The Earthquake and Cleavage
of the San Francisco earthquake of 1989
(from NASA)
Earthquakes and
volcanoes occur because of the gases present inside the Earth, under high
pressure. These gases issue from the fire that
burns inside the core of the Earth. The gases rush but cannot find an exit, so
the Earth surface will tremble and quake, and the severity of this quaking is
related to the degree of that pressure. But when there are much liquefied
materials in the core of the Earth, they will try to get out, and when the
crust of the Earth yields, then the volcano will erupt.
earthquake may be followed by a cleavage, so that an area of the earth at that
site cleaves down. When the cleavage is deep, then the water-springs will
emerge and will flood that cleavage (or depression); the water may increase in
amount until it will cover all that area.
ancient times, God – be exalted – destroyed many disbelieving nations by the
earthquakes, cleavages and volcanoes, because of their disbelieving. Among
those were Lot’s people whom God – be exalted – destroyed by earthquake and
cleavage, so that their country became a lake due to the large amounts of water
which covered that cleavage. The lake is still present nowadays; it is called
the ‘Dead Sea’, or the ‘Lake of Lot’s people’, which is nowadays found in
those disbelieving people also, were Salih’s people
and Shuaib’s people, whom God – be exalted –
destroyed by the earthquakes.
God – be glorified – said in the
Quran 7: 77-78
ÝóÚóÞóÑõæÇú ÇáäøóÇÞóÉó æóÚóÊóæúÇú Úóäú ÃóãúÑö
ÑóÈøöåöãú æóÞóÇáõæÇú íóÇ ÕóÇáöÍõ ÇÆúÊöäóÇ ÈöãóÇ ÊóÚöÏõäóÇ Åöä ßõäÊó ãöäó
ÇáúãõÑúÓóáöíäó . ÝóÃóÎóÐóÊúåõãõ
ÇáÑøóÌúÝóÉõ ÝóÃóÕúÈóÍõæÇú Ýöí ÏóÇÑöåöãú ÌóÇËöãöíäó
I.e. (Then they [: Salih’s people] hamstrung [and slaughtered] the female
and rebelled against the bidding of their Lord, and said: “O Salih, bring us the [doom] which you threaten us with, if [truly]
you are a messenger [sent by God.]”
the [earth] quake seized them, and in the morning they were fallen prostrate [:
dead under the wreck] in their habitations.)
About Shuaib’s
people, God – be exalted – said in the Quran 7: 90-91
æóÞóÇáó ÇáúãóáÃõ ÇáøóÐöíäó ßóÝóÑõæÇú ãöä
Þóæúãöåö áóÆöäö ÇÊøóÈóÚúÊõãú ÔõÚóíúÈÇð Åöäøóßõãú ÅöÐÇð áøóÎóÇÓöÑõæäó . ÝóÃóÎóÐóÊúåõãõ
ÇáÑøóÌúÝóÉõ ÝóÃóÕúÈóÍõæÇú Ýöí ÏóÇÑöåöãú ÌóÇËöãöíäó
I.e. (The council of his people who
disbelieved said [to those who believed]: "If you follow Shu'aib [in abandoning the idols], certainly you will be
losers." So the earthquake seized them, and by morning they were [dead and] prostrate in their habitation.)
the present time, a large number of people have been destroyed by the earthquakes,
cleavages and volcanoes.
(1) Spain
was afflicted by earthquake at 1884, when seven hundred houses were destroyed
in Granada, and more than 2000 persons died.
(2) Japan
was afflicted by earthquake at 1891, so that more than 4000 houses were
collapsed, and more than 8000 persons died.
(3) In
the year 1894, water flooded some areas in Japan, because of the earthquake,
and that led to the drowning of thousands of people.
(4) In
the year 1902, Kashgar [and Andijani]
of Turkestan was quaked, so that about three thousand persons died.
(5) In
the year 1908, Messina defile in Italy was quaked so it was ruined. In addition
to that, Messina in Sicily and Reggio in Italy were destroyed [by earthquake],
causing the death of thousands of people, while other thousands became without
(6) A
terrible earthquake occurred in Japan, on 3/ Sept. / 1923, which was a true
disaster that afflicted the country, when the mountains were shaken, then the
seas flooded and the houses were collapsed upon them. Finally, Yokohama city
was ruined; and Tokyo the beautiful capital was burnt with fire. In Yokohama
alone, more than one thousand persons were killed, other than those killed in
(7) The
Ahram newspaper mentioned on Sunday, the 26th
of July 1930, under the title of:
“The Earthquake Disaster of Italy
news, received today from the earthquake areas, indicated the widespread effect
of the disaster and its great damages; for the houses in 18 districts were destroyed:
in the states (or communes) of Avellino, Bari, Benevento, Campobasso,
Foggia, Napoli and Salerno.
are 142 towns afflicted by much damage; the official news indicated that the
number of those killed was about (1883), but unfortunately this number will
increase as more corpses are being taken from under the wreck. This work is
being carried out slowly, due to the large number of damaged and collapsed
houses, and because of the bad condition of roads and transport in some areas.
There are houses, severely damaged so that they are liable to fall down every
now and then, as did it happen to the building of Melfi
prison, from which the prisoners were transported to Foggia.
Duke Drust and Duchess of Aosta
arrived at Avellino to visit the afflicted places. The king, too, traveled
yesterday from Cuneo, and crossed – at afternoon by a special train – the
region of Foggia. After being acquainted about the recent news regarding the
condition of the damaged districts, he continued his journey to Melfi. His visit was encouraging to the citizens there; and
their meeting with him was so impressive.
government will meet to discuss the essential measures to be undertaken in such
on 26th of July (From the special correspondent of the Ahram newspaper):
is estimated – according to the news coming from the areas ruined by the
earthquake – that 2142 individuals were killed and 4551 injured. The search
must be carried on in the afflicted regions which they couldn’t search because
of the bad weather and because of the difficulty of communications; therefore,
the final figures of the damage and casualties will be much greater than what
has been already mentioned, and it still cannot be exactly estimated.
now, there is a large number of destroyed houses, in
addition to more houses in need of wrecking. It is decided that those, escaping
the earthquake, should not dwell in wood huts but in tents, to await for the reconstruction of their houses which were
damaged by the earthquake.”
on 27th of July (From the special correspondent of the Ahram newspaper):
new disaster has afflicted Italy, while still suffering from her calamity at
Naples; for a violent storm has arisen at Milano, Venice and Treviso district;
afflicting them with much damage. The number of victims in Treviso district
alone was 22 and the injured were more than 100. The communications were
disconnected between the afflicted and other areas. It is impossible to
estimate the number of the casualties and the destroyed houses; actually, the
damage which afflicted Milano and Venice was tremendous.”
[The following incidents and observations are collected by the
Later on, many earthquakes happened, in different parts of the world, with destructive
consequences on people, their houses and property; of these were:
a- The
coast of Chile in 1960. Casualties included about 5,700 killed and 3,000
injured, and property damage amounted to many million dollars.
sea waves excited by the earthquake caused death and destruction in Hawaii,
Japan, and the Pacific coast of the United States.
b- On March 27, 1964, a great earthquake with a magnitude of 8.3–8.5 on the
scale of Richter (see below) occurred in southern part of central Alaska. It
released energy about double that released by the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
and was felt on land over an area of almost 1,300,000 square kilometers. The
death toll was only 131 because of the low density of the state's population,
but the property damage was very high. The earthquake tilted an area of at
least 120,000 square kilometers. Landmasses were thrust up locally as high as
25 meters to the east of a line extending northeastward from Kodiak Island
through the western part of Prince William Sound. To the west, land sank as
much as 2.5 meters. Extensive damage in coastal areas resulted from submarine
landslides and tsunamis. Tsunami damage occurred as far away as Crescent City,
Calif. The occurrence of tens of thousands of aftershocks indicates that the
region of faulting extended about 1,000 kilometers.
c- The coal-mining and industrial city of T'ang-shan,
about 110 kilometers to the east of Peking, was almost deleted in the tragic
earthquake of July 28, 1976. The death toll exceeded 240,000 persons, and
probably some other 500,000 were injured. Most persons were killed during their
sleep after the collapse of the houses that were not reinforced in
d- Mexico
main shock occurred at 7:18 AM on Sept. 19, 1985. The cause was a fault slip
along the Benioff zone (a band of intermediate- and
deep-earthquake foci along a planar dipping zone) under the Pacific coast of
Mexico. Although 400 kilometers from the epicenter, Mexico City suffered major
building damage and more than 10,000 of its inhabitants were reportedly killed.
The highest intensity was in the central city, which is founded on a former
lake bed. The ground motion there measured five times that in the outlying
districts, which have different soil foundations.
e- There were successive earthquakes following just
after the latest total eclipse of the sun. These earthquakes occurred in
the same zone of the shadow of the total eclipse of the sun – the translator.]
incidents, we think, are sufficient examples of the great harm of earthquakes,
whether to persons, buildings or cities. In this instance, we mention His
saying – be exalted – in the Quran 16: 118
æ ãÇ ÙóáóãúäÇåõãú æ áßöäú
ßÇäõæÇ ÃäúÝõÓóåõãú íóÙúáöãõæäó
(We did not wrong them, but they were used to wrong their own selves.)
God – be exalted – said in the Quran 11: 117
æ ãÇ ßÇäó ÑóÈøõßó áöíõåúáößó ÇáÞõÑì ÈöÙõáúãò æ ÃåúáõåÇ
I.e. (Nor would your Lord [O Mohammed] destroy the cities unjustly
when their people being reformers [acting righteously.])
Etna volcano in Italy
(from NASA)
volcano in Indonesia
(from NASA)
The volcano erupts from a crack in the earth crust, which
bursts so that the stones, molten lava, gases and liquids come out from it;
these will collect on the earth surface to form a cone-shaped mountain, which
is usually high, with a crater at its top; this crater reaches actually down to
the core of the earth. There may be more than one crater for the volcano; e.g. Atna volcano has more than 80 craters.
The cause of the eruption of the volcano is the great heat
present in the core of the earth; that heat which melts the materials, causes
the evaporation of water, converts the solid into liquid and the liquid into
vapors and gases, so that these substances will expand because of the heat,
till they break the crust of the earth, and find an exit to emerge to the
The liquid materials, gases and lava will be thrown from the
core of the earth to a great height, then those vapors
will convert into a heavy rain, which may become a great flood that overwhelms
the country; as it once happened in Sicily.
When the volcano erupts, we hear a loud crepitating and
crackling in the atmosphere and inside the earth, and some loud sounds like the
thunder. Then big masses of stones will be thrown up, fire will inflame and
people will be terrified.
The amounts of lava, ejected by the volcano eruption are
beyond imagination; e.g.
(1) The
lava that came out from Tempo volcano in Java, in the year 1815 covered the sea
surface within a circle with a diameter of about
200 miles. This is sufficient to cover all Italy with a layer of lava of about
two and a half feet high.
(2) Vesuvius
volcano erupted in Italy, in the year 79 BC, so it covered the two cities of
Pompeii and Herculaneum.
