُمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ
والأفْئِدَةَ لَعَلّكُمْ تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (And God has
brought you, [people], out of the wombs of your mothers while you knew nothing;
and He assigned to you the hearings and eye-sights and [spiritual] hearts: that
you may be grateful [to God.])
Therefore, (and He
assigned to you the hearing and eye-sights and [spiritual] hearts) means: After
you got out of your mothers' wombs, He made for your souls – the hearing, the
sight and [spiritual] hearts; that you may thank your Lord, and show gratitude
to Him.
So, the 'hearing' is the ear of the soul; the
'sight' is the eye of the soul; and the 'spiritual heart' is the heart of the
God – be glorified – said
in the Quran 23: 78
الّذي أنشَأَ لَكُمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ والأفْئدةَ ، قليلاً ما تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (And it is [God]
Who has formed for you[r souls] the hearing, the sight and [spiritual] hearts:
[but] small number of you who thank [God.])
The Glorious Lord said
in the Quran 32: 9
سوّاهُ ونَفَخَ فِيهِ مِنْ رُوحِهِ وجَعَلَ لَكمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ
والأفْئِدَةَ قَليلاً ما تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (Then He perfected
[the creation of Adam from mud], and breathed into him from His ‘spirit’ [: Gabriel],
and made for you[r souls] hearing, sight and '[spiritual] hearts'; yet a small
number of you who thank God [for His bounties.])
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 67: 23
قُلْ هُوَ
الّذي أنْشَأَكُمْ وجَعَلَ لَكمُ السّمْعَ والأبْصارَ والأفْئِدَةَ قَليلاً
ما تَشْكُرُون
I.e. (Say: "It is
[God] Who has formed you [from the ether], and assigned for you hearing, sight
and [spiritual] hearts; [but] only a small number of you show gratitude [to
Therefore; (It is [God]
Who has formed you) means: has formed your souls; because He – be glorified –
said أنْشَأَكُمْ i.e. (has formed you) and did not say:
has created you.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 18: 5
كَبُرَتْ كَلِمَةً تَخْرُجُ مِنْ
أفْواهِهِمْ ، إنْ يَقُولُونَ إلاّ كَذِباً
I.e. (A grievous word[iv] it is [to God] that issues from their
[spiritual] mouths; they only say a lie.)
So, He explained – be
glorified – that the origination of the speech is from the spiritual mouth
[i.e. the mouth of the soul], but not from the mouth. Therefore, the
'[spiritual] mouth' is the soul's organ, and the 'mouth' is the body organ.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 3: 167
يَقُولُونَ بِأَفْواهِهِمْ ما
لَيْسَ في قُلُوبِهِمْ واللهُ أعْلَمُ بِما يَكْتُمُون
I.e. (They[v] said with their mouths[vi] [words of apology] different from that
[hypocrisy] in their hearts, but God knows best what they hid [in their hearts;
for nothing might be hidden from Him.])
The 'matter' is anything we see with our eyes or touch with our hands, like:
inanimate things, the plant, the animal, man and other things that the eye can
see or the hand can touch; so the soil is matter, and the air is matter. The
soil can both be seen by our eyes and touched by our hands, while we don't see
the air by our eyes, but we may feel it when it passes by us, and we may
differentiate between the hot, cold, dry and wet air.
The matter will not
remain as it is, but it is going to destruction and vanishing.
1. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 55:
كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْها فانٍ . ويَبْقَى وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو
الجَلالِ والإكْرام
I.e. (Whosoever upon the
[earth] shall perish.
But the 'aspect' of your
Lord, endowed with majesty and honor, shall endure.)
Therefore, (Whosoever
upon the [earth] shall perish) means: Every living being upon the earth will
disappear and will depart from it, and every living body will tear up and
vanish by death.
Without the material
creatures it is impossible for the ethereal creatures to be formed, because the
materials are the molds for formation of the ethereals, i.e. for the formation of
2. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 52: 35
أَمْ خُلِقُوا مِنْ غَيْرِ شَيءٍ
، أَمْ هُمُ الخالِقُون ؟
I.e. (Or were they
created without there being anything? Or were they themselves the creators?)
So, the word 'thing'
indicates the matter.
3. This is similar to His saying – be
glorified – in the Quran 28: 88
كُلُّ شَيءٍ هالِكٌ إلاّ
I.e. (every [material]
thing will perish saving only His aspect [or neighborhood.])
It means: Every material
object will break up and vanish.
4. And He – be glorified – said in the Quran 16: 96
ما عِنْدَكُمْ يَنْفَدُ وما
عِنْدَ اللهِ باقٍ
I.e. (What [wealth and
property] is with you must vanish: What [wealth and property] is with God [in
the ethereal heavens] will endure.)
The interpretation:
>> (What is with you must vanish) means: What
wealth, furniture and fruit you have, will not endure [for ever], but will
vanish because it is material.
>> (What) wealth, furniture and fruit (is
with God will endure) and will not be depleted or corrupted because it is
5. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 51: 49
ومِنْ كُلِّ شَيءٍ خَلَقْنا
زَوْجَينِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَذَكَّرُون
I.e. (And of everything
have We created two spouses; that you may reflect.)
It means: Of every kind
of the material creatures, We have created two spouses: male and female.
>> Therefore, His saying – be glorified
أَمْ خُلِقُوا مِنْ غَيْرِ شَيءٍ
I.e. (Or were they
created without there being anything?) means: Were the souls of these
atheists and infidels, formed without material bodies; so that they say the
ether is present in the space since eternity, and that our souls were formed
from the ether without any former or creator. Yes, they were formed from the
ether; but who created the bodies in which their souls were formed? Wasn't God
Who created the bodies and formed their souls inside them?
>> (Or were they themselves the creators) of those
bodies? Not so, but it is God Who created them and created the heavens and the
earth and all those who are therein.
The ether is
similar to the air, but it is other than the air; for the air is material,
while the ether is another kind. The ether particles are smaller than the air
particles; e.g. the sand can permeate in-between the pebbles; for it is much
smaller than them; and water can permeate the sand; because water particles are
smaller than sand particles. Likewise, the ether permeates the air; because its
particles are smaller than the air particles.
The ether fills the
space, and when the ether particles enter in a material thing and stay in it
forty days, then they will be compacted and will never crumble afterwards. The
ethereals do not vanish, neither break up, nor disintegrate, nor will be
damaged by any catastrophe.
Therefore, even though
we are living in an evanescent material world, we shall certainly go, after a
short time, to an immortal ethereal world that will not vanish; that is when we
shall die, i.e. when our souls separate from our bodies, and just as that, in
this World, we have material furniture and other material things; similarly, in
the ether world, we shall have ethereal furniture and other ethereal articles,
but the difference between the two is that our houses will break up; because
they are material, while those in the ether world: they will remain forever and
will never break up; because they are ethereal.
And just as that, in the
life of this World, we have material plants and trees; similarly, in the Next
Life, we shall have ethereal plants, trees and fruits.
In summary: Every material thing will break up and perish;
but every ethereal is enduring and will not perish or disappear.
1. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 16: 96
ما عِنْدَكُمْ يَنْفَدُ وما
عِنْدَ اللهِ باقٍ
I.e. (What [wealth and
property] is with you must vanish: What [wealth and property] is with God [in
the ethereal heavens] will endure.)
2. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 87: 16-17
بَلْ تُؤثِرُونَ الحياةَ
الدُّنْيا والآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وأبْقَى
I.e. (But you [people]
prefer the life of this World [to the Next.]; while the Next Life is better and
more enduring [than this life of the World.])
3. God – be glorified – said in the Quran 42: 36
فَما أوتِيتُمْ مِنْ شَيءٍ
فَمَتاعُ الحَياةِ الدُّنْيا ، وما عِنْدَ اللهِ خَيْرٌ وأبْقَى لِلّذِينَ آمَنُوا
وعلى ربِّهِمْ يَتَوَكّلُون
I.e. (Whatever
[material] thing you [people] have been given, is only a [transient] comfort
for the life of the World, but [the ethereal] that God has [in the ethereal
heavens], is better and more lasting [than the matter is] for those who believe
and put their trust in their Lord [to propagate and preach the Islam
The matter has a power
and influence on the soul, while souls haven't any
power over the matter; to the extent that souls cannot carry even a bird's
feather from one place to another; e.g. if a bird flies while a soul is in its
way, the bird – with its strike – will cut the soul, that stands in its way,
into two halves; but the soul will not die from the strike of the bird; it will
suffer much, then it will return intact as it was.
Similarly, insects like
mosquitoes and flies go through the soul; so that they enter from its belly and
get out from its back or vice versa. Moreover, when the rain falls on a soul,
the rain drops will fall on its head and get out from its anus. And when a man
throws a stone, while a soul is standing, then the stone will hit it and
afflict it with much pain.
And so on; the matter
influences the soul, and the soul suffers much from the stone which hits it,
the bird which strikes it, or the rain which falls down on its head.
Similarly, the wind has
influence on souls, so that if the wind blows and there is a soul in its way,
then it will carry that soul away from its place to another distant place.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 22: 31
ومَنْ يُشْرِكْ بِاللهِ
فَكَأنَّما خَرَّ مِنَ السّماءِ فَتَخْطَفُهُ الطَّيْرُ أوْ تَهْوِي بِهِ الرِّيحُ
في مَكانٍ سَحِيق
I.e. (Anyone associates [anything]
with God: it is as if he had fallen from the sky, and the birds had pierced him
or the wind had blown him down into a far distant place.)
For this reason, most of souls don't go out from their places
by day-time, but they go out by night to
avoid any bird which may strike them or any stone which may hit them or any
other material thing which may hurt and afflict them with much pain.
Functions of the Body and the Soul
The functions which the
body performs are different from the functions which the soul carries out, but
the body is not capable to do the functions of the soul.
[A. Functions of
the body]
The functions that the
human body carries out are the following:
First: Growth
while he is young; because the body goes on growing and increasing till the
end of its youth, when it will stop growing; that is because the body consists
of living cells.
Second: The Blood Circulation; for the
blood is in continuous circulation in the veins and arteries till the hour of
Third: The Respiratory System; for the
lung goes on taking up the oxygen and excreting carbon dioxide till the hour of
Fourth: The Alimentary System; for the
stomach continuously digests the food till the hour of death.
Fifth: The Sleep; for the sleep is one of
the functions of the body, and the soul has no part in it because the soul does
not sleep.
