The reason of the mistakes : they have presumptive ideas and they consider such concepts as facts that are unchangable. Then when their tools and probes give them different data, they
consider such difference
as artifact or wrong in their data and they change it according to their presumptive concepts
The mistake of NASA about the temperature
they think Mars surface is frozen all over and as a whole: while it is obvious that the poles are frozen and the rest of the Mars surface is not, and there are equatorial regions which are warm.
They think Mars is a desolate desert, while it is covered by oceans and seas in addition to lakes
and rivers.
Their satellite that orbits Mars is very high
, and therefore gives them images that are not very clear, and they cannot ascertain whether
there are many surface structures like cities, farms, and forests.
If they put a satellite in a low orbit, they may be able to discover many things about life and people of Mars.
The atmosphere
In spite of the fresh air and clear atmosphere of Mars, they think the gases ratios in vice versa
way, so that they
think CO2 is predominent and O2 is trace! while the true thing is that like Earth, the N2 and
the O2 are the predominent and the CO2 is the trace.
We tell them if they enkindle a paraffin candle then they will see the flame goes on indicating the availability of the O2 in the atmosphere.