(3) A
volcano erupted also in Krakatau Island near Java, between it and Sumatra; it
destroyed the entire island except a small
remaining part. [More than 36,000 people were killed by the 1883 eruption of
Krakatau, making it one of the deadliest
volcanic disasters in history. Anka
Krakatau erupted also at 1927, at 2001]
God – be glorified – said in the Quran 6: 65
Þõáú åõæó ÇáúÞóÇÏöÑõ Úóáóì Ãóä íóÈúÚóËó Úóáóíúßõãú
ÚóÐóÇÈðÇ ãøöä ÝóæúÞößõãú Ãóæú ãöä ÊóÍúÊö ÃóÑúÌõáößõãú Ãóæú íóáúÈöÓóßõãú ÔöíóÚÇð
æóíõÐöíÞó ÈóÚúÖóßõã ÈóÃúÓó ÈóÚúÖò ÇäÙõÑú ßóíúÝó äõÕóÑøöÝõ ÇáÂíóÇÊö áóÚóáøóåõãú
(Say: He is the All-Able to send forth upon you, [associaters,] chastisement
from above you or from under your feet, or to confuse you in sects and to make
you suffer of the violence of one another. Behold [O Mohammed] how We turn about the revelations; haply that they may
>> (to send forth upon you,
[associaters,] chastisement from above you) means: meteorites, thunderbolts,
meteors and comets; because these come from above.
>> (or from under your feet) means: the
earthquake, the cleavage, the volcano and the drowning [in the flood]; because
these come from under their feet.
>> (or to confuse you in sects and to
make you suffer of the violence of one another); He means by that the
dissension and hostility among them and wars; e.g. the two world wars which
caused the death of millions of people.
(4) This is a story of a volcano which
erupted in the year 1943, as described in the Reader’s Digest magazine, the
Arabic edition, Jan. 1944:
[Paricutin Volcano]
1943 Parícutin
Volcano eruption at night
(from the Wikipedia)
Pulido is a freed slave farmer; he bought a small
farm in the state of Michoacán, some 180 miles to the west of the New Mexico city.
State (where the Paricutin Volcano is situated),
one of the states of
Mexico (from the Wikipedia)
the Saturday afternoon of February 20, 1943, Dionisio
had completed the plowing of his land and stopped to rest for a while.
Suddenly, he saw a pillar of whitish smoke ascending from inside the middle of
his land, twisting up like a snake, about 50-60 cubits from him.
strange events were taking place the whole of that day; for early in the
morning, the land quaked violently, then – during cultivation – he felt the
soil more hot to his bare feet than usual, then – after all – came that strange
smoke. But when he proceeded to see what it was, he heard a crackling, like the
sound heard when the cork of a large bottle is unlocked.
that pillar of smoke became thicker and rose up in the sky, so Dionisio ran back – amid the crops – to take his wife. But Pulido’s family never saw their land again; because while Dionisio was hurrying his astonished and worried wife to
come, there came a violent earthquake that was
recorded by the specific instruments at New York 2250 miles away.
saw, after regaining his consciousness and getting up from under the wreck of
his collapsed hut, he saw the cornfield burning while, out of it, big rocks and
tons of soil were hurled out into the sky.
family, then found their way with difficulty, through a land shaking under
their feet towards the nearby Paricutin village, but they found it destroyed.
The road was crowded with terrified people running for safety; blankets and
sheets were mixed up with other clothes; the luggage were
heaped on the carriages, while the priest was calling the strong men to rescue
the statue. Paricutin village has never been veiled by night once again;
because the volcano, which previously was the farm of Dionisio
Pulido, by now, was lightening the area by its flame,
in addition to the thick suffocating smoke of sulfur vapors.
fire flames were rushing in the air, and large amounts of rocks, whitened by
the severe heat, were continuously thrown up for one thousand feet in the air.
Simultaneously, there were many violent explosions by which the earth quaked
and trembled. The loud sound and noise was uninterrupted as if there were
hundreds of guns simultaneously fired. This is according to the report of the
official agencies.
grey clouds of ash, fire and black particles reached the surfaces of houses at
New Mexico city, some 180 miles away.
following that was a very great terror; for in the third night, the volcano
cone was cleft; it was a big hot mass like the red hyacinth (or ruby), and it
delivered its first lava stream (i.e. molten rocks and metals); it got out
boiling from the earth core, as if thousands of ovens, for melting iron, were
burst altogether, swept away from the edges and flowed on the sides in a
rushing stream of twenty feet depth, and two hundred feet breadth; it was
gradually converting from very bright white to deep red, while it was flowing
through the valley, carrying inevitable death to everything in its way.
geologists, reporters and photographers hastened to the afflicted valley to Dionisio’s farm over the lava crust which had, by that
time, started to solidify, after covering the Paricutin village; they
approached to the fire curtain surrounding the hell of that farm, and stayed
there for many days, studying this strange event; that is the birth of the
first volcano in the western hemisphere since the year 1795.
the birth of this volcano, its activity somewhat diminished in six periods;
each period was followed by a violent explosion that terrified the remote
villages. The sixth time was on 10th of June, when ‘Paricutin’ -
which is now the name of the volcano – cut a new large cup, some hundred feet
from the first cup, and it threw another stream of molten lava in another
valley. The stream initially flew one thousand feet a day, but it enlarged, and
one month later it enlarged furthermore, until the speed of its flowing
lessened to not more than ten feet a day. These two valleys have now been
buried under thick layers of lava, volcanic rocks and ash, while Paricutin
volcano itself have become 1200 feet above the level of the plane from which it
had erupted, and its width at its base is three quarters of a mile.
I flight to see the volcano, I observed the destruction caused by the volcano
within a distance of 75 miles from it; the black ash now covers what were
before some green valleys and viable mountainous sides; but now the gardens and
farms are removed; the buildings and churches are buried; so that you cannot
see anything other than few of their towers; and many water springs diminished
and receded, while the Cupatitzio river became a
river of slowly flowing mud.
you will see a huge pillar of smoke twisting as it ascends up from the cone of
the volcano, which reached incredible height of 20000 feet.
four seconds are followed by throwing in the air of new amounts of smoke and
tons of rocks roaring in the space; and a huge stream of red hot lava will
erupt to reach a height of 1000 feet, then it pours down along the edge of the
cone running in two tunnels. I closed the windows of the airplane to avoid the
extreme heat and the rushing hot rocks, but that did not prevent the
suffocating sulfur smoke (sulfur dioxide gas) from getting in, which will force
you to cough. Actually, the rushing smoke, the rushing rocks (some of them
being bigger than the airplane itself) and the flaming lava; all these will
make you catch your breath from fear and terror, when the plane gets near to
the volcano on its way to land.
landed in Uruapan: some twenty miles from the volcano. This village has been
covered by a thick layer of volcanic ash, which becomes a sticky emulsion when
the rain falls down on it. There are many ceilings started to yield under the
heaviness of the ash collecting over them, which is collecting more rapidly
than the farmers’ capability to remove.
500 persons come daily to observe the volcano; they crowd in the Paricutin
region, which has officially become a site of tourism. Buses ran to the Uruapan
village, but its road – specially the terminal ten miles – is in continuous
need for cleaning from the ash that covers it. Tourists will then go by car or
on mules to the borders stated by the government to be the borders of a safety
area around the volcano, about one mile from the circumference of its base.
the periphery of this region, there is a village called ‘San Juan Village’,
beyond which there is nothing save ash, lava, thunder and wilderness. The
Mexican government is certainly convinced that the ‘San Juan Village’ will,
inevitably, be destroyed; they tried to encourage its inhabitants to leave it,
but they refused, in spite of that they are obliged to struggle against the ash
and dust day and night; because they gain large amounts of money, which they
had never gained before. They gain this money by preparing – for tourists – the
food, mules and horses, and by working as the guides and translators.
the region of about one hundred square miles around the volcano, there is
nothing green, even not any leaf or grass. Fifty miles away from the volcano,
the viable plants have become dry, and nothing lives there except the resistant
kinds of plant, like some trees.
disaster damaged seven villages, while some others were harmed so that the
plant dried in a land which once was very fertile; sparrows may fall still down
from the air, and water may rarely be found because the water springs dried up
or diminished.
Minister of Relief sent a team of doctors, nurses and social workers to seek
for eight thousand individuals whom the erupted volcano had driven away from
their land.
end has not come yet; for there isn’t any indication that the activity of the
Paricutin volcano is declining, but on the contrary, the violent eruptions are
successively throwing large amounts of hot rocks in the air, which then fall
down on the cone of the volcano, so that it becomes higher and higher, and the
rate of its increase indicates that the substance erupting from its interior
did not diminish ; because the lava is still rushing in the air, then it falls
down and flows on its sides. Actually, at night, it looks like a ‘fire-fall’
[compared to a water-fall.] The Mexicans say that ‘the hell is still free.’ “
this is the story of this volcano, as it is mentioned in the Reader’s Digest
magazine – the Arabic edition.
An image of part
of the Sun surface (from NASA)
is a flaming spherical object, which rotates around itself from right to left,
and completes its rotation within 25 days and 5 hours. They discovered its
rotation from certain spots on its surface; for they saw these spots moving
from right to left and after 25 days and 5 hours they reached their initial
position. Therefore, they realized that the sun rotates around itself and
completes its rotation within this time.
estimated the volume of the Sun to be larger than the Earth by more than one
million times, but it is contracting as time passes; its heat is gradually
decreasing, and its surface is cooling down, so its
volume has decreased; for it has become an old one, and its end has approached.[2]
so on: whenever the life of certain planets
comes to an end, they will be destroyed and another group of planets will be
created instead of them.
meteorites, too, will be destroyed and become minute particles scattered in the
space, and the remaining of the meteorites will be pulled to the sun by the
this way, the universe is going on: whenever a
solar system is destroyed, another solar system will issue instead of the
previous one.
– be exalted – said in the Quran 81: 1
ÅöÐóÇ ÇáÔøóãúÓõ ßõæøöÑóÊú
I.e. (When the sun shall be ‘divided into many spheres’.)
interpretation: It will be cut up and converted
into many globes, i.e. spherical planets.
also is the meaning of the word in the Arab poetry, some of which is mentioned
by the late Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, the interpreter of the Quran and the
Bible, in his Arabic book.]
means: when the sun is broken up into many spheres, Doomsday will take place.]
– be exalted – said in the Quran 14: 48
íóæúãó ÊõÈóÏøóáõ ÇáÃóÑúÖõ ÛóíúÑó ÇáÃóÑúÖö
æóÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊõ æóÈóÑóÒõæÇú ááøåö ÇáúæóÇÍöÏö ÇáúÞóåøóÇÑö
(On the day [of Doom] when the earth shall be exchanged by another earth, and
the [gaseous] heavens too [shall be exchanged by other gaseous heavens]; and
[all] shall come forth unto God, the One, the Subduer.)
‘earth’, here, means all of the earths.
interpretation: The day when the Earth, that has
been destroyed and become planets, will be exchanged for another earth instead
of the previous one, and this, in turn, will become planets also. That is: when
the life of our Sun comes to an end, it will burst and become planets.