So these are the
functions specifically carried out by the body, whereas the soul does not
participate in them; so that when the soul gets out of the body during sleep,
the body will go on performing its functions, just mentioned, needless of the
[B. Functions of
the soul]
While as regard the
soul, some of its functions are: the hearing, the sight, the speaking, the
'thinking and feeling or perception of pains and pleasures' …etc.
These functions divide
into two groups:
1. Some of them are common for both the soul and the body; because the body organs are the communicating
utensils for the soul organs and special senses.
The speaking, for example; its origin is from the soul, but
it has no hearable or audible sound unless it comes out of the body mouth;
because the body mouth is a loud-speaker, but the origin of the sound is from
the soul. The indication of that is in the case of a sleeping person who speaks
in his dream and cries out, but he has no sound; so that anyone, even though
sitting beside him, does not hear his voice.
Similarly, carrying
loads; for the soul is the one that carries; but without the body organs,
it is impossible for the soul to carry anything of the materials, even though
it be a bird's feather.
2. While the second group is specific for the soul, and that is what has been mentioned in the preceding
lines; like the hearing, sight, intelligence and feeling of the pain and
pleasure, and other functions; because the body of a sleeping person does not
hear or see; but it is the soul that hears and sees. For this reason, the blind
sees – during his sleep – what the seer can see during his waking; for the
sight and hearing are specific for the soul.
Therefore, the role of the soul with the body is like the
driver with the car. Now, let us consider
the body to resemble the car, and the soul to resemble the driver; so just as
it is possible for the driver to leave the car stopping, while [its engine] is
working, then to return to it after a while, so that the car is not in need to
the driver during this period of time; because it is stopping in its place, but
only that its engine is working.
Similarly, it is
possible for the soul to leave the body sleeping, carrying on its functions,
then it will return to the body after an hour. Therefore, the body does not
need the soul during this hour. And just as that it is the driver that drives
the car, and directs it wherever he wishes; likewise, it is the soul that
drives the body and directs it wherever the soul wants.
Hence, the soul is a
commander, and the body is a commanded object which obeys the soul orders. The
body, therefore, is not more than a utensil or tool which the soul uses in
whatever he wants and directs it however he wishes.
We said, in the
preceding lines, that souls do not sleep; but the sleep is only for material bodies
when they are tired, so that if they sleep they will have rest.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 78: 9
وجَعَلْنا نَوْمَكُمْ سُباتاً
I.e. (And We made your
sleep [for] rest.)
The reason for the sleep
is related to the spinal cord and the cerebellum.
The sleep is of two
kinds: Conjunctional and Separative.
1. The
'Conjunctional Sleep' is
when the soul is still in contact with the body at the time of sleep, and is
not getting out of it completely. Its sign is that the sleeping person moves
his hands or legs during sleep, every now and then, and if you call him, he
will immediately awake from sleep. Such persons have much of the viable fluid
in their bodies.
2. The
'Separative Sleep' is when the soul
separates completely from the body on sleeping, and the body is without soul,
so that the soul goes for tourism wherever he likes, and he leaves the body
sleeping; he goes to faraway distances, and sees in his way what he may see,
hears what he may hear, eats, drinks and speaks with any soul he may meet if he
likes, then he will return to the body, and the man will wake up from his
sleep. Such persons usually have small amounts of the viable fluid in their
bodies; because the viable fluid is the reason for the conjunction between the
soul and the body.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 39: 42
يَتَوَفّى الأنْفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِها وَالّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ في مَنامِها فَيُمْسِكُ
الّتِي قَضَى عَلَيْها المَوْتَ ويُرْسِلُ الأُخْرَى إلَى أجَلٍ مُسَمّىً ، إنَّ
في ذلِكَ لآياتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُون
I.e. (It is God That
receives [in His capture] the souls [of men] at the time of their death, and
those [souls] that separate not [from their bodies] during their sleep: Those
[souls] for which He ordains death, He withholds [from returning to their
bodies], while the rest He sends [back to their bodies, to live in the life of
the World] for an appointed term. Surely, in this are signs for men who
The interpretation:
The word موت
i.e. 'death', in Arabic
language, means the separation, [as the author proved it with the Arab poetry.]
>> (It is God That receives [in His capture] the
souls [of men] at the time of their death, and those [souls] that separate not
[from their bodies] during their sleep) means: He takes the souls that have not
died during their sleep; i.e. He takes the souls that have not separated from
their bodies during sleep.
The meaning: All souls
will be under His control whether they are dead, or sleeping with a
separative sleep, or sleeping with a conjunctional sleep.
>> (Those [souls] for which He ordains death, He
withholds [from returning to their bodies]) means: He keeps back with Him, i.e.
in the ethereal world, those whom He decides that they should die.
>> (while the rest He sends
[back to their bodies]): in order that they will live in the life of the World
till an appointed date [of their death.]
The 'rest' means: those
to whom He has not decided death yet, i.e. whose appointed term has not come
>> (for an appointed term) means: till the day
decided to be the termination of their life.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 6: 60
وهُوَ الّذي يَتَوَفّاكُمْ
بِاللّيْلِ ويَعْلَمُ ما جَرَحْتمْ بِالنّهارِ ثُمَّ يَبْعَثُكُمْ فِيهِ لِيُقْضَى
أجَلٌ مُسَمّىً ثُمَّ إلَيْهِ مَرْجِعُكُمْ ثُمَّ يُنَبِّئُكُمْ بِما كُنْتُمْ
I.e. (It is He Who takes
back you[r souls out of your bodies] by night[vii], and knows all that [evil[viii]] you [people] have already committed by day,
then He sends you back again [to your bodies by day] that a term appointed [for
you] be accomplished. And afterwards, to Him will your return be [after death];
then He will acquaint you with the [bad deeds and evil conduct] that you did.)
The interpretation:
>> (takes back you[r souls out of your
bodies] by night) means: He takes your souls from your bodies by night, i.e. at
the time of sleep.
The meaning: Your souls
are by His hand [and under His control] during sleep; for they separate from
the bodies at the time of sleep.
The reason for the
separation of the soul from the body at the time of sleep is because of two
1. Because the sleeping person will have his organs
relaxed, so at that time the soul will be released from the body.
2. The soul takes the opportunity of the body being
at rest from movements, so that the body is not bothering and loading him; at
such instance he wishes to make tourism in the ether world; so that when he [:
the soul] gets away, he will start touring, and if he sees something that
terrifies him, or he hears a distressing sound, he will quickly return back to
the body; because the body protects him from external factors; and because the
soul is more sensitive than when he was inside the body; for a weak sound is
loud to him, while a loud sound will annoy him.
Here, I mention this
event to confirm my words:
One day, I was sleeping at
noon-time, and I had a child playing in the house; he came to the door of the room
where I was sleeping, and started to knock the door with several successive
feeble knocks; but I saw in a dream that as if there was a wedding, and that
there were servants knocking on drums and blowing in trumpets, so I awoke from
sleep because of that noise, but I didn't find anything other than that child,
who was knocking the door with knocks that were so feeble to the extent that
anyone in the next room couldn't hear them.
Many of us may have encountered some
of such incidents that reflect the high sensitivity of the soul's special
This is another story
which I mention, as it was told by Sheikh Tantawi Jawhari in his [Arabic] book
"Spirits", page 16; he said:
"Dr. Gibe, mentioned in his
book "The Investigation of Affairs", the following:
A young man, 30 years old, who was a
skillful painter, said to me: 'Few days ago, I entered into my house, about ten
o'clock p.m., and I felt a strange kind of exhaustion, so I lit the lamp[8]
and put it on a table beside my bed. I lit a cigarette and sat on my sofa for
rest, but as soon as I laid my head on the chair back, I felt the surroundings
started to rotate by themselves, and I felt an extreme vertigo, after which I
was, suddenly and unconsciously, transmitted to the middle of the room; so I
was astonished from this strange transmission.
You can imagine my astonishment when
I looked about and saw my body lying flaccid on the seat, while my left hand
was lifted to my head with the cigarette in between its fingers. At first, I
thought that I was sleeping, and that what I was seeing was merely a dream; but
after a while when I realized that I had never seen such a clear dream before;
at that time I thought myself dead, then it came to my mind what I had heard
about the existence of spirits, and I said to myself that I had become a
spirit, and I remembered all that had been told to me about this subject. Also,
I became bitterly sorry for the ending of my life before I could accomplish
some of my affairs.
Then I approached to my body, which
I thought to be a corpse, but I saw its respiratory movement which made the
truth clear to my mind; I looked to its chest and saw the heart inside it
beating regularly with feeble beats, so I became sure that what happened to me
was some sort of strange fainting, and I said to myself that those affected by
fainting wouldn't remember what might face them during the time of fainting,
and I was afraid lest I should lose memory of what I was seeing, that is after
I should awake from fainting.
But after excluding the problem of
death, I shifted my attention to the surroundings, and forgot about my body
which was lying on the seat; I looked at the lamp, and seeing it flaming near
my bed, I was afraid that the curtains might burn because of the heat; so I
tried to put out the lamp; I caught the knob of the wick, and tried, but
uselessly, to roll it in spite of that I was very well feeling the knob fine
features between my fingers, but I was completely unable to move it.
Then I looked at myself and saw that
as if I was wearing a white garment, and that my hand goes easily through my
body. I stood in front of the mirror, but instead of seeing my picture in it,
as it should be, I felt that my sight went behind it, so that I saw the wall
and the backs of the pictures and the furniture in my neighbor's room in spite
of that there was no light in it, but I was getting the light from a light-ray
emerging from my chest and lightening what things I was looking at.
It came to my mind to enter into my
neighbor's room, which I had never seen before, that neighbor who was in Paris
and was, at that time, absent from the house. As soon as I had that desire, I
saw myself inside the room; I think I crossed through the wall, just as how had
my sight crossed through it. Then I started to walk in the rooms of my neighbor
for the first time and to keep in my mind what I was seeing therein; I entered
his library and read the titles of some of the books present on the shelves;
and wherever I intended to go from one place to another, soon I went wherever I
desired and as soon as I intended so.
Since then my thoughts became
confused and I don't remember anything else; only I know that I went to
extremely remote places, even to Italy as I think, but I don't know what I saw
and what I did there; for I lost control on my thoughts which carried me to
wherever they went before I direct them. So that the 'fool of the house' was
driving the house with her, until I awoke at five o'clock a.m., to find myself
lying on the seat. I got a distressing shivering and rigor, after which I slept
for few hours to awake the next mid-day.
