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Curiosity lands on Mars - منتديات الهدى
  • تطبيق البحث في القرآن الكريم مع التصفح وتفسير الآيات القرآنية المتشابهة بأسلوب واضح ومفهوم للجميع من كتاب تفسير المتشابه من القرآن.
  • اثبات عدم وجود ناسخ ومنسوخ في القران الكريم
  • وقت الافطار الحقيقي في شهر رمضان على ضوء القران الكريم
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المشاهدات : 38485 الردود: 9 الموضوع: Curiosity lands on Mars

  1. #1
    ضيف نشيط
    رقم العضوية : 547
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 49
    التقييم: 10

    Curiosity lands on Mars

    With God's favor and grace, Curiosity has been successful in landing on Mars, and in sending the first of its images of Mars.

    The aim of this rover is to find any sign of possible life that existed on Mars in the past.
    While to us, we believe according to the Quran that there is life now on Mars and there are people now living on Mars and some other planets.

    توقيع freedom

  2. #2
    ضيف نشيط
    رقم العضوية : 547
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 49
    التقييم: 10
    The late interpreter of the Quran and the Bible (Mohammed-Ali Hassan Al-Hilly) said this in his book (The Universe and the Quran) since 1947:
    that Mars and some other planets are inhabited with people and all other forms of life: plant and animal.


    توقيع freedom

  3. #3
    ضيف فعال
    رقم العضوية : 546
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 67
    التقييم: 10
    The defects in Curiosity mission

    There is no microphone on Curiosity, which is a very simple instrument that can detect sounds of any bird, animal or man ..etc.

    Why is this?
    >> Because they in fact are unwilling to find peole there on Mars; they desire to find it desolate land which they may occupy to be their possession.

    >> The other reason that they are unwilling to find life on Mars, ...because as I said: this will disprove:
    1- The evolution of Darwin.
    2- The atheism.
    3- The enthusiasm about Jesus, saints, sages and imams.

    >> And this will prove the truthfulness of the Quran, which predicts the ET life on Mars and the planets.

    The other important note is:
    Most of them are ungrateful to God Most Gracious, so that none or very little number of them thanked God and showed gratitude.
    I read the address of their president: he did not mention God with any word. He only thanked NASA members.

    Therefore, this too may lead to the failure of their mission.

    توقيع aurora

  4. #4
    ضيف فعال
    رقم العضوية : 546
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 67
    التقييم: 10
    The most recent images of Mars by Curiosity from NASA

    Curiosity, its shadow and Mount Sharp in front of it.
    Curiosity is viewing the 3-mile-high mountain in the middle of Mars' Gale crater

    توقيع aurora

  5. #5
    أعضاء نفتخر بوجودهم
    رقم العضوية : 589
    تاريخ التسجيل : Jun 2012
    المشاركات : 213
    التقييم: 10
    الجنـس : ذكر
    بارك الله بيك على جهودك
    توقيع الموحد

  6. #6
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    In this recent NASA color image of Mars, without any modification:
    For the first time, we see the sky of Mars blue and not red, as is also the ground not that red, but is just like our Earth.

    الاســـم:	pia16052-figure_3color-ci.jpg
المشاهدات: 6191
الحجـــم:	19.0 كيلوبايت

    And in the following image, with white balance: a process to make the image more clear: we see the blueness of the sky very obviously:
    الاســـم:	pia16052-figure_3white-ci.jpg
المشاهدات: 6242
الحجـــم:	22.8 كيلوبايت

    توقيع John Wassov

  7. #7
    رقم العضوية : 419
    تاريخ التسجيل : Sep 2011
    المشاركات : 248
    التقييم: 10
    The melting of the polar caps of Mars in summer

    The polar caps of Mars contain large amounts of water to the extent that they are visible by telescopes from Earth.
    Therefore, when the huge amounts of ice melt in summer season, where will such water go?

    Certainly, it will go to seas and oceans there on Mars, like the situation is on our Earth.

    And here is a NASA image of the north pole ice

    الاســـم:	nasa-north-pole.jpg
المشاهدات: 5364
الحجـــم:	35.3 كيلوبايت

    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة John Wassov ; 08-17-2012 الساعة 01:08 AM
    توقيع John Wassov

  8. #8
    ضيف نشيط
    رقم العضوية : 547
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 49
    التقييم: 10

    This NASA image was taken on Aug 9; it demonstrates the target region of Curiosity.
    The sky appears blue.
    There is a trench at the base of Sharp mountain; if there is any rain falling on this mountain at any time, this trench will almost be filled with water.
    توقيع freedom

  9. #9
    ضيف نشيط
    رقم العضوية : 547
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 49
    التقييم: 10
    I saw some mountains on Earth similar to this view: it consists of saturated salty ground, or moist salt following the drying of rain water pools.
    توقيع freedom

  10. #10
    ضيف نشيط
    رقم العضوية : 547
    تاريخ التسجيل : Feb 2012
    المشاركات : 49
    التقييم: 10
    The strange Curiosity family
    By God! I surprise from such people: they leave the regions suspected of bearing life and go to desolate regions seeking after rocks?

    Very strange indeed; they expend such huge sum of money to dig and melt rocks by laser!!? What is this?

    Will their aim be to find rocks or to find life, while the marks of flowing water have been expounded on Mars?

    Rocks are every where on Moon, Earth and Mars; so will they be successful in landing on Mars only in order to seek after rocks? or after life and existing forms of life there on that planet?

    Now there has elapsed more than one week and they stopped doing anything, claiming they insert a "brain transplant"!!

    Nothing has come new, but only the rumination of few images, not anything else!

    Simple ways for finding life on Mars:
    1- Inserting a microphone and a sound recorder.
    2- enkindling of a paraffin candle: to see will it inflame and keep inflaming: so that the air constituents are ok for life just like on Earth.
    3- casting some paper or board with sweet sticky solution: like artificial or natural honey or dibis: date syrup or something like that: which will attract the insects and other animals.
    4- planting some seeds of some plants that can grow rapidly with relatively a little amount of water and then see will such seed grow or not.

    And such measures will be simpler and cheeper than their laser and analyzing the rocks, which will turn to be like those of Earth not more or less.

    توقيع freedom

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