– be glorified – said in the Quran 74: 26-30
ÓóÃõÕúáöíåö ÓóÞóÑó . æóãóÇ ÃóÏúÑóÇßó ãóÇ ÓóÞóÑõ
. áóÇ ÊõÈúÞöí æóáóÇ ÊóÐóÑõ . áóæøóÇÍóÉñ áøöáúÈóÔóÑö . ÚóáóíúåóÇ ÊöÓúÚóÉó ÚóÔóÑó
(I shall surely roast him in Saqar.
do you know what Saqar is!?
does not leave [anyone
in the space without drawing him
towards it]; it does not spare [anything around it without burning it with its
is [nowadays] looming to mankind.
upon it [the attraction of] nineteen [planets.])
means: ‘Saqar’ is the new sun, that
appears after the explosion of our Sun, and it is Hell into which disbelievers
will be punished and will suffer on Doomsday.
>> (It is [nowadays] looming to
mankind.) It means: It looms to people nowadays, from faraway; means: People,
today, see it in the form of a small star because it is far from them.
>> (Imposed upon it [the attraction
of] nineteen [planets]) means: Upon it is the burden of the gravity of nineteen
objects, because when our Sun will burst, it will become nineteen pieces which
will be attracted by the gravity of ‘Saqar’.
– be highly exalted – said also in the Quran 74: 35
ÅöäøóåóÇ áóÅöÍúÏóì ÇáúßõÈóÑö
I.e. ([That] surely [Saqar] is one
of the greatest [suns.])
means: Saqar is one of the large volume suns.
– be highly exalted – said also in the Quran 87: 11-12
æóíóÊóÌóäøóÈõåóÇ ÇáúÃóÔúÞóì . ÇáøóÐöí
íóÕúáóì ÇáäøóÇÑó ÇáúßõÈúÑóì
(But the most wretched [among the disobedient] shall flout the [admonition],
He who shall broil in the great fire.)
‘great fire’, here, is Saqar; because it is bigger
than our present Sun.
Question 38
If we look at the Sun disc at sun-rise, we shall see it four times bigger that at
noon-time. The same is observed at sun-set (also it appears bigger); what is
the reason for that?
When the sun rises, its rays are
horizontal to start with, and for this reason we see it bigger; because its rays
are directed to the sky, then as the Earth rotates more, and the day proceeds
on, the direction of its rays changes and becomes vertical on the Earth;
therefore, we see it small. The same will explain its big size at the time of
following is an experiment that proves what I say: Take a glass and fill it
with water, then put a coin in its bottom, so if you look at the coin from the
top of the glass, you will see it as it is; but if you look at it from the side
of the glass, you will see it bigger; and on the same basis, we can explain the
observation of the Sun at the time of sun-rise and sun-set.
Question 39
Why do we feel the heat of the sun at the time of sun-rise and sun-set to be
less than other day times?
The same reason, which makes the sun
to appear bigger at the time of the sun-rise and sun-set, is the same reason
that makes us feel its heat to be less in these two periods of the day; because
the sun rays are horizontal towards the sky; therefore, a small part of its heat
reaches us; but at noon-time its rays are vertical towards the ground, and so
we feel it more hot.
Question 40
Why is the heat from the sun in summer more severe, while it is little in
winter time?
The reason for the first and second
observations is the reason for the third one also; for the sun rays in summer
are vertical towards the earth, so that the heat will be directed to the
ground; but in winter they are horizontal, and
the heat is directed to the sky, so that the earth will not obtain except a
little amount of this heat; and for this reason the seasons are formed.
Question 41 You say that Sun is stationary, and
that the Earth revolves around it, together with the rest of the planets; then
what is the explanation of His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 36: 38
æóÇáÔøóãúÓõ ÊóÌúÑöí áöãõÓúÊóÞóÑøò áøóåóÇ Ðóáößó
ÊóÞúÏöíÑõ ÇáúÚóÒöíÒö ÇáúÚóáöíãö
(And the sun – it runs to a fixed resting place; such [perfection] is the
ordaining of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing.)
saints (or imams) read this Quranic revelation another reading, which is:
æóÇáÔøóãúÓõ ÊóÌúÑöí áÇ ãõÓúÊóÞóÑøò áøóåóÇ ...
(And the sun [goes on] running, and has no resting place
interpretation: It will not stop moving even
if it breaks up; because in such instance, it will become planets, which will
rotate around themselves and around the new sun, and no rest from moving will
be for them even if their Doomsday takes place; because if they are broken up,
they will become numerous meteorites, and there will be no rest from movement
for the meteorites; because they will revolve around the planets until they
will be completely destroyed and become dust particles in the space.
– be exalted – said in the Quran 25: 76; describing the dwellers of Paradise:
ÎóÇáöÏöíäó ÝöíåóÇ ÍóÓõäóÊú ãõÓúÊóÞóÑøðÇ æóãõÞóÇãðÇ
(Abiding in [Paradise] forever. Happy indeed will it be [as] a settlement [in
which to dwell] and [as] an abode [in which to reside.])
interpretation: The ãÓÊóÞóÑ means the ‘resting place’, and
the ãõÞÇã means the
‘abode’ or the place where they dwell. I.e. they are happy in Paradise in
their rest and their dwelling. So this is the meaning of (and has no resting
if we consider the external or apparent meaning of this Quranic revelation,
then it means that the sun revolves around a certain star which is stationary
and bigger than it, so it attracts the sun by the gravity. This is His saying –
be exalted –
æóÇáÔøóãúÓõ ÊóÌúÑöí áöãõÓúÊóÞóÑøò áøóåóÇ
(And the sun – it runs to a fixed resting place) means: It moves and revolves
around a stationary star which does not move, but it attracts the sun by the
have discovered that the sun together with its satellites revolve around a stationary
star, much bigger than it, which is situated in the ‘Pleiades’, around which it
completes its revolution within a period of thirty years.
Question 42 What is meant by His saying – be glorified – in the Quran 18: 86
ÍóÊøóì ÅöÐóÇ ÈóáóÛó ãóÛúÑöÈó ÇáÔøóãúÓö æóÌóÏóåóÇ
ÊóÛúÑõÈõ Ýöí Úóíúäò ÍóãöÆóÉò æóæóÌóÏó ÚöäÏóåóÇ ÞóæúãðÇ
(Until when he reached at sun-set [time];
he found the
[sun] setting under the observation of a black woman, and he found with her a
ÞõáúäóÇ íóÇ ÐóÇ ÇáúÞóÑúäóíúäö ÅöãøóÇ Ãóä ÊõÚóÐøöÈó
æóÅöãøóÇ Ãóä ÊóÊøóÎöÐó Ýöíåöãú ÍõÓúäðÇ
(We said, “O Zul-qarnain, you have either to punish
[these people who worship the sun if they do not believe], or to show them
kindness [if they believe.]")?
When Alexander of Macedon[3]
reached the West, i.e. to Abyssinia, he found the citizens of that country
worshipping the sun, so that they gathered outside the city at the time of
sun-set, looked to the sun and sung their religious songs, and when it was
about to set down and disappear from sight behind the horizon, they all would
kneel down and worship the sun. They had a black queen in front of them, who
led them in prayer, and they imitated her prayer to the sun.
>> (Until when he) i.e. Alexander
(at sun-set [time]) means: He arrived, at that place, at the time of sun-set.
>> (he found the [sun] setting under
the observation of a black woman) means: He found a black woman watching the
sun, while it was setting. That woman was a queen; and her people were
assembling with her.
meaning: Alexander found a people worshipping the sun at its setting; they had
a queen leading them in prayer to the sun; she was worshiping and kneeling down
to the sun; and so were her people imitating her, and doing the same as was
their queen doing.
Arabic, the word Úíä was misinterpreted as the ‘water-spring’; while, actually,
it means the ‘watching and observation’; as is it mentioned in many instances
in the Quran and in the Arab poetry. Examples:
(1) God – be
exalted – said in the Quran 11: 37
æ ÇÕúäóÚö ÇáÝõáúßó ÈöÃÚúíõäöäÇ ææóÍúíöäÇ
(But build the Ark under Our observation and as We
instruct you by revelation.)
(2) God – be highly exalted - said in
the Quran 54:14
ÊóÌúÑöí ÈöÃÚúíõäöäÇ ÌóÒÇÁð áöãóäú ßÇäó ßõÝöÑó
(Which ran [upon the water,] in Our sight, as a
reward for him that was rejected) i.e. under Our watching and observation.
(3) God – be
exalted – said also in the Quran, 52: 48
æÇÕúÈöÑú áöÍõßúãö ÑóÈøößó ÝóÅäøóßó ÈöÃÚúíõäöäÇ
æÓóÈøöÍú ÈöÍóãúÏö ÑóÈøößó Íöäó ÊóÞõæãõ
(So forbear patiently to the commandment of your Lord: for surely you
[Mohammed] are under Our observation. And
celebrate the praises of your Lord, when you rise up [from sleep at morning.])
saying – be exalted – ÝóÅäøóßó ÈöÃÚúíõäöäÇ i.e. (for surely you [Mohammed]
are under Our observation) means: under Our
observation and watching.
we continue the interpretation of the Quranic revelation 18: 87-88]
>> (and he found with her a people)
means: Alexander found, with the black woman, a people doing exactly as was she
doing, and imitating her in her worship.
>> (We said, “O Zul-qarnain);
this is the surname or the title of Alexander.
>> (you have either to punish) these
people who are worshipping the sun, if they do not believe in God and resign or
submit themselves to Him.
>> (or to show them kindness) if they
believe and obey Our order.
the Úíä in Arabic means the watching, and it does not mean the
water-spring. The proof of this lies in His saying – be exalted – in the Quran
18: 91
ÍóÊøì ÅÐÇ ÈóáóÛó ãóØúáöÚó ÇáÔøãúÓö æóÌóÏóåÇ ÊóØúáõÚõ
Úóáóì Þóæúãò áóãú äóÌúÚóáú áóåõãú ãöäú ÏõæäöåÇ ÓöÊúÑÇð
(Until when he reached to the east, he found it rise upon a people for whom We made no shelter therefrom.)
if the
Úíä meant a water-spring, then God – be glorified – would say:
‘he found it rise from a water-spring!’ But the meaning is: He found it set
down for a people having such a description; and rise upon a people having such
a description.
God – be exalted – meant by that to describe the people, and not to describe
the sun.
also is the meaning of the word in the Arab poetry, some of which is mentioned by
the late Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly, the interpreter of the Quran and the
Bible, in his Arabic book.]
Question 43
Are there, in the space, suns other than our sun?
There is a large
number of suns, but because of their far distances from us, we can only see
them as stars.
Question 44 Then
there must be planets that revolve around them just as that our sun has its
They have no planets, because they
are not impregnated; and in the universe, there is no solar system other than
our solar system, but when it will be destroyed, another solar system will
issue instead of it, just like our sun, which appeared instead of the previous
Question 45 Is
there any impregnation for suns?