I, then, designed a trick to enter,
together with the house-keeper, into my neighbor's house, and I looked about
the pictures, the furniture and the book titles, to find all that exactly as I
saw during the fainting time, but I didn't tell anyone with this story lest
they should ascribe, to me, madness or delusion!"
An Hour among Spirits]
This story reminds me of
an event which happened to me in my childhood, and which I mention to confirm
My father sojourned in
Karbala, and our house was near Al- Abbas market, where now it is on the street
of Ali-Akbar. We had a [Turkish public] bath in front of our house.
In our house there was a
basement, in which there was a high bench about one meter higher than the
ground of the basement. Below this bench, there was a ladder joining with the
fire-place of the bath.
At that time, I was
seven years old; and I wished to sleep on that bench, but my mother forbade me
from doing that and said: 'If you sleep on this bench, you will fall on the
ladder of the fire-place and you will die.' But I did not abstain from my
desire, so I went up, while my mother was unaware, and slept on that bench. It
was summer time, and about one hour later I fell on my head from that bench,
over the ladder below, and fainted out and lost consciousness; I felt that I
got out of my body, and went up to the basement leaving my body cast down on
the ladder.
Then I looked at myself,
to find that I was naked, so I became ashamed of that, and looked this
side and that side, searching about a dress to wear and cover my shame with it;
I saw one of my dresses cast on the ground near the wall, so I outstretched my
hand to it in order to pick it up and wear, but I could not lift it.
Then I saw a girl, sitting at my right side, who was one of the spirits, and was
carrying with her some dresses[9]; she turned to me and said: 'It seems that
you want a dress to wear!'
I said: 'Yes, but I
cannot lift it up in order to wear it.'
She said: 'Today you
cannot wear such dresses, so take a dress from me and wear it.'
And she gave me a white
dress, a snow-white one that I thought to be like a shroud, which I disgusted;
so I returned it back to her, saying: 'I don't want this dress; because it
looks like a shroud in its whiteness!'
So she gave me another
dress striped and colored, which I accepted from her, and I put it on.
Then she said: 'Do you
want water to drink?'
I said: 'No!'
She said: 'Aren't you
I said: 'No!'
But she brought a cup or a glass, a crystal-like one containing water, and said:
'Look at this water! It has a delicious taste like the fruit juice; if you
drink of it you will never be thirsty afterwards!'
And she went on
encouraging me to drink it until I took the glass from her and drank the water;
when I perceived its coldness and its taste, I did not leave behind anything of
it in the glass and returned the glass empty to her.
Then she said: 'I am your sister, and this is your uncle Ali,
so come to greet him!'
I looked at him to see a
young man, whom I had not known before, standing at the side of the basement
He smiled to me, and called
me to come near him, but I did not go to him and did not wish to speak to him;
because I did not recognize him, and because I did not know that I had an uncle
named Ali who had died before my birth. Moreover, I did not recognize the girl
and I had seen her neither before nor after that day.
Then my mother came
hurrying when she heard the sound of my fall. She lifted my body from the
ladder up to the basement. She sat down on the ground, embraced my body and
started to kiss it and clean the face from blood, while she was crying and
calling it with my name. My aunt came and sat near her. Then my older cousin
came, and took a piece of wool, burnt it then when half of it burnt, she put it
out, and laid it over the bleeding wound[ix], then she wrapped it with a head-band, and sat
down near [that body] calling and addressing it. Then my aunt brought water and
started to spray it on the body face, but my body was dead-like; showing not
any movement.
All this took place
while I was standing, looking at them. So I surprised from that and said to
myself: 'My mother must have lost her mind, and her thinking has become
confused, so that she calls this dead body with my name, and she kisses it and
cries at him, so doesn't she see me standing in front of her? And is this dead
her son or am I her son?
Therefore, I approached
her and started speaking to her. I said to her: 'I am your son, I am
Mohammed-Ali; don't you see me standing in front of you!? I am safe; I haven't
any pain in my head or in any of my organs!'
When I saw my mother paying no attention to me, and
hearing not my speaking, I became sad because
of her condition, and I was about to cry!
Then that girl said:
'Why are you sad?'
I said: 'Don't you see
my mother crying and mourning!?'
She said: 'Leave her,
and go to play and enjoy yourself; for she will give up crying after a
When I intended to get
out of the basement, I noticed that my legs did not assist me in
walking, as if they were fastened with fetters or tied with ropes[x]; so I said to that girl: 'I cannot walk and get
out of the basement, and I don't know what happened to my legs, so that as if
they are tied to each other!'
She said: 'Leave walking
on feet, [and go gliding and shuffling], and go forwards like birds!'
But I didn't understand
her words, and I said: 'Does man walk save on his feet? And how can I go
forwards while my legs have been paralyzed and prevented from movement?'
She said: 'See how I go
forwards and do just like me!'
So I learnt that from
her, and went forwards, and left my mother crying. I went out of the basement
aiming at the street to enjoy myself with playing in order to forget about my
mother's condition and the corpse she was embracing.
But when I reached to
the house door, I lifted my left hand and put my four fingers, except the
thumb, in the ring of the door and pulled it as I was used to open it every
time, but this time the door did not open, and once again I pulled it with my
utmost power, and the door did not open, but only that my four fingers were cut by the ring of the
door, and my hand became
without fingers saving the thumb; so I was astonished of that event, and my
astonishment increased furthermore when I saw my fingers floating in the air,
not falling on the ground, and no blood came out of them but they were, in
elasticity and softness, like the wax in Summer time. Therefore, I became
perplexed, asking myself how I could open the door when my fingers were cut
down! And why I could not open it, whereas I had opened it many times before,
and how my fingers were easily cut down, whereas they had been strong before,
and why the blood did not come out of them, whereas it had been coming out of
them for any mild scratch of any mild injury!
Then I stood near the
door thinking about my condition, and the girl came toward me and said: 'Why
are you perplexed?'
I said: 'My fingers have
been cut down, and I couldn't open the door!'
She said: 'As regards to
your fingers, put them in their places on the palm, and they will return as
they were! While as regards the door, you cannot open it, so if you like to go
out of the house then get out through the
fissures of the door!'
I said to her: 'Do you
mock me?'
She said: 'I am not
mocking, but I say the truth.'
I said with surprise: 'Is
that possible? And can I do it?'
She said: 'Yes.'
So, using my right hand,
I took my cut-down fingers from the air and put them in their places on the
palm of my hand, and they stuck to it immediately and my hand returned
intact again as it was before, and I was delighted with the safety of my
Then I put my head in
one of the fissures of the door, to find that I had become like water when you
pour it through a funnel from one bottle to another, or like the air. The
particles of my ethereal body were attracted to each other, and all of them
were following my head, like the iron filings attracted to a magnet, so
that I was outside the house in less than half a minute.
I looked right and left,
and saw people (spirits)
walking naked; some of them wore
short clothes, so that their legs were uncovered and when they walked in the
sun they disappeared from my sight.
Moreover, I saw men,
walking in that street, having hoofs like the hoofs of horses; and when they
were under the sun-rays they disappeared from my sight, but when they were in
the shade they reappeared to the sight; and when halves of their bodies were in
the shade while the other halves were under the direct sun-rays; at such
instance I only saw the half that walked in the shade and I did not see his
upper part, i.e. I saw two legs walking without the trunk and head until he
would come to the shade region when a complete person would appear with his
body and head, so I was astonished of that scene; I asked about them, and they
said: These are the genies who have hoofs, but have no feet.
Then I lifted my head to
the sky, and saw it
cracked and fissured [like the fissuring and
cracking of the mud when it becomes dry], in a different way from that which I
was used to see it before, and I surprised from that.
Now, while I was
standing surprising from what I was seeing, a faint wind passed by me; it lifted me up from my place and threw me on the ground, and
went on pushing me violently until I was stricken with the chairs of the café
nearby to our house so I suffered much pain from that, and stayed in my place
for few minutes sitting under the chair, and my left leg was outstretched,
which I had separated from the right one with difficulty; then a man (one of
the alive, not of the dead,) came to sit on the chair under which I was
sitting, and he trod on my leg with his foot, so that he increased my suffering
and pain, and I pulled my leg and shouted at him: 'Are you blind? You have
crushed my foot with your leg! Haven't you seen me sitting here?' But he did
not answer me with any word, then I repeated the words, but he did not hear me
and did not even look at me. I said to myself: What's the matter with people
today that they neither hear nor see me!?
However, I stayed in my
place until the pain disappeared and the wind became calm, then I left my
place. In that state, I was like a piece of paper which the wind carries from
one place and throws in another place, or you can say like a bird's feather
which the wind threw between the ruins, so I astonished of that.
My surprise increased
furthermore when I felt myself light like the air, and I could fly without any wing; therefore, I raised myself up and became about
two or three meters high, and entered the 'Al-Abbas market' delightful for my
ability to fly. Then I said to myself: 'Can I get higher than this?' And,
raising myself up, I got still higher, and I came to fly up to four or five
meters high[xi].
Then I noticed several pigeons, standing on the sticks of the market
roof, and I desired to catch
one of them, so I approached them while they were unaware of me, and I caught
one of these birds; I was feeling the bird under my hand and in my fist; but,
in spite of that, I wasn't able to control the bird and prevent it from
movement; and, instead, my fingers were cut down into many pieces with its
force and movement, and the bird escaped my clasp, and started walking on the
sticks, shouting and showing love to its female, while my finger parts remained
floating in the air and did not fall on the ground, so I was surprised from
this experience and I was perplexed.
Then I remembered what
had happened to me when I intended to open the door [of our house] and the
cutting down of my fingers; therefore, I outstretched my right hand and took
the finger parts from the air one by one and returned them to their sites on my
hand, and they immediately stuck to it, and my hand returned to be intact as it
was before.
At that time, one of
those birds, near to me, flew, and I raised my hand to catch it, and my left
hand fell upon my right upper arm, and it went through it, but it went through
the flesh only without the bone, and when I lifted my hand from it, it
fused and returned as it was, so I astonished from that, then I hit my upper
arm once again to make sure, and again my hand went through it, and a third
time with the same result; so that my ethereal body was like the butter in
summer when the knife easily goes through it, and it fuses when the knife is
lifted from it.
Then, while I was
thinking, and by chance, a bird flew towards me, and pierced my belly coming
out from my back, and its strike cut me into two halves so that it pushed the
lower half about three meters away from me, and I fainted down because of the
severity of pain. When I had regained my consciousness, I saw my ethereal body
without lower back and legs; so looking right and left, I saw my both legs
behind me floating in the air about three meters away, and the air was moving
them with faint movement, and my ethereal body was translucent like the egg
white, so that I saw the leg bones appearing from inside it, and I astonished
from what I was seeing and from my condition. I stayed perplexing how to bring
my legs back to my body, and that would my body return intact as it was, after
becoming two halves?
Meanwhile, I saw a man
coming up to me, flying in the air; he was completely naked; so I was disgusted
from him; even I was afraid of him at the beginning, but when he started to
talk to me about my problem; he even guided and advised me, I was not afraid of
him anymore. He said: 'What have you done to yourself?'
I said: 'It is the bird
that has done that to me, as you see.'
He said: 'Leave the
birds; because you are a spirit and you cannot catch them!'
I said: 'What is the
meaning of 'spirit'?
He said: 'You are dead!'
But I didn't understand
what he was talking about; I thought he meant to say: The bird has killed you
by its strike. So I said: 'I didn't die from the bird's strike, but it cut me,
as you see, into two halves; then can you bring me back my two legs?'
He said: 'They will not
come back to you; but you, yourself, can go to them!'
Then he took me by hand,
and together we went to where my both legs were, and he put me upon them and
leveled them with my ethereal body, so that they stuck to it immediately and
they were like [a piece of] wax when you stick it to another piece, and I
returned back to be intact again, so I was surprised from that, and said to
him: 'Have you any piece of cloth to dress me with, or any medicine which you
may spray on my wound; in order that my lower part will not separate from my
body afterwards!?'
He said: 'No need for
Then I asked him about
his condition, and said to him: 'Why are you naked? Haven't you any dress to wear, or pants to cover your shame with?'
He said: 'They do not
give me!'
I said: 'Then go and buy
from the market.'
He said: 'Here, there is
no buying and selling.'
But I didn't understand
the meaning of his words. Then he said: 'If I had given a dress to a poor man
in the life of the World, for the sake of God, then the angels would have given
it to me to wear and cover my shame with. But I hadn't offered any dress to any
poor man in my Worldly life, so I remained naked in the afterlife.'
Then he left me and went
away, after advising me to leave the birds and to go to my family, while I
looked at his back and his naked body which was brightening like the crystal or
like a metal painted with phosphorus so that it was emitting a light.
Therefore, I surprised
from his condition and thought with myself: 'Is this man poor and doesn't he
own any dress? No; because the poor usually cover their shame even though with
a ragged piece of cloth.' Also I thought he might be mad, but a mad man does
not guide and advise people, but he hurts them; while this man guided and
advised me, and he even dressed my wound, and I didn't find any harm from him.
Then I noticed my
eyes: finding them do not blink as were they previously, and I could not make
them roll to the left or right side, but instead they were looking forward[xii], and my eyelids were not blinking, as I was
used to before, but I was able to close my eyes if I wished to do that.
I suffered much from the
strike of that bird, and it bothered me a lot. Moreover, the smoke rising up
from the restaurants annoyed me also; so I descended down and came to fly at a
height of two meters until I entered the Abbas shrine and circled around it
half a circle, i.e. I flew in the shade side, while I could not go to the other
side on which the sun shone. So I went flying at a height of about three
meters, while people were below me: walking and sitting, bowing down and
kneeling in prayer, but none of them saw me. I was avoiding any bird flying
towards me by going away from it in order that it wouldn't cut my body once again
by its striking.
I would be at comfort
when my way was in a dark place or in the shade; I was able to see from a
far distance and my vision was keen, while if my way is in the sun, there I
will be like the blind and cannot see anything other than a white membrane over
my sight. And when I would come to a place with much light, there I could not
see anything but only the thing nearby to me. The sun annoyed me a lot. And
because the courtyard of Al-Abbas shrine was without roof or ceiling and the
sun shone on it, then its rays hurt me and its heat annoyed me.
Therefore, I returned
rapidly to the house, where I saw my mother sitting in her place, while my
material body was in her lap, and she was crying and saying 'My son has died!',
while my aunt was speaking to her and saying: 'Don't cry; he has only fainted,
and is not actually dead! Touch his body to see that it is hot; if he had died,
then his body would have become cold!'
But my mother replied: '
One hour of time has passed since he fainted, and he has not yet regained
consciousness, in spite of that we sprayed water on his face but he did not
awake, and we put the hot bandage on his head, but he perceived not; so if he
had been alive, he would have got up.'
When I heard the words
of my mother and her crying, I was afraid of that scene, and I said to that
girl: 'What's the matter with my mother that she cries and weeps and says:
Mohammed-Ali has died! My son has died!?'
The girl said: 'Aren't
you dead?'
I answered her nervously:
'No, I am alive, I have not died, and I won't accept dying!'
She said: 'Therefore,
you will return back to your body!'
I said: 'But where is my
She said: ' Don't you
see it in your mother's lap, and she weeps over it?'
At that time, I realized
that that was my body, and that I was a spirit, as did that naked man say: the
man who treated and dressed me. Therefore, I became afraid of dying and of the
end of my life by the hour of appointment, and I said to myself: I shall return
to my body and see: will it sit up or will it stay as it is; so that if it sits
up, then my aunt's claim is the right one, but if it stays as it is then it is
dead and my mother's claim is the right one.
I asked the girl how I
might return to my body, and from where I could enter.
She said: 'Enter from the nostril!'
I said: 'How can I do
this while it is a small opening.'
She said: 'That is just
as how you passed through the door fissure.'
Then she said: 'If you
have determined to do this, then take off the dress and give it to me.'
I said: 'Why?'
She said: 'because you
have determined to return back to your body!'
I said: 'The dress
covers my shame, then how do I take it off and stay naked?'
She said: 'Your body will cover you when you will return back to it!'
I did not agree about
the taking off of my dress, but she insisted on that, and persisted in her
demand it till I took it off and gave it to her, then I entered into my body
from the nostril of the nose; and that occurred as soon as I willed to do so.
So I regained
consciousness and opened my eyes, to find my head in my mother's lap, and they
had bandaged it with a black head-band. At that time, I felt pain in my head,
and I told my mother about my story, and what I had seen in my short tour, but
she was pessimist of that, and said: 'Be silent and don't speak to me with such
words, and never do that again!'
I said: 'But, my mother,
why? It was a nice tour!'
She said: 'If you repeat
such a tour, you will die!'
But when I told her
about my uncle Ali who was standing in our basement, she astonished and said:
'You saw your uncle Ali!?'
Then she allowed me to
tell her my story; and when my father returned back from the market, she told
him about the incident; so my father came and asked me about my uncle Ali, and
where I had seen him, and asked me to describe him, so I told him all that I
had seen.
Following that incident,
I was sick for few days, then I restored my health; so I thank God Who cured
me, showed me and made clear to me some of His signs.
Some people may not
believe this incident, and may not believe in what I saw; but everyone will
believe if he, himself, sees what I saw; this will happen when he will die and
go to the world of souls.
This incident confirms
the saying of God – be glorified – in the Quran 39: 42
يَتَوَفّى الأنْفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِها وَالّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ في مَنامِها فَيُمْسِكُ
الّتِي قَضَى عَلَيْها المَوْتَ ويُرْسِلُ الأُخْرَى إلَى أجَلٍ مُسَمّىً إنَّ في
ذلِكَ لآياتٍ لِقَوْمٍ يَتَفَكَّرُون
I.e. (It is God That
receives [in His capture] the souls [of men] at the time of their death, and
those [souls] that separate not [from their bodies] during their sleep: Those
[souls] for which He ordains death, He withholds [from returning to their
bodies], while the rest He sends [back to their bodies, to live in the life of
the World] for an appointed term. Surely, in this are signs for men who
reflect.) "
1 How won't man die, when the soul gets out of
his body [during sleep or fainting]?
Answer: We said that there is in the body a viable or
vital material that preserves his life, and keeps up the continuous activities
inside the body, like the functions of the respiratory system, the blood
circulation, the alimentary system and other functions specific for the body.
So that man doesn't die by the departure of the soul from the body; but man dies by the oxidation of the
viable fluid initially, then by the soul departure.
Fainting is similar to
the separative sleep, and no difference between them; because the soul
separates also from the body at fainting.
The reason for the
fainting is that the person is hit with a violent hit or falls down from a high
place or affected by severe heat or other things with which the soul is very much
hurt, that causes him to leave the body, and go to where he likes to go. Then,
when the fear has gone away, and the soul has calmed down, he returns to the
body, and the man regains consciousness.
Abdul Majied Rashied, the
imam and orator of the mosque of Othman Effendi which is near to Sarai
market-place [in Baghdad], once told me:
"One day, I visited
one of my friends, who was admitted to the Republic Hospital at Baghdad,
because he had head injury caused by car accident; so he stayed in bed for more
than a month without good progress. His doctor was certain about his death and
that there was no hope about his cure."
The [imam] added:
"When I came to him in the hospital, he had lost consciousness, and by chance
I found his father, too, in the hospital; he also came to visit him; and we sat
down near the patient until he regained consciousness and opened his eyes, and
we greeted him and asked him about his condition. He thanked God for staying
alive, and that he did not die under the wheels of the car.
After a while, a seller
of magazines and newspapers came, and his father said to him: 'I shall buy for
you some of these magazines in order that you read and enjoy yourself with
them, and forget about your illness suffering.'
The patient said: 'I
have read all these magazines carried by the seller' – in spite of that they
were recent editions.
His father said: 'When
have you read them the while they are recently issued!?'
He said: 'I and that
person and that person, and he mentioned some of his dead relatives; we go,
every day, to the bookshops and read these magazines in the bookstores and in
the markets, and if you don't believe, I shall tell you what news and events
are in these magazines: They mentioned in that magazine, on page 3 a news about
a car-accident, and on page 5 a news about the war, and on page 8 a news about
a robbery.' And so on, he went on explaining what news and incidents were in
the magazines.
His father thought that
he was delirious because of his illness; but, after buying one of those
magazines, to check whether the words of his son were correct or wrong, and
after seeing its pages, he realized that what his son said was correct, and
that he did not make any mistake as regards to its news and what he told him
about its contents, and he was astonished of that. Then the patient died few
days later."
I say: No doubt that the
soul of that patient was separating from his body, at the time of fainting, and
his soul went, with his dead relatives whom he knew, to the bookshops and
markets, to read what news and incidents were in the magazines and newspapers.
Then his soul would return to his body, so that he would regain consciousness.
The dream which man sees
in his sleep is of two types:
The First – is the dream due to thoughts, i.e.
the confused dreams. They are the result of thoughts, wishes, fear
…etc; so that anything which man sees during awaking, and goes on thinking
about, he may see it in his dream.