The impregnation or pollination of
the sun is by pulling to it an earthy
piece, like a meteorite or some of the broken up moons and planets, then that
swallowed piece will start to grow and get bigger and bigger, until that sun
will become a solid object after being a gaseous one; because that piece will
become as a nucleus for that sun, so that the particles of the sun substance
will collect around it, until its substance will cool and it will become an
earth that will burst and become planets.
a sun which is not impregnated, will remain as a gaseous object like the rest
of the stars; just like the flower which will not become a fruit unless after
its impregnation or pollination.
– be exalted – said in the Quran 51: 49
æóãöä ßõáøö ÔóíúÁò ÎóáóÞúäóÇ ÒóæúÌóíúäö áóÚóáøóßõãú
(And of everything have We created two spouses [male
and female]; that you may reflect.)
first (or the oldest) earth, that God – be exalted – created, was a small one;
because it was impregnated or pollinated from the particles when it was a sun;
and when its life ended, it was broken up, and was attracted by the gravity of
the sun nearest to it, which, in turn, was impregnated by its rocks. The third
sun drew, by its gravity, rocks from the first and second suns. The fourth sun
obtained rocks from the second and the third; and in this way our Sun is the
ninth sun.
the oldest or the first earth was a small one; the second was bigger, because
it pulled more rocks, while the third was still more bigger, and in this way,
the earths get more and more in growth and increment, until our earth [i.e. the
previous sun] became nine planets after its Doomsday and explosion; that is
because of its big volume; because it pulled rocks and meteorites more than the
previous suns. Our Sun will become nineteen planets
when its life will end; and that is because of its large volume.
the succeeding sun will be bigger than our Sun. For this reason, God – be
celebrated His praise – said in the Quran 74: 35, describing it:
ÅöäøóåóÇ áóÅöÍúÏóì ÇáúßõÈóÑö
I.e. ([That] surely [Saqar] is one
of the greatest [suns.]) It means:
It is one of the greatest suns in volume [and mass.]
– be exalted – said in the Quran 2: 24
ÝóÅöä áøóãú ÊóÝúÚóáõæÇú æóáóä ÊóÝúÚóáõæÇú ÝóÇÊøóÞõæÇú
ÇáäøóÇÑó ÇáøóÊöí æóÞõæÏõåóÇ ÇáäøóÇÓõ æóÇáúÍöÌóÇÑóÉõ ÃõÚöÏøóÊú áöáúßóÇÝöÑöíäó
(But if you do it not [: you cannot bring about a soora like the Quran sooras, then ward off the fire by the belief and faith],
and you shall
surely do it not,
then [believe
and comply to Mohammed in order to] ward off the fire whose fuel is men and
stones, prepared for unbelievers.)
‘Fire’ is one of the suns, which is also called ‘Saqar’,
and it is that which will attract [the parts of] our Sun, after the explosion
of the latter.
>> (whose fuel is men and stones)
means: the rocks of meteorites; because the sun pulls them to it by its
God – be exalted – said in the Quran
66: 6
ÃóíøõåóÇ ÇáøóÐöíäó ÂãóäõæÇ ÞõæÇ ÃóäÝõÓóßõãú æóÃóåúáöíßõãú äóÇÑðÇ æóÞõæÏõåóÇ
ÇáäøóÇÓõ æóÇáúÍöÌóÇÑóÉõ ÚóáóíúåóÇ ãóáóÇÆößóÉñ ÛöáóÇÙñ ÔöÏóÇÏñ áóÇ íóÚúÕõæäó
Çááøóåó ãóÇ ÃóãóÑóåõãú æóíóÝúÚóáõæäó ãóÇ íõÄúãóÑõæäó
(O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire, the fuel
of which is men and stones;
on which are
[appointed in charge, for the punishment of disbelievers], angels hard [-
hearted: showing no mercy to disbelievers] and stern [in seizing and
who never
disobey God in that He commands them, but they carry out [the chastisement
with] which
they are commanded.)
‘stones’ means the rocks of meteorites.
46 God – be highly exalted – said in the Quran 41: 37
áóÇ ÊóÓúÌõÏõæÇ
áöáÔøóãúÓö æóáóÇ áöáúÞóãóÑö æóÇÓúÌõÏõæÇ áöáøóåö ÇáøóÐöí ÎóáóÞóåõäøó Åöä ßõäÊõãú
ÅöíøóÇåõ ÊóÚúÈõÏõæäó
I.e. (Prostrate not yourselves in
adoration neither to the sun nor to the moon, but prostrate yourselves in
adoration to God Who created them [all], if [truly] Him [alone] you do
Then why did He – be exalted – say ÎóáóÞóåõäøó i.e.
(created them [all]) in plural in Arabic, while they are two? [In Arabic there
are three language forms of the name: singular, dual, and plural.]
>> (Prostrate not yourselves in
adoration neither to the sun nor to the moon) means the kind of the sun, and
the kind of the moon. It means: Do not prostrate yourselves in adoration to any
sun, nor to any moon. In fact, God – be exalted – mentioned each of the sun and
the moon in singular; because the inhabitants of the Earth have only one moon
and they see one sun only.
interpretation of this Quranic revelation will be
as follows:
not prostrate yourselves in adoration to the sun that you see, nor to the moon
that you see, but worship God Who created all suns and moons, if indeed you
worship and serve Him alone, and none besides Him.
Comet Hale Bop/ 1997(from NASA)
are those known publicly as the ‘Tailed Stars’. They are some flaming fiery
objects, floating in the space. Their origin is from the sun; i.e. they are
sparks fallen out of the sun, then they started roaming in the space. Comets do not rotate around themselves as do hot
spherical objects usually do, but they move roaming
in the space; and they are oblong objects.
God – be exalted – said in the Quran
77: 32-34
ÅöäøóåóÇ ÊóÑúãöí ÈöÔóÑóÑò ßóÇáúÞóÕúÑö . ßóÃóäøóåõ
ÌöãóÇáóÊñ ÕõÝúÑñ . æóíúáñ íóæúãóÆöÐò áøöáúãõßóÐøöÈöíäó
I.e. (It [: Hell] shoots sparks like
the castle [in
As it might be the yellow thick
ropes [of
Woe, on that day, to deniers [of the
Judgment Day.])
>> (It) means: Hell; and Hell is the
>> (shoots sparks like the castle)
means: the size of each one of these sparks which Hell throws out in the space
is like the size of one of some large constructed palaces; and its sparks,
actually, are the comets. For this reason God – be exalted – said ßóÃäøåõ ÌöãÇáóÊñ ÕõÝúÑñ i.e. (As it might be the yellow thick ropes [of ships.]);
i.e. like the yellow stays of ships. Originally it is ÌöãÇáÇÊ in
plural in Arabic; this is indicated by the form of its writing font in the
Quran; this may be proved by His saying – be exalted – ÔÑóÑ i.e. sparks in plural, and He did not mention it in
singular; this may also be proved by His saying ÕõÝúÑñ in plural, and He did not mention it in singular. The word ÌöãÇáóÊñ means the ropes of the ship; for God – be exalted –
simulated the long tails of comets to the [long thick yellow] ropes of the
Comets, in the Quran, are mentioned by the
Arabic word äÌã i.e. ‘star’;
God – be glorified – said in the
Quran 86: 1-3
æóÇáÓøóãóÇÁ æóÇáØøóÇÑöÞö . æóãóÇ
ÃóÏúÑóÇßó ãóÇ ÇáØøóÇÑöÞõ . ÇáäøóÌúãõ ÇáËøóÇÞöÈõ
I.e. ([I swear] by the sky [of
Nineveh] and [its] ‘night visitant’!
But can you imagine what such 'night
visitant' was!?
It was the comet with bright light.)
Moreover, God – be glorified – said
in the Quran 56: 75
ÝóáóÇ ÃõÞúÓöãõ
ÈöãóæóÇÞöÚö ÇáäøõÌõæãö
I.e. (But, no! I swear by the falling [sites] of comets [in the future.])
God means by that: the falling down
of comets; and this is a threatening oath.
In addition, God – be exalted – said
in the Quran 53: 1
æóÇáäøóÌúãö ÅöÐóÇ åóæóì . ãóÇ
Öóáøó ÕóÇÍöÈõßõãú æóãóÇ Ûóæóì
I.e. ([I swear] by the [tailed] star
[: the comet] when it will fall down [upon the
Your companion [Mohammed] has
neither misled, nor deceived [anyone away from the right way.])
The meaning: By the comet when it falls down upon the Earth! The
answer of the oath [or the main clause] is:
companion [Mohammed] has neither misled, nor has deceived [anyone away from the
right way.])
God – celebrated be His praise -
said in the Quran 77: 8
ÝóÅöÐóÇ ÇáäøõÌõæãõ
I.e. (So when stars [: comets] will
be immersed [in the earth.])
The interpretation: When comets are immersed inside the earth and will
disappear inside it; because they will fall upon the earth when Doomsday gets
very near; because the heat of the earth will finish, so it will be exposed to
the falling of comets down upon it.
God – be exalted – said in the Quran
81: 15-16
ÝóáóÇ ÃõÞúÓöãõ ÈöÇáúÎõäøóÓö . ÇáúÌóæóÇÑö
I.e. (But I [should] not swear by
[the comets] that [now] slink [away from
moving along [: floating in the space], the swept [before Doomsday] into their
dens [inside the earth!])
This means the comets; because,
nowadays, they are invisible to our sight, and they are going to be swept to
the earth just before Doomsday; i.e. they will resort to the earth, and hide
inside it; and they are ‘the moving along’, which are moving today, roaming in
the space, without any refuge or resort.
God – be exalted – destroyed many
nations, of infidels and disbelievers, by the comets, and threatened Quraish,
the tribe of Prophet Mohammed, by the falling of comets down upon the earth in
the terminal time of the World [i.e. just before Doomsday.]
Ancient nations knew about this
fact, and were afraid of its occurrence; because they saw the comets by their
own eyes, and their fathers told them about it.
The following is quoted from the
Arabic edition of the Reader’s Digest magazine, no. 24, Aug. 1945:
“The Day when the Comet struck the Earth Surface
Rafael Mass – summarized from Sat. Evening Post magazine:
[A. The
Comet of the Eastern American Beach]
view of Carolina Bays
(from NASA)
map showing the site of Carolina Bays
(from NASA)
believe that a huge fire ball struck the earth, some thousands of years ago.
This, too, is possible to happen again.
people deny the idea of the comet completely; they try to attribute the
craters, which are seen on the earth surface, in the plain of the eastern
American beach, to some other possibilities. But large number of geologists,
astronomers and astrogeologists think that the comet
did come.
came, as they believe, from the western-north, some thousands of years ago,
when a big fire ball with a flaming tail appeared above the middle of Canada.