Whereas the
Second is called the Spiritual Dream;
it results from spiritual creatures; because the spirituals [like the souls of
human beings, genies and angels] come to man while he is sleeping, and show him
what they want; because the easiest way of communication between spiritual
creatures and man is the dream; because when man sleeps, and if his sleep is
conjunctional, he will be near to the spirituals; but if his sleep is
separative, he will be a spiritual being like them, so that he can see the
spiritual creatures, talk with them and hear their answers.
Spiritual creatures can
control and direct souls through the dream, so that they show them things that
the souls cannot do during wakefulness, and habits that they are not familiar
with during consciousness. E.g. a man who is coward during wakefulness may see
in a dream that he has a sword by his hand, and he fights the enemy, and does
not fear anyone; or, during wakefulness, he is brave, but he may see in dream
that he is coward, and that he is taken captive, and cannot get rid of his
enemies; or one may see in dream that he has become poor, and he begs people,
but none gives him anything, while actually he is lofty-minded during
wakefulness, to the extent that he does not accept the present from anyone; or
he may see in dream that he drinks wine, commits adultery and steals, but –
during wakefulness – he is a good man who never inclines to sin. All these
dreams, which are contrary to what man is familiar with, during wakefulness,
are from the spirituals and their influence on the man soul by means of the
The spiritual dream
divides into two types:
1. The False Dream, which is
from evil souls, genies and devils.
2. The True Dream: it is from
righteous souls and angels.
A man may see (as it
happens to a large number of people) one of his dead relatives, who may tell
him things that he does not know, then it will be fulfilled and will be like
what [his dead relative] told him.
To confirm that, I tell
you this nice tale, quoted from the book "Spirits" by Sheikh Tantawi;
he said:
• "Dr.
de Cermin said, as is it mentioned in one of science magazines, that he saw,
one night in a dream, that his son, whom he loved very much, fell in a flaming fire
and was burnt. The vision or dream was very clear to the extent that the doctor
was terrified, and woke up from sleep with horror, and went to where his son
was peacefully sleeping. Next day, the impression of the dream was still in his
mind, so that he started to watch his son, as if to avoid him the evil, then he
started to examine his body thoroughly to find him healthy and without any
disease. But the child was afflicted, next day, by acute pneumonia to die few
days later.
• Similarly,
an old woman from Philadelphia in USA, seven years ago [this is according to
the book written in Arabic in the early years of the twentieth century], saw
[in a dream] that her son fell under the wheels of the tram and died, so that
the woman got up from sleep in panic; when she realized that it was only a
dream and was not real, she slept again, but she saw once again that the tram
killed her son, and the dream was very clear. At morning, she took the train
and went to New York where her son was dwelling. But as soon as she left the
New York station, and crossed one of the streets, she saw a crowd of people
gathering around a dead man who was struck by the train. That man was her son,
Mr. William Cooper, who was one of the famous American rich men. Many men
testified that what his mother had told was correct; because she had told many
persons about her dream before had she traveled from Philadelphia to New York.
One of such witnesses was the scientist Camille Flammarion.
• Moreover,
the well-known naturalist Edwin Red, saw one night in a dream, that he was
walking in one of the streets when he saw one of the crosses, which Christians
put on their graves and write the date of their death on them; he saw on that
cross his name written like this:
' Edwin Red – died on 7/
Nov./ 1910 '
This scientist, was
joking, when he told his dream to a group of his friends; but on 7 Nov. 1910 he
• Similarly,
an American officer called Captain McJohn decided one day to go, together with
his two sons to the Brooklyn Theatre at New York; so he asked the theatre
directorate to reserve three seats for him; but the night preceding his going
to the theatre, he saw in a dream that a great fire broke out and consumed the
theatre so that three-hundred persons died. The dream was very clear that the
man got up from sleep with panic. Next morning, he informed the theatre
directorate that he had changed his mind and that he would not go, neither he
nor his two sons. At that same night, a great fire broke out to consume the
theatre as a whole, including about three-hundred persons: men and women.
This is what was
mentioned in the magazine."
About what I saw with my
own eyes and heard with my own ears is that:
1. A woman at Karbala in Iraq, had an infant, one
year old; she saw [in a dream] that her baby fell down from the top of the
house and died, so she got up terrified. At morning and as time passed, she
forgot about her night dream, so she took her son with her to the roof of the
house to warm herself with the sun heat; for it was winter time. There was no
fence for the roof, and that baby started to play and crawl until he became on
the edge of the roof, and when his mother turned round to him, she found him in
a dangerous place; therefore, she said to herself: If I run after him, he will run
away from me and fall down to the ground; so she started to call him to come to
her, but the baby did not pay attention to her call, and went on playing,
laughing and crawling forwards until he fell down to the ground to die
2. The other event was in the year 1939, when a
bridge was under construction at Hilla in Iraq; one of the workers who worked
in building that bridge was named Jawad Al-Hamad. One morning, he was annoyed,
and did not go to work with his comrades; so they asked him about the reason
for his delay from work, and he answered: 'I saw a dream yesterday night which
annoyed me, and I am afraid of working today.'
They said to him: 'What
did you see?'
He said: 'I saw that a
dog caught my right hand in his mouth, and whatever I tried to free my hand
from its mouth, I could not until the dog cut it of; so that I got up
terrified, and I am afraid of this dream.'
They said to him: 'These
are [merely] confused dreams, so don't bother yourself with that, and come to
work with us!'
They went on insisting
in their demand until he went to work with them. There was an electrical hammer
that strikes the pillars to dip them in the ground; and while the hammer was
high, Jawad Al-Hamad put his hand, unconsciously, on the pillar under the hammer;
so the hammer came down upon his hand and smashed its bones, and he dropped
down unconscious. They carried him to the hospital, and the doctor ordered to
amputate his hand, so they amputated it.
Frequently, we see and
hear such stories, but there is no need to mention more than these already
mentioned stories.
Death is not the
disappearance of man from existence, as do most people think, but death is the separation of the soul from the
body; I.e. separation of the
ethereal skeleton from the material skeleton.
In other words, I
say: Death is a second
birth; i.e. it is the birth of the soul out of the body; so that the soul is the born, and the body is
the one giving birth; so when the soul is born out of the body, then the body
will disintegrate afterwards and become soil, while the soul is everlasting,
does not disintegrate or disappear and it is the true man, while the body is
not more than a mold inside which the soul is formed, and there is no need to
the body after the departure of the soul from it. It is narrated from Prophet
Mohammed – salam to him – that he said: “There is no disappearance of man
[by death], but it is [merely] a transporting and transmitting from one home to
Therefore, man doesn't die, but the death is only for
material bodies.
[The word 'death' is
also mentioned bearing the same meaning in the poetry of some Arab poets,
written in the Arabic edition.]
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 2: 154
تَقولوا لِمَن يُقْتَلُ في سبيلِ اللهِ أمْواتٌ ، بَلْ أحياءٌ ولكن لا
I.e. (And say not of
those who are slain in God’s way: ‘They are dead.’ No, they are alive [by their
souls], though you perceive [them] not.)
God – be glorified – said
in the Quran 3: 169
تَحْسَبَنَّ الّذينَ قُتِلُوا في سَبيلِ اللهِ أمْواتاً ، بَلْ أحْياءٌ عِندَ
ربِّهِم يُرْزَقُون
I.e. (Think not of those
who are slain in the way of God as dead. Not so, but they are living, in the
neighborhood of their Lord [in the ethereal paradises], having their provision
[of the fruit of these paradises, and drinking from their rivers.])
Therefore, man does not
die, but the death is only for bodies.
In addition, it is
mentioned in the Gospel according to
Matthew, chapter 10: 28, the Christ said to his
"And be not afraid
of them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul"
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 67: 2
الّذي خَلَقَ
المَوْتَ والحَياةَ لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ أحْسَنُ عَمَلاً
I.e. ( God Who has
created the dead [matter], and [then He
created] the living [beings out of the dead matter] to try you, which of you is
best in deeds[xiii].)
Then what is the meaning
of (has created the dead [matter])? Is 'death' then something material, so that
God – be glorified – created it, or is it an event?
The Arabic word المَوْتَ here
means the non-living [or the dead or the inanimate]; like His saying – be
glorified – in the Quran 36: 33
لَهُمُ الأرْضُ المَيْتَةُ أحْيَيْناها وأخْرَجْنا مِنْها حَبّاً فَمِنْهُ
I.e. (And [indicative]
sign for them is the dead [: desolate] land: We have quickened it
[by the rain] and produced therefrom grain of which they eat [bread.])
Therefore, (Who has
created the dead [matter] and [then He created] the living [beings out of the
dead matter]) means: He created the inanimate things and the life; for this
reason, He mentioned the word المَوْتَ i.e. the 'death'
before the 'life'; because He – be glorified – had created inanimate things
before did He create the life. While as regards the creation of life: it is
understood; because the origin of life is from the living and growing cells,
and it is God – be glorified – Who created these cells and created everything
[: the dead (or inanimate) and the alive.]
The cause of man's death
divides into two categories:
The First: natural accidents, like drowning, burn,
murder, falling of a wall on a man, etc.; so that man dies at such instances,
at his appointment of death, i.e. his soul separates from the body; because the
body becomes unable to keep the soul; due to a major defect that has afflicted
In such instances, the
angel of death does not come to take the soul; but it is God – be glorified –
Who takes them back; that is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 39:
اللهُ يَتَوَفّى
الأنْفُسَ حِينَ مَوْتِها
I.e. (It is God That
receives [in His capture] the souls [of men] at the time of their death.)
The Second about those who become ill then die, or die
without disease; and to these, the angel of death comes and takes their souls
out of their bodies.
The angel of death is
like the midwife who gets the baby out of his mother's womb. Similarly, the
angel of death gets the soul out of the body; so when the angel of death comes
to a dying person, he starts to oxidize
the viable fluid which is in the human
body, so that the soul separates then from the body, and no communication will
remain with it; because the viable fluid is the reason for the conjunction of
the soul with the body.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 6: 93
تَرَى إذِ الظّالِمُونَ في غَمَراتِ المَوْتِ والمَلائكَةُ باسِطُو أيْدِيهِمْ ،
أخْرِجُوا أنْفُسَكُمْ ، أليَوْمَ تُجْزَوْنَ عَذابَ الْهُونِ بِما كُنْتُمْ
تَقُولُونَ عَلَى اللهِ غَيْرَ الْحَقِّ ، وَكُنْتُمْ عَنْ آياتِهِ تَسْتَكْبِرُون
I.e. (If you [Mohammed]
could only see when the wrong-doers suffered the agonies of death and the
angels [of death] stretch forth their hands [to those of them who were about to
die on their death bed, saying to them]:
"Get your souls out
[of your bodies]; today you shall be recompensed with the chastisement of
humiliation; for that you said [lies] against God [and words] other than the
truth, and that you were arrogantly proud over [believing in] His signs [of
The interpretation:
>> (If you [Mohammed] could only see) means: But if
you [Mohammed] could only see the condition of wrongdoers, when death comes to
them; there, the angels are stretching their hands, to the dying person,
oxidizing their viable fluid that is in their bodies, saying to them: Get your
souls out of your bodies
>> (today you shall be recompensed with the
chastisement of humiliation.)