When it was above the North Dakota and Minnesota States, it was larger than the
full moon; but when crossing the sky of Illinois, it was a flaming terror in
the space, while the hot compressed air was preceding it, eating away the trees
of the forests as if they were match sticks.
ball proceeded rapidly, burning the green plains of America, and melting away
the rocks of the mountains. While it was rushing with a speed of 144 000 miles
per hour, the gravitational force of the earth pulled it, so that it approached
gradually to the earth surface until it struck it, between Virginia State and
the middle of Georgia State, and it might have been immersed or dipped few
miles inside the earth, which was quaked by its strike.
comet was not a single hard mass of metal and rocks, but it was a group of
meteorites; the volume of some of them was three or four times larger than the
building of a palace. The entire group was nearly of a spherical shape with an
area of at least about 400 miles.
that all guns and plane-bombs, which had been fired by people, were
collectively and simultaneously fired, and then it might be equal in severity
to that hell which that comet had burnt.
comet killed the living beings so that none of them remained, except few, in a
large area, which – nowadays – includes South and North Carolina States,
Georgia, Eastern Tennessee, Kentucky and the southern part of Virginia States.
doubt, that the affliction with this calamity was tremendous in an area of land
larger than the first mentioned area; and it extended, in the north, to Quebec
district in Canada; and in the south, to Kansas State. If a man sees such a
great strike, then he may imagine, while dying, that it is Doomsday, and
that the end of the world has come.
can only imagine hearing and seeing that damage which would impair the hearing
and confuse the sight: successive roaring of destructive thunder; rising up
flames of fire and curtains of smoke and pebbles rushing in the air. But when
that strange roaring would stop and the dust clouds clear away gradually, we
would find the surface of the quaking earth wounded and burnt; where nothing
remained alive and mobile on it, but only the pillars of smoke and vapors
rising up from many large craters, in which the fragments of that comet settled
there like fire brands; that comet whose life had ended.
scientists are right in their hypothesis according to the available
information, then surely that event was the most horrible calamity that had
ever occurred, and its indicative signs are present upon the earth surface.
What are these indicative marks?
are thousands of craters, on the earth surface, which are oval-shaped
pits, regularly arranged, in an area with a diameter of about eighty miles: from
Virginia state to part of Georgia, and neighboring the Atlantic Ocean beach,
about 20 - 40 miles away from it.
depressed craters, called the ‘Carolina Bays’,
remained unknown until a day came when an officer in a team for land surveying
by the airplane, displayed to two scientists a collection of photographs.
purpose of taking these photographs was to know the site of trees for cutting,
but they made it clear that these depressions, which are similar to volcano
craters, have parallel long axes and that their direction is from north-west to
south-east, so that the sand, which was pushed by bombardments, collected edges
at the south-eastern borders.
was extremely strange, and made the two scientists: Dr. Frank A. Melton and Dr.
William Schriever to visit that area at the first
opportunity; and then, following a detailed research, they suggested the theory
of the comet at 1933. Their valuable research was published in the Geology
magazine, and it was a matter of conversation and dispute among the scientists
of this century.
deniers of the comet theory said that these bays might be formed from the
effect of winds and water, or they might be some lakes which had dried up.
[B. The Comet of Tunguska
in Siberia]
– be glorified – said in the Quran 55: 6
æóÇáäøóÌúãõ æóÇáÔøóÌóÑõ íóÓúÌõÏóÇäö
(The stars [: the comets] and the trees fall down [on the earth in
The ‘falling down in prostration’, here, is the obedience
and falling down upon the Earth.
The trees in the Tunguska region fallen
(from NASA)
reader may be astonished and may deny the idea of a comet that came
roaring from the space, then it dug these bays;
but consider that which happened to the farmer Semenov and the shepherd Lyuchetkan:
witness of Semenov, the farmer:
the morning of June 30, 1908, at 7 am, while the farmer Semenov was sitting in
the balcony of his house, in the northern parts of Middle Siberia; he suddenly
saw in the north a flaming object with somewhat bluish coloration, larger than
the sun disc, traversing the space, then it fell in the planes of Siberia,
between the two rivers of Yenisey and Lena, so it ran
in the space where a pillar of light fell.
spite of that this light was about fifty miles away from his house, the heat
was so extensive to let the farmer Semenov feel his clothes about to burn.
After a while, he heard a violent explosion followed by a violent blast of air
came that threw Semenov out of his balcony, so he fell unconscious, while his
house collapsed.
shepherd Lyuchetkan:
the other hand, in the site of that strange light, the shepherd Lyuchetkan was driving to the pasture a herd of 1500 deer,
and Lyuchetkan’s herd was stricken just before
Semenov was stricken too by the same hot air; so that all the herd perished and
nothing of it was found except few burnt bodies.
Siberian Railways:
hundred miles away, the Siberia Railways men saw suddenly a glowing in the
northern-east, then the train started to shake vigorously; therefore, they stopped it to avoid its deviation from the
barometer findings:
Irkutsk city, five hundred miles away, the barometer instrument recorded an air
wave; while the sensitive barometer at Keo
observatory in England, 4000 miles away, recorded waves in the air.
Kulik expedition:
passed by, and the event was nearly forgotten; but at 1927, Professor L. Kulik, leading a team of scientists, went to that remote
district where the light pillar had risen in the air, where he found a
depression, not very deep, extending over an area of two miles. In that
depression, there was what indicated that something had violently pushed the
sand to the edge of the depression, as if there was a big stone thrown into
thick mud, and its successive rings were still visible to the eye.
that depression, he found two hundred craters, the diameters of which vary
from one to fifty cubits. Every tree within that depression was destroyed; and
15-20 miles around the depression, there were thousands of fallen trees,
scattered from the center in a fan-shaped pattern. Evidently, a strong object
had stricken the Earth in that center.
Lake Cheko in the
Siberian region of Tunguska
Kulik found also
that what had stricken the earth there was a group of meteorites, preceded by a
wave of hot air, as if a mighty compressor had forced it forwards, so that it
had dug that depression, and turned to break the trees of the forests as if the
hand of a mighty giant had stricken them, so they fell down to the ground. This
is the same wave that had stricken the herd of Lyuchetkan
and all the living beings in that area.
were very lucky on that day of the year 1908; for if the comet had fallen on
New York or Paris instead of falling on an uninhabited area, then that could
have been one of the great disasters in the history.
that event was caused by a comet; for on the 30th of June 1908, the
Earth globe was near to the orbit of the Pons-Winnecke
comet [or some say it was Comet Encke.] It seems
that the big comet that had fallen on Siberia was part of it
[C. The Comet of Arizona]
(from NASA)
a Red Indian tribe, narrate a traditional tale that the ‘Great Spirit’
descended, once, to the earth from his high settling-place, surrounded by fire
and thunder, and it then entered the inside of the earth. Moreover, they will
lead you to the pit into which that ‘spirit’ entered; it is a large depression
in Arizona desert about one mile wide, and 1300 feet deep, while its edge is
125-660 feet higher than the level of the surrounding place. So, there it
struck the earth, somewhat less than five thousand years ago, that was another
comet, bigger than the Siberia comet.
comet was a mass of iron and nickel; its weight might be more than one million
tons, and its speed might be 40 miles/ second, when it came down inclining over
Utah and struck Arizona State. The description of its roaring and shaking might
be very difficult, but that was strong enough to push it 2400 feet into the
hard rock that was ground like a powder.
other small objects, falling upon the earth, which may be worth mentioning, are
those like the Cape York comet; it weighs 36 Tons, which was brought by the
Admiral Robert Peary, the discoverer of the North Pole.
may be easy to understand about such [comets and meteorites], and that which
happened at Arizona and Siberia; but it is difficult to imagine the disaster
that quaked America, if it is right that the Carolina Bays were craters dug out
by the large pieces of a broken up star or comet.
comet which struck Arizona dug out a pit of one mile width; and the group of
objects which struck Siberia dug out two hundred pits, the width of some of
them was fifty cubits; but some of the Bays on the American beach have a width
of two and a half miles, a length of three or four miles, and they are – not
many hundreds – but many thousands in number, scattered over an area of about
40,000 square miles. Therefore, if the cause is the strike of a comet on the
earth, then it will be a calamity that cannot be compared to what happened at
Siberia and Arizona.
day, I surveyed some of the gulfs in a region assigned by the Air Force as a
military training center for bombardment; the bombs caused some pits, in the
ground, of 40 feet width; these pits were not more than some moles over a land
having many craters, the width of some of them was about 10 000 feet. In this
great difference is a terrible example; for there may be, in the depth of the
space beyond the stars, some mysterious powers that have become angry because
of the conduct of this human being to destroy himself; and it may tell him, one
day, ‘O dwarf, leave all
this. Now let Us teach you how the
destruction and ruining can be!’
is what has been published in the magazine.”
Question 47 What
is meant by His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 86: 1-4
æóÇáÓøóãóÇÁ æóÇáØøóÇÑöÞö . æóãóÇ
ÃóÏúÑóÇßó ãóÇ ÇáØøóÇÑöÞõ . ÇáäøóÌúãõ ÇáËøóÇÞöÈõ . Åöä ßõáøõ äóÝúÓò áøóãøóÇ
ÚóáóíúåóÇ ÍóÇÝöÙñ
([I swear] by the sky [of Nineveh] and [its] ‘night visitant’!
can you imagine what such 'night visitant' was!?
was the comet with bright light.
will not be [an angel] for every soul to guard it [when the punishment will
swear] by the sky): This is an oath by the sky, and it was the sky of Nineveh
[: Mosul city in Iraq,]
(and [its] ‘night visitant’!) means that which passes in a
road at night; this is an oath by the thing that passed in the sky of Nineveh
at night,
can you imagine what such 'night visitant' was!?) This gives an idea about how
dangerous was that thing.
God – be celebrated His praise – explained about that thing and said: ÇáäøÌúãõ ÇáËøÇÞöÈõ i.e. (It
was the comet with bright light.)
also is the meaning of the words, of this Quranic revelation, in the Arab
poetry, some of which is mentioned by the late Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly,
the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible, in his Arabic book.]
When the idolaters [of Mecca] heard this threatening with the chastisement,
they said: ‘The angels will protect us from the
torment should it come on us; because we love and sanctify angels!’ Therefore,
His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 86: 4 was revealed to Mohammed – salam to him –
ßõáøõ äóÝúÓò áøóãøóÇ ÚóáóíúåóÇ ÍóÇÝöÙñ
(There will not be [an angel] for every soul to guard it [when the punishment
will come.])
interpretation: Not every soul will have a protecting angel [: a guardian] to
protect or guard him when the punishment or chastisement will take place, but
the protecting [or guardian] angels are:
[1] Special for believers; two angels for
every believer after death to protect him from devils.
[2] There are, also, protecting [angels],
special for prophets, apostles and righteous guides; in the life of this
[3] Moreover, some of the angels record the
work of man during his life-time.
story of this comet, which God – be exalted – mentioned in this soora (or
chapter), is as follows:
Prophet Jonah invited his people [: the inhabitants of Nineveh] to believe [in
God alone, and to abandon the association with God and the idolatry], they
denied and refused to believe him, so he invoked God’[s punishment for them],
and promised them with the chastisement. Then God – be exalted – sent one of
the comets which passed through their sky at night; but when they saw the
comet, they believed in God alone, and supplicated Him; so He shifted that
chastisement, and the comet fell down upon another district of the Earth.
So this is the meaning of His saying – be exalted – æóÇáÓøóãóÇÁ æóÇáØøóÇÑöÞö
([I swear] by the sky [of Nineveh] and [its] ‘night visitant’!)
is a threatening oath, and the interpretation is: If you do not believe in My apostle Mohammed, I will send on you one of the comets,
just as had I sent upon the people of Nineveh before you.
is similar in meaning to His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 77: 16-18
Ãóáóãú äõåúáößö ÇáúÃóæøóáöíäó . Ëõãøó
äõÊúÈöÚõåõãõ ÇáúÂÎöÑöíäó . ßóÐóáößó äóÝúÚóáõ ÈöÇáúãõÌúÑöãöíäó
(Did We not destroy the ancients [who denied the
shall We [destroy] after them the later [generations
who will deny the Mahdi, i.e. the Paraclete, and the guides.]
such shall We deal [in the future] with the guilty
[among your nation, O Mohammed.])
are fiery and flaming objects that are stationary in their sites [in the sky];
so they are called the ‘fixed’ or 'stationary' [in comparison to the planets,
which change their sites and so are called the wandering stars.]
they rotate around themselves from right to left. The stars become suns when
they obtain some meteorites and celestial rocks; because these rocks collect
some of the substance of that star, and then that star will start growing and
increasing until it will become a sun.
are very big objects; but because of their far distances away from us, we see
them small. They appear whitish in color while they are young, but when they
become old and are converted into suns, their color becomes near to redness.
[The pairedness (or coupling) of
originate from a negative and a positive currents, which
couple with each other forming a spiral nebula, which will grow and get bigger
to become a star.
(1) God – be exalted – said in the Quran 36: 36
ÓõÈúÍóÇäó ÇáøóÐöí ÎóáóÞó ÇáúÃóÒúæóÇÌó ßõáøóåóÇ ãöãøóÇ
ÊõäÈöÊõ ÇáúÃóÑúÖõ æóãöäú ÃóäÝõÓöåöãú æóãöãøóÇ áóÇ íóÚúáóãõæäó
(Glory be to [God] Who created all [kinds and] pairs:
of the plant
which the earth produces, and of themselves, and of what they know not!)
some of that which they do not know its pairedness
(or coupling) are the stars.
(2) God – be exalted – said also in the Quran 51: 49
æóãöä ßõáøö ÔóíúÁò ÎóáóÞúäóÇ ÒóæúÌóíúäö áóÚóáøóßõãú
(And of everything have We created two spouses [male
and female]; that you may reflect.)
age of stars is estimated from their color, so that the white and blue stars
are relatively newly-formed; yellow stars are in their middle age, like our
Sun; while red stars are old concerning their formation, and have attained
their elderly. The older the star is, the more will its density be and vice
say that, for every moving object, there must be a rule that it follows, and it
is not possible that the planets rotate around themselves without any rule or
basis of their rotation around themselves is one of two possibilities:
(1) Either
the object will be quicker in its rotation as much as it is bigger in size,
while its movement will be slower if it is smaller in size.
(2) Or,
on the contrary, the object will be slower if it is big,
and quicker if it is small.
movement of celestial objects is necessarily based on one of these two rules.
regards the first rule; I say it does not correlate with celestial objects;
because if it was right that every big object moves quickly, then we would find
the sun, which is many times bigger than all the planets, we would find it
complete its rotation around itself within one hour, and we would find that
Mercury, which is the smallest of the planets, we would find it complete its
rotation around itself within 25 days or more.
we must refer to the second rule which says: The
big object is slower in rotation around itself, and the small object is
means by the ‘speed of movement’ the duration of the planet to complete its
rotation around itself and the duration of the planet to complete its
revolution around the Sun – the translator.]
to this rule, we find the movement of the planets, near to the Sun, logical;
these are Mercury, Venus and Earth; for astronomers have precisely estimated
their timing, and have known the duration of their rotation around themselves
and their revolution around the Sun.
astronomers have mistaken as regards the rotation and circling of the other
planets; because they are far from the Sun. Now if we observe Mercury, we find
the duration of its circling around the Sun is 88 days, and its rotation around
itself is 8 hours [Comment by the translator – that must be previously, but it
has now stopped its axial rotation], and its size is one- third that of the
Earth; and so it is the nearest planet to the Sun.
we observe Venus, we shall find the duration of its orbiting around the Sun is
225 days, and its rotation around itself is 16 hours [Comment by the
translator – that must be previously, but it has now stopped its axial
rotation], and its volume is two-thirds that of the Earth; i.e. it is two
times bigger than Mercury; and so it is farther from the Sun than Mercury is.
if we observe the Earth, we shall find it bigger than Venus and farther from
the Sun, and it completes its orbiting around the Sun in 365 days, and it spins
around itself in 24 hours.
this rule, the rest of the planets move in their rotation and revolution. If
astronomers calculate contrary to this rule, we can realize that they are wrong
in their calculations, and have not correctly calculated the duration of their
spinning around themselves, and that they do not know precisely their volumes;
because these planets are far away from us.
proof of this lies in the fact that we see the Sun complete its rotation around
itself in 25 days and 5 hours, while it is many times bigger than all the
factor is the heat of the object: as much as the object is hot, it will spin
around itself faster, and as much as it is cold it will be slower in spinning
around itself, until it will stop completely when its central heat will finish.
This has been said by the interpreter in the past pages – The translator.]
[The Wrong
Calculations of Astronomers Concerning Mars]
Now, Mars is farther from Sun, than Earth is; and for this
reason it completes its orbiting around the Sun in 687 days. Then how have astronomers
estimated the duration of its rotation around itself in 24 hours, like that of
the Earth? And how have they estimated its volume to be smaller than the Earth?
And if its circling around the Sun is truly 687 days, then its volume must be
about twice that of the Earth, and it must complete its rotation around itself
within 44 hours.
In addition to that, if Mars were, really, a little bit
smaller than the Earth, as they say, and that the duration of its rotation
around itself were, really, 24 hours, then the two planets would approach each
other, and they would even strike each other. If it were so, then we would see
Mars just as do we see the Earth in its extent, or it would be neighboring the
Earth and alongside it, so that we could easily cross to Mars from the Earth!
Then how could it be like that, while we can only see it as one of the stars in
the sky, due to its far distance from us?
[The Wrong Calculations
of Astronomers Concerning Jupiter]
image of Jupiter
(from NASA)
Similarly, they have made some
mistakes in their calculations about Jupiter; for they say that it completes
its rotation around itself in 10 hours, and that its volume is bigger than the
Earth by 1250 times. I say that if Jupiter is farther from the Sun than Mars
is, and that it completes its revolution around the Sun in 4333 days, then its volume must not be more than12 times that of the
Earth, and the proof of that is that its year equals twelve of the years
of the Earth, and it must complete its rotation
around itself in 12 days.
On this basis, [celestial] objects have their speed of
movement, and their distances away from the Sun: the big planet will be far
away from the Sun, slow in its movement around itself and around the Sun; while
the small object will be nearer to the Sun and quicker in its movement.
[He means by the ‘speed of movement’ the duration of the
planet to complete its rotation around itself – The translator.]
said that the Earth rotates around itself, and completes its rotation in 24
hours, and because of this rotation the day and night will result; because the
side in front of the Sun will have day light, while the opposite side, that is
not facing the Sun, will have night; because it does not receive sun-rays. And
as long as the Earth will rotate, the day and night will succeed each other.
This is something agreed upon by astronomers.
God – be exalted – said in the Quran 31: 29
Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Ãóäøó
Çááøóåó íõæáöÌõ Çááøóíúáó Ýöí ÇáäøóåóÇÑö æóíõæáöÌõ ÇáäøóåóÇÑó Ýöí Çááøóíúáö
æóÓóÎøóÑó ÇáÔøóãúÓó æóÇáúÞóãóÑó ßõáøñ íóÌúÑöí Åöáóì ÃóÌóáò ãøõÓóãøðì æóÃóäøó
Çááøóåó ÈöãóÇ ÊóÚúãóáõæäó ÎóÈöíÑñ
I.e. (Have you [Mohammed] not seen how
God causes the night to pass into the day, and causes the day to pass into the
night, and has subjected the sun and the moon [to do their function]; each
moving [in its orbit] to an appointed term; and that God is All-Aware of what
you [Muslims] do?)
>> (God causes the night to pass into
the day, and causes the day to pass into the night) means: He introduces the
night into the day, while the night is still in the other side; and He
introduces the day into the night, while the day is still in the other side;
i.e. they succeed each other, so that in one side there is day, while in the
other side there is night.
[A miracle of the Quran: the
authentic word of God:]
God – be exalted – said in the Quran 39: 5
ÎóáóÞó ÇáÓøóãóÇæóÇÊö
æóÇáúÃóÑúÖó ÈöÇáúÍóÞøö íõßóæøöÑõ Çááøóíúáó Úóáóì ÇáäøóåóÇÑö æóíõßóæøöÑõ
ÇáäøóåóÇÑó Úóáóì Çááøóíúáö æóÓóÎøóÑó ÇáÔøóãúÓó æóÇáúÞóãóÑó ßõáøñ íóÌúÑöí
áöÃóÌóáò ãõÓóãøðì ÃóáóÇ åõæó ÇáúÚóÒöíÒõ ÇáúÛóÝøóÇÑõ
I.e. (He created the heavens and the
earth with the true [promise][4]; He
makes the night spherical on the day, and makes the day spherical on the night;
and He subjects the sun and the moon: each [of them] runs on [in continuous
movement] for an appointed term; surely, [God] is the All-Mighty [in His kingdom],
the All-Forgiving!)
word íõßóæøöÑõ i.e. (makes spherical) means: to wrap; e.g. the dresser
wrapped the bandage around the head of the wounded.
Now, dear reader, look carefully to
the eloquence and clear language of the Quran. Look carefully and think how the
Glorious God has declared the sphericity of the
Earth, its rotation around itself, the transferring of sunrays upon it
and the formation of the day and night, by His saying – be exalted –
íõßóæøöÑõ Çááøíúáó Úóáì
i.e. (He makes the night spherical
on the day.)
The Glorious God said íõßóæøöÑ i.e. (makes spherical) because the earth is
spherical in shape, so the sunrays will spread on half
of the sphere so that the day will be on its lightened side, while the night
will be in the dark side, then the sunrays will transfer to the other side
because of the rotation of the Earth, so that the position of the night will
become day, and the position of the day will become night. Therefore, the
sunrays get a spherical shape around the Earth, and give it light and heat, and
the day and night will result from that.
Then again look carefully, dear reader, to this word and
think about its meaning. Can any human being be
able to give a synonym of it? Or can he express in such [few] words all this
information and knowledge?
This word, alone, suffices as a proof of the truthfulness of
Mohammed – salam to him – and a proof of the existence of a Creator for the
universe; because the sphericity of the Earth was
unknown to people until the present time [; the Quran was revealed more than
1400 years ago], and this knowledge and statement have not been
discovered and become a reality except in these present days.
Celebrated be His praise! That Who
created it, rotated it around its axis and caused the day and night because of
its rotation. Celebrated be His praise, and be highly exalted He above what the
worng-doers say.