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 32: 11
قُلْ يَتَوَفّاكُم مَلَكُ
الْمَوتِ الّذِي وُكِّلَ بِكُمْ ، ثُمَّ إلَى رَبِّكُمْ تُرْجَعُون
I.e. (Say [O Mohammed,
in reply to their question]: 'The angel of death, put in charge of you, will
take you[r souls; when] then you will be returned to your Lord.')
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 6: 61
حَتَّى إذا جاءَ أحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ
تَوَفَّتْهُ رُسُلُنا وَهُمْ لا يُفَرِّطُون
I.e. (Until
when [the means of] death come to anyone of you, Our messengers[xiv] [: the recorders] take him through death, and
they neglect not to deal accordingly [with anyone.])
It means: They do not
mismanage him; if he is good, they will treat him well; but if he is bad, they
will treat him with neglect and leave him be. Then when they will leave him;
devils, genies and evil souls will come to hurt, imprison and mock him; and
whatever he tries to get rid of them, he cannot.
Therefore, (and they
neglect not to deal accordingly [with anyone]) means: They do not mismanage him
or decrease him of his rights. This is like His saying – be
glorified – in the Quran 12: 80
وَمِنْ قَبْلُ ما فَرَّطْتُمْ في
I.e. (And how,
aforetime, you neglected in [your duty towards] Joseph … etc.) means: how you
decreased Joseph of his rights.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 56: 83-87
فَلَوْلا إذا بَلَغَتِ
الحُلْقُوم . وأنْتُمْ حِينَئذٍ تَنْظُرُون . ونَحْنُ أقْرَبُ إلَيْهِ مِنْكُمْ
ولكِن لا تُبْصِرُون . فَلَوْلا إن كُنتُمْ غَيْرَ مَدِينِين . تَرْجِعُونَها إنْ
كُنْتُمْ صادِقِين
I.e. (When the [soul or
ghost of anyone of you] comes up to the larynx; [why should those present near
him not repent?]
And you [: the family of
the dying man] the while [sit] looking [at him in the pangs of death.]
And We [: Our angels]
are nearer to him than you are, but you see [the angels] not [because they are
ethereal and you are material.]
But, if you are not
indebted [to Us, because of your sins],
why cannot you restore
[his soul to his body, by supplicating Us, just like how the prophets Jesus and
Elia (or Elijah) did before]; if you are truthful [that you are not
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 75: 26-28
كلاّ إذا بَلَغَتِ التّراقِيَ .
وقِيلَ مَنْ راقٍ . وظَنّ أنّهُ الفِراقُ
I.e. (No, [they will not
get rid of the chastisement, nor will the intercession of any intercessor avail
[Then God – be glorified
– started to explain about the condition of the dying one on his deathbed, and
He said:]
But when the [soul of a
dying man on his death-bed, on its way out of the body;] reaches to [the level
of] the collar bones.
And it is said [by his
family]: “Who is an enchanter [that may heal him? Or a doctor that may cure
The angels of death are
two for every man when death comes on him. It is these two that write his good
deeds and record against him his sins.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 6: 61
وهُوَ القاهِرُ فَوْقَ عِبادِهِ
، ويُرْسِلُ ُعَلَيْكُمْ حَفَظَةً ، حَتَّى إذا جاءَ أحَدَكُمُ الْمَوْتُ
تَوَفَّتْهُ رُسُلُنا وَهُمْ لا يُفَرِّطُون
I.e. (He is the
Omnipotent, Superior to His servants' [oppression]; He sends over you [angels
as] recorders [of your acts and words], until when [the
means of] death come to anyone of you, Our messengers[xv] [: the recorders] take him through death, and
they neglect not to deal accordingly [with anyone.])
The interpretation:
>> (Our messengers [: the recorders] take him
through death) means: the recording angels will take him away [through death.]
They are those whom He sent as indicated by the phrase: (He sends over
you [angels as] recorders [of your acts and words])
>> (and they neglect not to deal accordingly [with
anyone.]) means: They do not mismanage him: if he is righteous, they will treat
him well, and if he is bad, they will treat him with neglect and leave him be.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 7: 37
حَتّى إذا جاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنا
يَتَوَفَّوْنَهُمْ قالُوا أيْنَ ما كُنْتُمْ تَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللهِ قالُوا
ضَلُّوا عَنّا ...الخ
I.e. (Until when Our
messengers [: the angels of death] came, to them, to take their souls [out of
their bodies]: "Where are [your associates] that you used to invoke
besides God?" The [unbelievers] said: "They have deserted us and we
have lost them” …etc.)
The interpretation:
>> (Our messengers [: the angels of death] came, to
them) means: whom He sent to man recording against him his sins, and write for
him his good deeds, and they are the 'observers', that are 'ready'.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 32: 11
قُلْ يَتَوَفّاكُم مَلَكُ
الْمَوتِ الّذِي وُكِّلَ بِكُمْ ، ثُمَّ إلَى رَبِّكُمْ تُرْجَعُون
I.e. (Say [O Mohammed in
reply to their question]: "The angel of death, put in charge of you, will
take you[r souls]; [when] then you will be returned to your Lord.")
The interpretation:
>> (put in charge of you) means: he is assigned in
charge of you: writes down your deeds and records against you your sins.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 21: 103
لا يَحْزُنُهُمُ الفَزَعُ
الأكْبَرُ وتَتَلَقَّاهُمُ المَلائكَةُ هذا يَوْمُكُمُ الّذِي كُنْتُمْ تُوعَدُون
I.e. (The greatest
terror[xvi] shall
not grieve them; and the angels shall welcome them [with the glad tidings,
to them:] "This is
your day with which you were promised.")
So, the angels who will
welcome them on the Judgment Day will be the Recording Angels, who will be the
[same] 'Ready Observers'.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 41: 30-31
الّذِينَ قالُوا ربُّنا اللهُ ثُمّ اسْتَقامُوا تَتَنَزّلُ عَلََيْهِمُ
المَلائكَةُ ألاّ تَخافُوا ولا تَحْزَنُوا وأبْشِرُوا بِالجَنَّةِ الّتِي كُنْتُمْ
أوْلِياؤكُمْ في الحَياةِ الدُّنْيا وفي الآخِرَةِ ولَكُمْ فِيها ما تَشْتَهِي
أنْفُسُكُمْ ولَكُمْ فيها ما تَدّعُون
I.e. (Surely, those – who
say, 'Our Lord is God', then they keep up straight and steadfast – the angels
descend on them [when they die, giving them the glad news of Paradise and
saying to them:] 'Fear not [of devils] and grieve not [for leaving the family
and children], but hear the glad tidings of Paradise which you were promised
[by the tongue of your prophets]; We were your guardian [angels] in the life of
the World and [now] in the ‘Next Life’. Therein shall you have [all] that your
souls desire; therein shall you have [all that] for which you pray.)
The interpretation:
>> (we were your guardian [angels] in the life of
the World and [now] in the ‘Next Life’) means: The angels say to them: We were
taking care of your affairs in the life of the World and watch you; and in the
afterlife also we were with you – i.e. in the ethereal world – when we were
taking care of your affairs and lead you to what is good for you and protect
you from genies and devils; and today, i.e. which is the Judgment Day, we come
to welcome you and give you the glad tidings of admission into Paradise, and
take you to it.
Therefore, the angels
that are 'Ready Observers' are with man in the Worldly life; writing his deeds;
and it is they who take his soul off his body when he dies, and it is they who
please him after death and take care of his affairs, if that person is good;
and it is they who welcome him on the Day of Judgment and give him the glad
tidings of the admission into the Garden, then they take him to it if he is
good and righteous.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 50: 21
كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَعَها سائقٌ وشَهِيدٌ
I.e. (And every soul
[shall] come, with it a driver and a witness.)
The 'driver',
here, is the angel who drives him either to Paradise or to the Fire [of Hell.]
The 'witness' is
that who witnesses for him [in the Judgment] with what righteous deeds or sins
he did in the life of the World.
Therefore, the 'driver'
and the 'witness' are the 'Ready Observing' [angels.]
God – be glorified –
said also in the Quran 50: 24
في جَهَنَّمَ كُلَّ كَفَّارٍ عَنِيدٍ
I.e. ([God will say to
the two angels]: "Cast into Hell every stubborn disbeliever.")
The addressing in His
saying – be glorified – أَلْقِيا i.e. (Cast) is related
to the 'Ready Observing' angels.
The Hour of Death (or Death Appointment)
When he dies, and his
ethereal When the time of dying or the appointment of death of a man
approaches, his dead relatives come to him, i.e. their souls, and sit down near
him, talking with him; he sees them, speaks to them and they speak to him.
soul separates from his
body, they come to him escorting, until he is put down in his grave.
There, in the world of
souls: the Barzakh world [or the Afterlife], they visit each other, talk [to
each other], coming in and getting out, standing and sitting till the Day of
To confirm this, I
mention, here, this nice tale:
[A woman from Hilla in her death bed]
"A woman from Hilla
in Iraq, once, became ill, and her illness increased in severity day by day,
until her death hour approached.
Her mother in law was
with her in the house, and she heard the dying woman speak as if she was
greeting and respecting someone; so that her mother in law asked her: 'To whom
are you speaking?'
The dying woman [: that
was about to die] answered her: 'My father and mother have come to see me, and
they are [now] sitting near to me, so cover yourself with your wrap[xvii]; so that my father won't see you!'
But her mother in law
did not take her words seriously, and did not wear her wrap, but instead she
said to herself that her father and mother were dead, then how would they come
to her!?
The dying woman went on
talking as if she spoke to her father and mother, then turned to her mother in
law and said to her: 'Wear your wrap; for my father is sitting beside me!'
But her mother in law
did not consider her words, then she said to her mother in law: 'Wear your
wrap, and go to open the door; for my brother Hussein has arrived!'