(3) God
– be exalted – said in the Quran 25: 45-46
Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Åöáóì
ÑóÈøößó ßóíúÝó ãóÏøó ÇáÙøöáøó æóáóæú ÔóÇÁ áóÌóÚóáóåõ ÓóÇßöäðÇ Ëõãøó ÌóÚóáúäóÇ
ÇáÔøóãúÓó Úóáóíúåö ÏóáöíáðÇ . Ëõãøó ÞóÈóÖúäóÇåõ ÅöáóíúäóÇ ÞóÈúÖðÇ íóÓöíÑðÇ
I.e. (Haven’t you [man] considered
[the acts of] your Lord: how He has kept on the shadow [of the earth, which is
the night, continuous on successive zones of the earth: due to its axial
He willed, He could have made it stationary [by stopping the earth from its
axial rotation.]
We have made the sun [setting] a sign indicative of
the [coming of the night.]
We have withdrawn [the shadow: the night] to Us [by
the sun-rising on that zone of the earth c], with an easy withdrawal.)
>> (Haven’t you [man] considered [the
acts of] your Lord)
(how He has kept on the shadow.)
It means: how He has made the shadow of the earth continuous, uninterrupted.
The shadow of the earth is the night; whenever a shadow goes away, another
shadow will come instead of that. That is due to the rotation of the earth
around itself.
>> (Had He willed, He could have made
it stationary [by stopping the earth from its axial rotation]) means:
everlasting, not going away; and that will be when He will stop the earth from
spinning; and in such instance, the shadow of the earth will be everlasting in
one side, and the sun-light on the other side will too be everlasting.
that time, your rivers will dry up, your trees will become dry, your farms will
burn, your cattle will die and you will die from heat, starvation and thirst.
While in the night side, no plant or animal may survive for you, and you will
have no water except the ice; because of the severe coldness.
will be the result of the everlasting sun, and this will be the result of the
everlasting shadow.
>> (Then We
have made the sun [setting] a sign indicative of the [coming of the
night]) means: We have made the sun-set a sign for the coming of the earth
shadow, i.e. the coming of the night.
>> (Then We
have withdrawn [the shadow: the night] to Us [by the sun-rising on that zone of
the earth]) means: We remove the shadow by transferring the sun-light from
place to place.
>> (with an easy withdrawal) means:
easy without any difficulty or trouble; due to the earth rotation around
(4) This Quranic revelation is similar to His saying –
be glorified – in the Quran 28: 71
ÃóÑóÃóíúÊõãú Åöä ÌóÚóáó Çááøóåõ Úóáóíúßõãõ Çááøóíúáó ÓóÑúãóÏðÇ Åöáóì íóæúãö
ÇáúÞöíóÇãóÉö ãóäú Åöáóåñ ÛóíúÑõ Çááøóåö íóÃúÊöíßõã ÈöÖöíóÇÁò¿ ÃóÝóáóÇ
(Say [O Mohammed, to them]: "What's your opinion: if God makes for you the
night perpetual [without being succeeded by any day] till Doomsday, who is a
god other than God who could bring you [day] light? Will you not [then] hear
[the wind and the falling of the snow?]")
Question 48 You say that the earth is spherical,
as it is indicated by His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 39: 5
Çááøóíúáó Úóáóì ÇáäøóåóÇÑö æóíõßóæøöÑõ ÇáäøóåóÇÑó Úóáóì Çááøóíúáö
(He makes the night spherical on the day, and makes the day spherical on the
Then what is the meaning of His
saying – be exalted – in the Quran 2: 22
ÇáøóÐöí ÌóÚóáó áóßõãõ ÇáÃóÑúÖó
ÝöÑóÇÔÇð æóÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ÈöäóÇÁ ...
I.e. (Who made, for you, the earth
covered [with an earthy layer suitable for cultivation and dwelling], and
[made] the sky built [as gaseous layers packed one above another] …)?
Answer: It means: He covered it by an earthy layer, in order that
it would be suitable for planting and dwelling. This is similar to His saying –
be exalted – in the Quran 51: 48
æóÇáúÃóÑúÖó ÝóÑóÔúäóÇåóÇ ÝóäöÚúãó ÇáúãóÇåöÏõæäó
(And the earth –– We have covered it [with a layer of soil]; and how well We have prepared it [for you and for your plant!]) means: He
covered the earth with an earthy layer, so that He prepared it for agriculture.
Quranic revelation is confirmed by His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 20:
ÇáøóÐöí ÌóÚóáó áóßõãõ ÇáúÃóÑúÖó ãóåúÏðÇ æóÓóáóßó
áóßõãú ÝöíåóÇ ÓõÈõáðÇ
("Who has appointed the earth to be prepared for you, and has threaded
roads for you therein.”)
means: He made it prepared and suitable for the agriculture and dwelling; for
He covered it with an earthy layer.
mist came up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground.”
Book of Genesis, chapter 2: 6]
origin of the rain is from the vapor; because sun-rays fall down on the earth,
so that the water of seas and rivers evaporates by the sun heat; the vapor
goes up in the sky, and the vapor particles convert into water particles
because of the coldness of the atmosphere in the high altitudes, and with
continuing of the influence of the coldness on these particles, they change
into snow particles which remain scattered in the sky, but when some of the
water vapor again goes up in the sky, and a hot wind comes to drive it under
these snow particles scattered in the sky, then the
heat of the wind and the vapor will melt away that snow, so it will fall down
as rain.
(1) God – be exalted – said in the Quran 55:19-20
ãóÑóÌó ÇáúÈóÍúÑóíúäö íóáúÊóÞöíóÇäö . ÈóíúäóåõãóÇ
ÈóÑúÒóÎñ áøóÇ íóÈúÛöíóÇäö
I.e. (The 'waves' of the two seas [:
the White Mediterranean and the Red] meet together [in the future, through the
Suez Canal.]1
the two [seas] is a [land] barrier they cannot transgress.)
[1 This
Quranic revelation was revealed to Prophet Mohammed - Salam to him – about 1400
years before digging out the Suez Canal; this is one of the miracles of the
Quran – the translator.]
ÇáãÑÌ i.e. ‘the stirring and roughness’,
means to be rough and stormy and to have waves.
It may be interpreted as follows:]
emerges from the two seas will meet in the sky, and that is the water vapor,
which comes out of the seas, because of the heat of the sun, then the wind
comes to drive it, and will collect in the sky and become rain, which will fall
down upon the earth. There is a barrier or partition, so that none of them will
overcross to the other. The two seas are the sweet
and salty water.
It may also be interpreted as follows:]
was a land partition or barrier between the Red Sea and the White Sea. Then
they dug the Suez Canal, so the water of
both seas met; this is one of the miracles of the Quran.
(2) God – be exalted – said in the Quran 7: 57
æóåõæó ÇáøóÐöí íõÑúÓöáõ
ÇáÑøöíóÇÍó ÈõÔúÑðÇ Èóíúäó íóÏóíú ÑóÍúãóÊöåö ÍóÊøóì ÅöÐóÇ ÃóÞóáøóÊú ÓóÍóÇÈðÇ
ËöÞóÇáÇð ÓõÞúäóÇåõ áöÈóáóÏò ãøóíøöÊò ÝóÃóäÒóáúäóÇ Èöåö ÇáúãóÇÁ ÝóÃóÎúÑóÌúäóÇ
Èöåö ãöä ßõáøö ÇáËøóãóÑóÇÊö ...ÇáÎ
I.e. (It is He Who looses the winds bearing good-tidings before [the rain
which is] His mercy,
till when they
are charged with the heavy cloud, We drive it to a dead land1,
and therewith send down, [from the sky, rain] water, and bring forth therewith
all the fruits …etc.)
i.e. a land having no plant.]
>> (and therewith send down, [from the
sky, rain] water); it means: and, by means of the wind, We make the fall down
of water; i.e. because of it; for it is a hot wind which melts away some of
that snow so that it falls down as rain.
An image of the cumulonimbus cloud
(3) And God – be exalted – said in the Quran 35: 9
æóÇááøóåõ ÇáøóÐöí
ÃóÑúÓóáó ÇáÑøöíóÇÍó ÝóÊõËöíÑõ ÓóÍóÇÈðÇ ÝóÓõÞúäóÇåõ Åöáóì ÈóáóÏò ãøóíøöÊò
ÝóÃóÍúíóíúäóÇ Èöåö ÇáúÃóÑúÖó ÈóÚúÏó ãóæúÊöåóÇ
I.e. (God is He Who looses the winds, and they stir up [and collect] clouds,
which We drive to a desolate [: dead] land, and
thereby We quicken the earth, after it is desolate [: dead] …)
(4) God – be exalted – said also in the
Quran 30: 48
Çááøóåõ ÇáøóÐöí íõÑúÓöáõ ÇáÑøöíóÇÍó ÝóÊõËöíÑõ ÓóÍóÇÈðÇ
ÝóíóÈúÓõØõåõ Ýöí ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ßóíúÝó íóÔóÇÁ æóíóÌúÚóáõåõ ßöÓóÝðÇ ÝóÊóÑóì ÇáúæóÏúÞó
íóÎúÑõÌõ ãöäú ÎöáóÇáöåö
(It is God Who looses the
winds, which will stir up [and collect] clouds; which He spreads in the sky as
He pleases, and makes them [many] pieces; and you [man] see the rain drops
[close to the ground] issue out of the midst of the [clouds] …etc.)
is the rain, which is nearby to the
God – be exalted – explained that the rain comes down
from among the clouds; and it is not the cloud itself that comes down as
rain; that is because the hot wind and the cloud
will melt away some of the snow particles scattered high in the sky, so that
they will fall down as rain, from among the cloud.
image of the Altocumulus Clouds
(from NASA)
(5) God
– be exalted – said in the Quran 24: 43
Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Ãóäøó Çááøóåó íõÒúÌöí ÓóÍóÇÈðÇ Ëõãøó íõÄóáøöÝõ
Èóíúäóåõ Ëõãøó íóÌúÚóáõåõ ÑõßóÇãðÇ ÝóÊóÑóì ÇáúæóÏúÞó íóÎúÑõÌõ ãöäú ÎöáóÇáöåö
æóíõäóÒøöáõ ãöäó ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ãöä ÌöÈóÇáò ÝöíåóÇ ãöä ÈóÑóÏò ÝóíõÕöíÈõ Èöåö ãóä
íóÔóÇÁ æóíóÕúÑöÝõåõ Úóä ãøóä íóÔóÇÁ íóßóÇÏõ ÓóäóÇ ÈóÑúÞöåö íóÐúåóÈõ
I.e. (Have you [man] not seen how
God [forms the clouds from seas, and] drives them [to you, people], then He
compiles the [clouds], then makes them heaped [on each other], then you [man]
see the rain issuing out of the midst of the [clouds and coming down to the ground?]
He sends down – from the sky: from mountains therein – some hail, so that He
smites with the [hail] whomever He wants [to destroy his crops], and [God]
averts it from whomever He will; the flashing of its lightning is about to
snatch away the sight [because of its extreme brightness in the darkness.])