But her mother in law
did not pay attention to her words; in stead she said to herself: this patient
is delirious due to the severity of her illness.
No more than one minute
later, the door was knocked; her mother in law went to the door and called:
'Who is there behind the door? Is it you Hussein?'
He answered: 'Yes, it is
me: Hussein!'
So she opened the door
for him, and he went in. He asked her: 'Who told you that I am behind the
She said: 'Your sister
told me that!'
When his sister saw him,
she welcomed him and said: 'My father and mother have just been here with me.
They talked with me, then my father said to me: Your brother is coming and we
shall go.'
She talked with him few
other words, then she became silent. Her brother shook her, but she was
We may hear many of
those about to die, speak mentioning the names of their dead relatives and
members of their families, as if they speak to them, and tell us about them,
saying: This is John, and this is my father, and that is my brother, or that is
my mother, …etc.
In addition, we may hear
many, of those who are about to die, say inappropriate or unreasonable words,
e.g. they may reply an answer without being asked by anyone of us or they
mention the name of a dead person and speak to him as if he is present with
them. So when we hear that from one of them, we say: he is delirious; but, in
fact, he sees the souls of some of his dead relatives and they talk to each
other, and because we do not hear the question of the souls, but only we hear,
from the dying, the answer to the question; for this reason, we think he is
Question 3 How did the soul [of her father] know that his son Hussein
came to visit his dying sister? Do souls know the fore-future?
Answer: We said that souls have sharp sight, and
that their sight goes through the material bodies, and you have just read the
details of the conversation. Therefore, this soul saw his son from behind the
wall, and told his daughter, the dying woman, about that; because the wall does
not impair the sight of the soul.
4 You say that we do not see souls unless during our sleep, or
unless we die and become souls like them, then how did this dying woman see her
mother and father?
Answer: The dying person can see the souls and
speak to them; because the viable liquid in his body is going on oxidation, and the soul, at that
time, is about to get out [of the body.]
We have mentioned, in
the preceding lines, that death is the separation of the soul from the body.
Here, we shall mention about the fate of each of them after death; at first we
shall talk about bodies and their fate after death:
Following the separation
of the soul from the body, and after the oxidation of the viable liquid, as has just been
mentioned, the body will be some
organic matter without life, and it will be
exposed to degradation, disintegration and fermentation.
It will be without
hearing, sight and spiritual heart; so that it will be like a laid down piece
of wood: does not feel pain or pleasure, and does not understand or think. When
it will be buried in the grave, it will start fermentation and degradation
until it becomes soil after some period of time.
There will be no
judgment for the body, neither recompense nor reward. But the judgment, punishment and reward are
special for the soul; because the soul is the true man, whereas the body is
merely a mold in which the soul is formed.
Those who claim that the
soul returns again to the body in the grave, and that the dead person is
judged, then the soul gets out again from it; however, these are merely claims
which are not correct.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 37: 58-59 [expressing the talking of Paradise dwellers]:
نَحْنُ بِمَيِّتِين . إلاّ مَوْتَتَنا الأُولَى وما نَحْنُ بِمُعَذََّبِين
I.e. ("Is it [the
case] that we shall not die [in Paradise]!?"
"Other than
our first death [in the life of the World], and [that] we
shall not be punished [because we shall never disobey God.]")
Therefore, God – be
glorified – said that the death is only once, and is not two deaths.
Moreover, God – be
glorified – said in the Quran 44: 56
لاَ يَذُوقُونَ فِيهَا الْمَوْتَ
إِلاَّ الْمَوْتَةَ الأُولَى وَوَقَاهُمْ عَذَابَ الْجَحِيمِ
I.e. (They taste not
death therein, save the first death. And [their Lord will] have
saved them from the doom of Hell.)
5 If your claim is right, then what is meant by His saying – be
glorified – in the Quran 40: 11
رَبَّنا أمَتَّنا اثْنَتَيْنِ وأحْيَيْتَنا اثْنَتَيْنِ فَاعْتَرَفْنا بِذُنُوبِنا
، فَهَلْ إلَى خُرُوجٍ مِنْ سَبِيل ؟
I.e. (The [associaters,
following their death, will] say [while being in Hell]: "Our Lord, You
made us die twice and live twice. Now we confess our sins. Is there, then, any
way for getting out [of Hell]?")
Answer: Disbelievers will say such words while
being in Hell; they will say: Our Lord, You made us die twice [: one is the
sleep in the World, and the second is the true death], and live twice [: the
life in the womb of his mother, and the second is the life in the World after
his delivery from the womb of his mother.]'
Death is one, but He
said اثْنَتَيْنِ because the first death is the sleeping
in the life of the World, and the second is the true death; the indication of
this is His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 6: 60
وهُوَ الّذي يَتَوَفّاكُمْ
بِاللّيْلِ ويَعْلَمُ ما جَرَحْتمْ بِالنّهارِ ثُمَّ يَبْعَثُكُمْ فِيهِ
I.e. (It is He Who takes
you[r souls out of your bodies] by night[xviii],
and knows all that [evil[xix]]
you [people] have already committed by day, then He sends you back again [to
your bodies by day.] )
It means: He sends you
[to get up] from your sleep during day-time.
God – be glorified –
said also in the Quran 39: 42
اللهُ يَتَوَفّى الأنْفُسَ حِينَ
مَوْتِها وَالّتِي لَمْ تَمُتْ في مَنامِها فَيُمْسِكُ الّتِي قَضَى عَلَيْها
المَوْتَ ويُرْسِلُ الأُخْرَى إلَى أجَلٍ مُسَمّىً
I.e. (It is God That
receives [in His capture] the souls [of men] at the time of their death, and those
[souls] that separate not [from their bodies] during their sleep: Those [souls]
for which He ordains death, He withholds [from returning to their bodies],
while the rest He sends [back to their bodies, to live in the life of the
World] for an appointed term. Surely, in this are signs for men who reflect.)
And God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 26: 81 expressing the talking of Prophet Abraham
يُمِيتُني ثُمَّ يُحْيِينِ
I.e. (And Who causes me
to die, then gives me life [again.])
It means: He causes me
to die at night, which is the sleep, then He causes me to live by day-time, and
that is the arousal from sleep.
On the other hand the
life is two [lives]: one is the intrauterine life of the fetus in his mother's
womb; because He has made him alive after being a little amount of semen. The
second life is the life in the World, after the birth from the womb of his
But there will be no
life for bodies after their death. The indication of that is His saying – be
glorified – اثْنَتَيْنِ i.e. the life in the
womb of his mother, and the second is the life in the World after his birth
from the womb of his mother.
[See also, in this book,
the subject of: The Judgement will be for souls, not for bodies.]
We said that death is like labor, so just as that the fetus gets out of his
mother's womb, and sees that he has taken off a body which had been enveloping
him; similarly, the soul at death sees that he has taken off a body, which had
been enveloping him, and got out of it. But the fetus gets out from below,
whereas the soul gets out from
above: from the mouth or from the nose.
And because the soul was
familiar with this body, which was protecting the soul from external influences
and was a shelter for the soul, he starts to follow the body, at the beginning, to where they have carried it; but during that
time, the soul will be astonished and will contemplate; because he sees that he
has become in another world; because:
>> After man had had a heavy material body, he has
become a light ethereal being;
>> He had not been able to hear save the near
sounds, he has now become able to hear the far and the near sounds;
>> He had been unable to see spiritual creatures,
then he has become able to see [both] spiritual and material creatures;
>> He had been with a weak visual power, but he has
now become sharp-sighted;
>> And he had been only able to walk on the ground,
but he has now become able to fly in the space without wings;
>> His legs had been free in walking, and his legs,
by now, have become bound so that he goes upstairs jumping like a sparrow;
>> And he had been talking with living people who
hear him, while his words now cannot be heard except by souls, that are like
him, and by angels and genies.)
If he discovers that
regarding himself, he will be astonished, then his astonishment will
furthermore increase when he will see his family and his relatives mourn on him
and say: he has died; therefore, he will come and say to them: 'I haven't died;
what's the matter with you that you cry and mourn on me and say that I have
died!? Don't you see me standing in front of you!?'
But none of them will
hear him and none will see him; for he has become an ethereal creature; because
ethereal creatures cannot be seen by material creatures. He will go on
repeating these words to them, until he will be certain that they can neither
see nor hear him, so he will leave them for doing what they like and speaking
what they want.
Then his dead relatives
will come and take him to their places where they talk, visit each other, eat,
drink and walk for enjoyment in the gardens; this is at night; but when morning
comes on and the sun rises, they will return to their places and will not get
out till the sun-set time. Some of them may go out during day-time and wander
in some places, but they will not have comfort in their tour and will not
enjoy, but the sun hurts them by its rays, birds pierce them by their wings,
and people talking voices and the noise annoy them, and the wind carries them
to a faraway places; so they return back to their places.
This is the condition of
one whose punishment is fulfilled, and no punishment remained for him, if he is
one of the faithful.
The reason for
them to go out at night,
and to return back at day-time is that the sun hurts them; because they cannot look at it or sit
under its direct rays; and life does not suit them save only in the darkness;
because their sight is sharp and keen; so that they satisfy with a mere little
light like the light of a lamp or the light of the moon, or without any light.
Therefore, from this aspect, they are like the bat which flies by night and disappears in
day-time. For this reason, they
inhabit the basements or the places uninhabited by people, to which the
sun-rays do not reach, or in caves, ruins or the houses uninhabited by people.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 76: 13; describing the dwellers of Paradise:
فِيها عَلَى الأرائكِ لا يَرَوْنَ فِيها شَمْساً ولا زَمْهَرِيراً
I.e. (Reclining in the
[Garden] upon couches; they shall neither see therein sun [or heat] nor moon
[or piercing coldness.])
So, God – be glorified –
avoids them the sun; because it hurts them.
You have to know, dear
reader, that when you die and separate from your body, you will see yourself naked, and you will become ashamed of your condition,
so you will turn right and left seeking for a dress that you may wear and cover
your shame with it, but you will not find anything save the material clothes
which you wore in the life of the World; and when you come to take and wear
them, you cannot carry them from their places; because you have become a
spiritual ethereal creature, then you will leave them and search about other
dresses until you will give up all hope and stay naked among souls.
But if you are one of
the righteous, and of those who do not ascribe associates to God, then the 'Ready Observing' angels who were with you
in the life of the World will bring you a new ethereal dress to wear and cover your shame with it.