Then look and contemplate that God –
be exalted – said
íóÎúÑõÌõ ãöäú ÎöáÇáöåö
i.e. (issuing out of the midst of
the [clouds]); that is because the cloud will melt away
some of that snow, and this latter will fall down as rain.
is mentioned in the Old Testament, Genesis, chapter 2: 6
mist came up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground.”
Question 49 If
the rain is originally from vapor, then what are these frogs and minute fishes
that, sometimes, fall down together with the rain?
Answer: These animals fall down with the rain; because the wind
carries these animals, and they stay hanging in the clouds, and when the rain
comes down, they also come down with it.
vapor, rising up from seas and rivers, changes into snow particles scattered
high in the sky as we mentioned,
if that region is hot like India, Hijaz (in
Saudi Arabia) and other hot regions, then the wind and the cloud rising up from
the earth will melt away some of that snow into rain.
if that region is cold like Iran, Russia and other cold regions, then
the snow – after increasing and accumulating – will fall down upon the ground
in its snow-form, and it will not become rain; because there isn’t any hot wind
to melt it away except occasionally when it will then fall down as rain.
the snow falls down upon the ground in some districts in profuse amounts, and
it may accumulate to a level of about one meter or more above the surface of
the earth. In those icy regions, people make the carriages [called the
"sleighs"] that glide on the ice; so that they carry their luggage
upon them, and use them also for sports (like the snow skiing) and playing. In
some countries, they store some of that ice in the subterranean vaults and
cover it with straw till summer time, when they take from it their daily need.
are formed from the snow scattered high in the sky,
at winter time,
and also from the snow accumulated on the high mountains in
the cold countries; that is when a stormy wind passes on these mountains, it
carries – by its way – some of such snow to some other places. Then, by passing
in the atmosphere, these snows will be rolled down to be in the form of small
white balls, which will fall down together with the rain, and destroy the plant
wherever they may fall.
is indicated by the fact that we see the hailstone, when the air becomes
somewhat hot; because the hot wind melts out some of this snow, and lift the
other non-molten snow, which – by passing again in the atmosphere – will freeze
once again, and will roll down in the form of small white ice balls, which are
the hailstone.
you break one of those ice balls and examine it carefully, you will see some of
its particles transparent: these had molten out of the snow on its contact with
the hot wind, then they have frozen.
will see some other particles white and non-transparent, which are carried by
the wind as they are and have not molten.
is indicated by His saying – be exalted – in the Quran 24: 43
æóíõäóÒøöáõ ãöäó ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ãöä ÌöÈóÇáò ÝöíåóÇ ãöä
ÈóÑóÏò ÝóíõÕöíÈõ Èöåö ãóä íóÔóÇÁ æóíóÕúÑöÝõåõ Úóä ãøóä íóÔóÇÁ íóßóÇÏõ ÓóäóÇ
ÈóÑúÞöåö íóÐúåóÈõ ÈöÇáúÃóÈúÕóÇÑö
(And He sends down – from the sky: from mountains therein – some hail, so that
He smites with the [hail] whomever He wants [to destroy his crops], and [God]
averts it from whomever He will; the flashing of its lightning is about to
snatch away the sight [because of its extreme brightness in the darkness.])
He sends down – from the sky) i.e. And He sends down the hailstone from the air
[which is the lower part of the atmosphere]
(from mountains therein –) i.e. in the sky of the Earth; they
are mountains of clouds and snow. If you
travel by airplane you will see many mountains spread in the space: they are
only cloud mountains,
hail) i.e. a little amount of hail is formed from these cloud mountains,
that He smites with the [hail] whomever He wants [to destroy his crops],
(and [God] averts it from whomever He will) to let his plants
flashing of its lightning) i.e. the lightning of
the cloud; they are positive and negative electrical charges, from
which the electrical sparks are formed which makes light at night,
(is about to snatch away the sight); because of its extreme
light and brightness in the darkness of night.
hail is white solid small balls; poets liken the teeth of their beloved to the
hail; [here, the interpreter of the Quran and the Bible mentioned some of the
Arabic poetry as examples.]
Large hailstones destroy
the plants [: the crops and fruits] and kill the cattle and man, and, in fact,
they harmed a large number of people.
following incidents are some examples of that:
is mentioned in the Hurriyah Newspaper, issue no. 881
on 13/5/1953 [It was an Iraqi newspaper published at that time]:
hailstones fell on the city Nasiriyah in the south of
Iraq, at about 7.50 am of the day of the blessed Feast of Breaking the Ramadan
Fast [Barum Feast.] Each piece was, as large as a
brick, weighed 160 g. Its falling down lasted 20
minutes. It perforated and pierced the ceilings making them like the sieve.
Many were injured when these hailstones fell down upon them, for which they
were admitted to hospital."
have read once in an Egyptian magazine, about the fall down of some colored hail: ‘red’ in some districts and ‘black’
in some other regions. This indicates the mixing of the soil of the mountain
with the hail that gave it such coloration.
mistake of Astronomers about the tide]
claim that the tide results from the gravitational force of Moon, which
influences the sea water, so that there will be once rising in the water, and
another time there will be falling.
say that this theory is wrong, and there is no
influence of Moon's gravitational force on the sea water. The indications of that are:
(1) The gravitational force of Earth is more than
fifty times stronger than that of Moon.
(2) The core of Earth is hot and flaming,
while the core of Moon is cold, and no heat inside it, and we know that the
heat is the cause of the gravity.
(3) The water is attracted to Earth because it is
directly on its surface, whereas Moon is obviously far away from the water,
then how could the Moon gravity have a stronger effect on the water than the
Earth gravity; so that the first will pull the water of the seas and oceans,
which actually are under the influence of the Earth gravity?
Moon is far away from the seas and oceans, and its core is cold: with no heat
inside it which might enable it to gravitate. And if there is any effect of
Moon on the sea water, then the rain water should be more liable to be pulled
by its gravity; because the rain water is nearer to Moon than the sea water is
to Moon.
The Tide and the Ebb
true cause of the tide is the rotation of Earth
around its inclining (oblique) axis; because the water inclines to the
low place so that there will be some rising, while at the high place there will
be some falling, then the water returns to its place when the Earth rotation is
complete, where the low region will become high, and so the rising and falling
this same reason, it is observed that some seas at the equator of the Earth
have no tides. I can prove my opinion by the occurrence of the tide twice per
day and not more; that is according to the rotation of the Earth; for it
completes its rotation in 24 hours.
translator: There is a difference in the diameter
of Earth at the equator from the diameter between the two poles, in
addition to the inclination of the axis of the Earth of 23 degrees and the
rotation of the Earth as explained by the interpreter in the past lines above.]
water of springs is the water of the rain, which – after falling down on the
ground – will [percolate] and run under the ground, until it will find an exit
through which it will get out.
origin of this water is from mountains. This occurs by two ways:
(1) The rain water, falling down on the
mountains, will percolate through cracks and pores, so that they will be filled
by water, then it will find an exit from below
the mountain, so it will get out as the springs.
(2) The snow, that falls down on mountains in winter time,
starts to melt away gradually, especially in summer time, so that the resulting water percolate in the pores and cracks of
mountains, then it will find an exit from below the mountains in the form of
– be glorified – said in the Quran 39: 21
Ãóáóãú ÊóÑó Ãóäøó Çááøóåó ÃóäÒóáó ãöäó ÇáÓøóãóÇÁ ãóÇÁ
ÝóÓóáóßóåõ íóäóÇÈöíÚó Ýöí ÇáúÃóÑúÖö Ëõãøó íõÎúÑöÌõ Èöåö ÒóÑúÚðÇ ãøõÎúÊóáöÝðÇ
(Have you not seen that God sends down [rain] water from the sky, and causes it
to percolate through the earth [then to come out] as water-springs,
and [God]
afterwards produces thereby plant different in color, …etc.)
means: He caused the water to percolate through the earth, and made from it the
A diagram of the water cycle
[from NASA]
water is heated by the heat of the earth core, that is because of the presence
of fissures and cracks in the stony land; so that fire and hot gases will leak
out or penetrate through these fissures, and ascend up to the cold layer of the
earth; and when the spring-water passes over it, it will become hot and spring
out from that water-spring. Some of such hot springs may give forth a hot water
with temperature that may reach 190° C. Some hot springs are present in the
north of Iraq, near Mosul; it is called the ‘Hammam
Al- Aliel’.
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[1] The
female camel was the miracle of Prophet Salih. She
drank their water for one whole day, and provided them next day with milk
sufficient for all of them.
[2] It is narrated that Prophet Mohammed – salam
to him – said that “Hell will go on saying: ‘Is there any more [of disbelievers
and wrongdoers, to consume them; because it is very big] until the Lord of
Glory and Might lets time and ages pass, after which
it will shrink.’ ” The meaning: until long time elapses, so that it will be an
old sun, then it will shrink and its surface will cool, and a crust will form.
Sun is an attracting object for the planets and their satellites, i.e. the
moons and the meteorites. All of these are called the ‘Solar System.’ The sun
is stationary (relative to the planets) while the planets circle around it. The
sun originally was a star, then it pulled to it – by the gravity – some of the
meteoritic rocks, so that it became a sun; because it started to grow and
enlarge by the meteorites pulled to it by the gravity, i.e. it was a star
then it became a sun.
Its life will come to an end,
exactly as did the life of the previous suns finish*,
when its light will decrease, and its surface will cool within a period of two
thousand years, so that it will be an earth, then it will burst and become
nineteen pieces, which will be attracted by the gravity to the nearest sun to
them. Those pieces will become new planets, after the complete cooling of their
surfaces, and those new planets will revolve around the new sun. Then God – be
exalted – will create, on these planets, many living creatures, and they will
be some inhabited earths just like our Earth.
* It
is mentioned in the Gospel according to St. Matthew,
chapter 24:
immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened and
the moon shall not give her light and the stars shall fall down from heaven and
the powers of heaven shall be moved.” [The exact word in the origin means: the
power of heaven shall be disturbed or weakened.] It means: the gravity shall be
[3] He is ‘Alexander the Great’, who is called ‘Zul-qarnain’; i.e. the ‘man with two horns’; died at
Babylon; learned under the instructions of Aristotle. He became the king of Macedonia
after Philip, his father. He determined to conquer the Persian Empire, and he
overcame them in Asia Minor at Apsos at 334 BC, then
on the shores of Greece (after besieging it for seven months,) then at Egypt
(where he founded Alexandria city.) Finally, he attacked Darius in Iraq and
overcame him at Arbela, at 331 BC. Then he continued his march to the
boundaries of Persia, and went farther to the banks of the Indus River.
was one of the bravest and greatest warriors and champions. Prophet Daniel
foretold or prophesied about him, before his birth; that is in the Hebrew Bible
[which is included in the Old Testament], Book of Daniel, chapter 8: that he
saw [in a vision] a ram with two long horns, pressing with them against the
west and against the north and against the south: and no beasts could withstand
him nor be delivered of his hand: and he did according to his own will and
become great. And for this reason, he was called ‘Zul-qarnain’,
i.e. the man with two horns.
[4] i.e.
with the true promise of destruction and ruining on Doomsday.