God – be glorified –
pointed out to this meaning in His glorious Book: the Quran 7: 26
يا بَنِي آدَمَ
قَدْ أنْزَلْنا عَلَيْكُمْ لِباساً يُوارِي سَوْآتِكُمْ ورِيشاً ولِباسُ التّقْوَى
ذلِكَ خَيْرٌ
I.e. (Children of Adam,
We have sent down on you the garment to cover your shameful parts, and the
'furniture and plumage', and the garment of shielding [at fight] – that is
better [than other garments and the plumage.])
Or you offered a dress
to a poor man in your Worldly life, then the angels will bring it to you, which you will wear and cover your shame with
[: you will wear its ethereal copy.]
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 3: 92
لَنْ تَنالُوا البِرَّ حَتَّى
تُنْفِقُوا مِمّا تُحِبُّونَ ، وما تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَيْءٍ فَإنَّ اللهَ بِهِ
I.e. (You [Muslims] will
not attain [the reward of] piety [and become pious] until you spend [for the
sake of God] of that [food and dress] which you love. And whatsoever you spend,
God is All-Aware thereof [: whether you spend for His sake or for the sake of
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 8: 60
وما تُنْفِقُوا مِنْ شَيْءٍ في
سَبِيلِ اللهِ يُوَفَّ إلَيْكُمْ وأنْتُمْ لا تُظْلَمُون
I.e. (Whatever you
expend in the cause of God, it will be repaid to you in full[xx],
and you will not be reduced[xxi]
[anything of it.])
In addition to
that, following your death,
you will feel thirsty, so you will go searching about water to drink and satisfy your
thirst; but if you come to a water-container or a cup of water to lift it up
and drink, you will find that you cannot carry it; because you have become an
ethereal creature; so you will leave it and go looking about something else and
you will come to a river and stretch forth your hands to the water to lift it
up to drink from it; but you cannot, so you will leave it and go searching
about something else; that you may find water to drink.
God – be glorified –
pointed out to this in His Glorious Book 13: 14
كَفَّيْهِ إلَى الماءِ لِيَبْلُغَ فاهُ وما هُوَ بِبالِغِهِ
I.e. (As one [soul] who
stretches out his hands to the water that it may reach his [spiritual] mouth,
but it reaches it not.)
On the other hand, if you are one of the righteous; the angels
will bring to you a cup of the Paradise ethereal water which you will drink and satisfy your thirst,
and you will not, afterwards, feel thirsty forever. Therefore, by that you will
appreciate yourself: are you one of the happy [so you will be admitted into
Paradise], or the miserable people [so you will be admitted into Hell.]
In addition to
that, you will feel hungry, so that you will search about food to eat, but
you won't find and you will stay hungry; but in case you were [in the World]
one of the righteous monotheists, then the angels will bring you some ethereal
fruits that you will eat and satisfy. And if you offer, food, bread or fruit,
to a poor person, for the sake of God, then the two angels will bring it to you
and you will eat.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 2: 110
تُقَدِّمُوا لأنْفُسِكُمْ مِنْ خَيْرٍ تَجِدُوهُ عِنْدَ اللهِ
I.e. (And whatever
charity you forward [to the Next Life] for your souls, you shall find it with
It means: If you expend something material, in the cause
of God, you will find its ethereal copy in the afterlife; because every material thing has an ethereal
spirit, so that you will eat it and it will return to be a cluster [on its tree
in Paradise], as it was.
You should know, also,
that spirits are with us in
our houses, basements, shops and mosques; they crowd in every place: seeing our deeds and hearing our
words, but we neither see nor hear their words, nor even do we hear their
footsteps on the ground.
God – be glorified – said
in the Quran 19: 98
أهْلَكْنا قَبْلَهُمْ مِنْ قَرْنٍ هَلْ تُحِسُّ مِنْهُمْ مِنْ أحَدٍ أو تَسْمَعُ
لَهُمْ رِكْزاً ؟
I.e. (And how many a
generation before [your people] We destroyed! Can you perceive [any movement
of] any of them, or hear from them any foot-fall sound?)
It means: their
footsteps when they walk on the ground.
Therefore, if you go out
of your hiding place at night, and there is a violent wind or rain, then don't
go anywhere, but wait in your shelter
until the wind calms down and the rain stops; because the wind will lift you up and throws you to a far place
so that you will suffer pain; while the rain will fall upon your head, pierce
your ethereal body and descends down to the ground, and will influence you just
as how do bullets and shells influence the living man.
But better than all that, is to escape from the
earth, and ascend to heaven, to the Paradises, and get rid of the matter and be
in the neighborhood of your Lord;
for God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 51: 50
إلَى اللهِ ، إنِّي لَكُمْ مِنْهُ نَذِيرٌ مُبِينٌ
I.e. (Therefore, flee to
God; for surely I am a plain warner to you from Him.)
It means: Get rid of the
matter; that is by your righteous deeds and piety; so that you will go to the
ethereal paradises in the neighborhood of your Lord.
God – be glorified –
said in the Quran 7: 176, telling about the story of Balaam, the son of Beor:
ولَوْ شِئْنا لَرَفَعْناهُ بِها
ولكِنَّهُ أخْلَدَ إلَى الأرْضِ واتَّبَعَ هَواهُ
I.e. (Had We pleased, We
would have raised him up [to Paradise] because of that [: his piety and
worship]; but he inclined to [stay on] the earth, and followed his [own vain]
The interpretation: If Balaam had forsaken the matter and the
covetousness, then We would have lifted him up to the ethereal Paradises, but
he coveted the money and inclined to the earth. In other words: He liked to
stay on earth rather than going up to heavens.
You should also know
that man is weak and powerless; so that even a mosquito may annoy him, while
chocking [with water] may kill him. Similarly, in his ethereal life: the sun
annoys him, birds pierce him, the wind carries him away, insects annoy him and
evil souls hurt him.
[How to attain success and prosperity in
the Next Life]
Therefore, anyone seeks
rest, happiness and forever life, should leave this World be, and work and
strive for the Next Life, and be one of the pious, so that when he dies, the
angels will take him to the Paradises, i.e. to the ethereal heavens; for there:
the everlasting life is; and therein: there is an extended shade, freshly
poured water, and a lot of fruits neither culled nor difficult to obtain, and
beautiful women raised from earth to heavens: these women may be likened to butterflies
in their beauty and charming. Therein, there is no sun which disturbs him, no
wind that carries him away, no insects which annoy him and no material birds
that pierce and cut him.
Nothing will let you
obtain such prosperity other than:
1. [Believing that God is
One, having no wife, no
son, no daughter, no analogue and no equal],
2. And doing righteous deeds
and charity [for the sake of God alone, and to make your work and servitude exclusive for God alone
without associating, with God, others like Abraham, Jacob: Israel, Moses, Jesus
Christ, Peter, Paul, Mohammed, Ali, angels, kings or anyone else] ,
3. And abandoning the
covetousness, [misery and bad manner] ; for God likes [ and is pleased with] those who do charity to
the poor and needy.
[1] I.e. Merciful to both the believer and the unbeliever, in
this life of the World.
[2] I.e. Merciful only to the believer, in the Next Life.
[3] [mysterious revelations of the Quran.]
[4] By the tongue of the Paraclete or the Awaited Mahdi.
[5] i.e. grateful to his Lord for His
[6] Mary, mother of Jesus Christ.
[7] i.e. We
established them in the land by giving them muscular power, long life span and
[8] [The translator –
It seems that this story is old one before the electricity was in common use.]
[9] One of the habits and doctrines of Muslims is that they
offer the dresses of the dead to the needy and poor; and that is on behalf of
the dead; so my mother had offered the dresses of her dead children. I think
the dresses, which that girl was carrying, were some of the dresses of my dead
brethren which my mother had offered to the poor, i.e. the clothes, which that
girl gave to me, were the ethereals of them, and not the materials.
[i] It is narrated that Prophet Mohammed – salam to
him – said: "People will be gathered-together, on the Day of Judgment,
naked, bare-footed and uncircumcised."
I say: If the foreskin
of the newly born baby is not circumcised on the seventh day after his birth,
and he stays for some time uncircumcised, then he will be gathered-together
[with the rest of people for Judgment] uncircumcised. For this reason, Jews
circumcise their children on the seventh day after his birth.
[ii] [i.e.
the body which was a covering of the soul, and it has been removed by death.]
[iii] Lit. utter.
[iv] I.e. their claim that God has a
[v] I.e. the hypocrites.
[vi] I.e. the words issue from their
ethereal mouths, but become audible only through their material mouths.
[vii] I.e. in sleep.
[viii] I.e. towards the believers: like
[ix] This was their old way to
disinfect the wound.
[x] God – be glorified – said in the
Quran 75: 29-30, describing spirits when they leave bodies:
السّاقُ بِالسّاق . إلى رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئذِ المَساق
I.e. (And
leg shall be wrapped with leg.
that day [of death], to [the judgment of ] your Lord shall be the driving [of
the soul.] )
cause of this wrapping is an attraction occurring between the two legs that
prevents the souls from walking on their feet, so that they go forwards like
birds, light in weight and quick in movement.
[xi] From this observation, it seems
that the earth gravity does not influence the soul; and for this reason, they can
rise up in the sky, but the heaviness of air prevents them from rising up in
the space, and the speed of the wind movement pushes and throws them on the
ground; because the soul cannot resist even a faint wind.
[xii] God – be glorified – said in the
Quran 14: 43 describing the soul:
يَرْتَدُّ إلَيْهِمْ طَرْفُهُمْ وأفْئدَتُهُمْ هَواء
(Their eyelids blinking not, and their hearts being void) It means: Their
ethereal hearts are empty of blood and their lungs are empty of air; because they
are ethereal souls.
some of the words mentioned in this Quranic revelation are mentioned with the
same meaning in some of the Arab poetry [written in the Arabic edition of this
[xiii] i.e. so that He will reward each
one of you according to his deeds.
[xiv] i.e. the Recording Angel, who
records your deeds and words, and the Angel of Death.
[xv] i.e. the Recording Angel, who
records your deeds and words, and the Angel of Death.
[xvi] i.e. the terror of the Day of
Doom, when the earth and all the solar system will break up; but the righteous
will be in the Garden before this horrible event, [and they will be safe.]
[xvii] i.e. as does the Muslim woman do:
to cover her body in the presence of strangers.
[xviii] i.e. in sleep.
[xix] i.e. towards the believers: like
[xx] i.e. ten times as much as you
spend, in the life of the World; and seven hundred times in the Next Life.
[xxi] i.e. you will not be wronged or
reduced of your recompense.